Phone Case Of The Month November 2013

Phone Case Of The Month

I am always a month behind anymore on posting the cases I get but I did want to post this one because I really like it.  I am getting to the point where I think I am about ready to stop getting cases because I have so many cases that it is getting a little bit crazy.

Case & Card Case

What do you think of this case?  If you want to sign up and get a case each month you can click here.  It is a subscription service and it is only $10 a month.

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Nails of The Month Christmas 2013


I wanted to post my Nails of The Month  Christmas 2013 nails because I really love them.  They are also different than any of the other nails I have done in the past.  I have to say that I am really loving having the whole nail a color instead of just having the tips being a color.

Anyway here are the pictures of the nails I have right now:

All Nails All Nails 2

What do you guys think of them???  As always I would love to hear your guys ideas because I am always in need of ideas.  If you have any ideas for me please leave them in the comments below!

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5 Things I Must Have

5 Things

You always see the question:   what are the five items you must have on a deserted island? I wanted to answer the questions because it is a fun topic and something that can be answered differently depending on where you are in your life.  Anyway here are my 5 things that I would want with me.

  1. I would want my girls with me just because they can always make me laugh.
  2. I would want my grandma & brother with me because I need people with me because I would get lonely and they are also good to make me laugh.
  3. I would want books tons of books so that I could read them if I ever got bored and I don’t know if I could live without having books to read.
  4. The next thing I would want would probably be water because I am picky about the water that I drink so I would want the bottled kind that I like.
  5. I would want a soft bed to sleep on because I can’t do the whole sleeping on the ground crap that some people love to do.

Those are the first 5 things I  must have if I was on a desert island that came to mind.

What are 5 things you would want with you?

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Nothing Personal by Rosalind James

Nothing Personal by Rosalind James was a fun book to read.  I enjoyed the characters and the author’s style of writing.  I loved how she kept her chapters shorter which makes it nice to read because you don’t have to stop reading in the middle of the chapter you can always just finish the chapter.  I loved Alec and Desiree they seem like people that I could get along with in real life.  I just loved the storyline and writing.  I can’t wait to read more in this series and I also am going to check out the first book in this series and see what I missed.

Nothing Personal Thumb

About Nothing Personal

Contemporary Romance Date Published: 10/18/2013

The Kincaids Book #2

By the author of the bestselling Escape to New Zealand series–

When you wish upon a star . . .

Alec Kincaid has never met the obstacle he couldn’t overcome—or the woman who could resist him. And it’s not going to happen now, not with his star shining more brightly than ever in the high-stakes arena of San Francisco’s software industry.

Desiree Harlin doesn’t believe in fairy tales, and she doesn’t waste time wishing. She’s learned the hard way that dreams don’t come true. And with her reputation and hard-won security on the line, succumbing to temptation isn’t an option.

But things aren’t always what they seem. And even stars sometimes fall.


About Rosalind James

Rosalind James is the author of the Kindle-bestselling “Escape to New Zealand” series (currently five titles strong), as well as the new U.S.-based “Kincaids” series. Her first book,”Just This Once,” has sold tens of thousands of copies in the year since it was published, eventually reaching #85 in the Amazon store. A marketing professional and publishing industry veteran, Rosalind has lived all over the United States and in a number of other countries, traveling with her civil engineer husband. Most recently, she spent several years in Australia and New Zealand, where she fell in love with the people, the landscape, and the culture of both countries. She loves trying new things in her writing, most recently the mystery and suspense in “Nothing Personal.”

Rosalind credits her rapid success to the fact that “lots of people would like to escape to New Zealand! I know I did!”
Twitter: @rosalindjames5

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**Updated**Don’t Let Go by Skye Warren

Don’t Let Go by Skye Warren wasn’t at all what I thought I would be.  I have to say that I was sucked in and didn’t want to put it down and I am not sure why.  While I was reading there were times I had to put the story down and go do something else because parts of it did get to me.  I was shocked at parts of it and I felt like I was there with Samantha and I also could see what she made the choices that she did.  I really enjoyed this book even when I was sitting back thinking how messed up things were in this book.  I can’t wait to check out more books by her soon!

About The Book

Junior FBI Agent Samantha Holmes is assigned the case of a lifetime, along with an enigmatic new partner, Ian Hennessy. She’s determined to prove herself to the bureau legend, but late nights and stolen moments lead to more than respect. They lead to desire, and soon she’s fallen for the one man forbidden.

Together they hunt for the FBI’s most wanted man. A criminal. A psychopath. But when they get close, Samantha may end up prey instead. She must face her dark past to stay alive—and to protect the man she loves.

About The Author

Skye Warren writes unapologetic erotica, where pain and sex and love collide. The Forbidden Bookshelf called her “a true mistress of dark and twisted erotica.” Her dark erotica books have reached the erotica bestseller lists on Amazon and have been Top Picks at such sites as Night Owl Reviews and The Romance Reviews.

“Dark, disturbing, haunting, and beautiful, Skye Warren will take you into the depths of depravity but bring you home, safe in the end.” – Kitty Thomas, author of Comfort Food


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