Twisted Innocence by Terri Blackstock

Book Review

Twisted Innocence by Terri Blackstock was a great book.  This is the third book in this series and I loved it to say the least.  Just because it is the 3rd book you don’t have to read the first 2 in order to understand this book.  I have never read the first book and I have been able to figure out what is going on and fall in love with the books.  I love all the twists and turns that this series takes and how it kept me wondering what was going to happen.  If you love mysteries than this is the book for you.

Twisted Innocence

About The Book

Twisted Innocence (Zondervan, February 2015)

Holly Cramer’s past choices have finally caught up to her, but she never expected them to endanger her baby.

Though Holly’s stumbled through most of her adult life as a party girl, she longs to live a more stable life for her daughter. Then police show up to question her about the whereabouts of Creed Kershaw, Lily’s father. She has kept his identity a secret from friends and family—she never even told him about the pregnancy. Now he’s a person of interest in a drug-related murder case.

Determined to keep him out of their lives and turn him over to police, Holly uses her private investigating skills to search for him. But her bravado backfires when he turns the tables and takes her and the baby hostage. As desperate hours tick by, Holly realizes his connection to Leonard Miller-the man who has gunned down several members of her family. Creed claims he’s innocent and that Miller is after him too. His gentleness with Lily moves her, but she can’t trust a man who has held her at gunpoint . . . even if he reminds her so much of herself.

Dangers old and new threaten Holly and her baby, and lives are demanded as sacrifices for love. Through a complex web of mistakes and regret, redemption is the one hope Holly has left to hold on to.

Terri Blackstock

About The Author

Terri Blackstock has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of “Intervention,” “Vicious Cycle,” and “Downfall,” as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, Restoration, and Moonlighters.

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Betting on Hope by Debra Clopton

Book Review

Betting on Hope by Debra Clopton was a good book to read.  I really liked Tru from the start of the book right up until the end of the book.  Maggie on the other hand wasn’t always my favorite but I loved how she always kept trying and didn’t give up on anything.  I also loved how hard she worked to keep her column and was willing to do pretty much anything to keep her job.  Overall this was a good book there were slow spots for me but is still such a sweet story that I don’t think it matters about the slow spots.  If you love romance novels than I would for sure recommend this one to you.

Betting on Hope

About The Book

Betting on Hope (Thomas Nelson, February 2015)

A bet gone wrong. A small town’s meddling. And a cowboy intent on saving his ranch.

Maggie Hope is an advice columnist whose background leaves her with little advice to give . . . and it’s beginning to show. When Maggie fills in at an interview with champion horse trainer Tru Monahan, the on-camera chemistry between them is undeniable. Maggie’s bosses know this is the opportunity she’s been looking for to launch her career—and their bank accounts. In order to save her column, Maggie takes Tru up on the bet that he can teach her to ride a quick-stepping cutting horse like any cowgirl, despite the fact that she has never been on a horse. And in the meantime, she can get the scoop on the man under the cowboy hat.

Tru has been on the competition circuit for longer than he’d like, but he knows it’s the only way he can afford to keep the Four of Hearts Ranch that means so much to his ailing grandfather. So when his sponsors see the opportunity for Tru’s fans to get to know the star on a more intimate level, he knows he must oblige. To his dismay, Maggie not only invades his small town of Wishing Springs, but she also invades his heart, and that is something he cannot let any woman do-for her own good.

In Wishing Springs, Maggie finds what she has always been looking for: a community and a home. But when her past catches up to her, it threatens everything, even the tender hope that this town holds all of her heart’s desires.

Debra Clopton

About The Author

Debra Clopton is a multi-award winning novelist and has written more than 22 novels. Along with writing, Debra helps her husband teach the youth at their local Cowboy Church. Debra’s goal is to shine a light toward God while she entertains readers with her words.

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Miracle At The High Grounds Cafe by Max Lucado

Book Review

Miracle At The High Grounds Cafe by Max Lucado was a great  book to read.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this book when I first started it but once I was a few chapters into the book I didn’t want to put it down.  There were aspects of this book that I had never seen before and I loved that about this book.  I don’t want to spoil any of it with you guys so I won’t go into the details of this book but it was an amazing book.  I also like this one more than others I have read because it is a shorter book and lately with the headaches I have been getting I am not able to read much so shorter books are great for me right now.  If you love Christian fiction than you don’t want to miss this one!

Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe

About The Book

Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe (Thomas Nelson, February 2015)

What if you could ask God anything? What would you ask? And how would he answer?

Chelsea Chambers is on her own. After a public split from her NFL superstar husband, Chelsea takes a bold step out of the limelight and behind the counter of the Higher Grounds Café, an old-fashioned coffee shop in dire need of reinvention. But when her courage, expert planning, and out-of-this-world cupcakes fail to pay the bills, this newly single mom finds herself desperate for help. Better yet, a miracle.

Then a curious stranger lands at Chelsea’s door, and with him, an even more curious string of events. Soon, customers are flocking to the Higher Grounds Café, and not just for the cupcakes and cappuccino. They’ve come for the internet connection to the divine. Now the café has become the go-to place for people in search of answers to life’s biggest questions.

When a catastrophe strikes and her ex comes calling, Chelsea begins to wonder if the whole universe is conspiring against her quest to make it on her own. After a shocking discovery opens her eyes to the unseen world around her, Chelsea finds the courage to ask, and heaven answers in a most unexpected way.

Max Lucado

About The Author

More than 120 million readers have found comfort in the writings of Max Lucado. He ministers at the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Denalyn, and a sweet but misbehaving mutt, Andy.
Find Max online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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Maya Angelou

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up post.  I only had two other post this week.  I just got busy at work and didn’t have the time to write the other posts that I had planned for this week so I am hoping to get to them in next couple of weeks.  One post that I had planned was an adoption thoughts post about how I feel guilty because of my genetics and a condition that I passed on to my daughter.  I also was going to do a post totally made up of pictures of my day because I thought that would be super fun but I didn’t get around to take pictures so that post will also be coming up in the next few weeks.

  • This weeks quote is by Ellen Glasgow and it is about growth and moving forward in life.  I really loved it so if you missed it you can click here to read it and let me know what you think of it.
  • The other post this week was an MS Tuesday post where I updated on what has been going on with me lately in regards to the MS and my eye site.  If you want to check that out you can click here and check out that update.

This week I saw this picture on Facebook and I loved it:


This is how I feel most days at work because the people I work with don’t understand MS and how it can affect me from day to day.  Next week I have 3 book reviews coming up and a few other posts.  I hope you all had a great week and I will see you back here next week.

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MS Tuesday-Update On Me


I recently had an MRI and I also have something going on with my eyes that I wanted to document so that if I needed too I would be able to remember when it first started.  First I am going to talk about what is going on with my sight and then I will talk about what the MRI showed along with my thoughts on it all.

So I started noticing that I am getting major headaches for the past 6 months or so when I do a ton of reading.  At first I just thought that it was because I needed to start wearing my glasses again so I figured I would go to the eye doctor and get an updated prescription and that I would be back to normal after that.  When I went and saw my eye doctor he basically told me he wasn’t sure what was going on because he couldn’t get my vision to correct which is a huge change from what it used to be like.  I was referred to see an opthamologist and I still haven’t made an appointment because I am waiting to talk with my neurologist about it first.

If I am being honest I was hoping that the MRI would show that the disease was active or that it had been active because I was hoping that whatever is going on with my eyes could go back to normal.  The MRI showed that the disease is stable and that it hasn’t been active in over 6 years which I know is a great thing but I am not happy about it.  Since the MS hasn’t been active I now have to go see another doctor about my eyes because the headaches I have been getting need to go.

When I was diagnosed with MS I never thought that I could go blind.  I have come accept that I might end up not being able to walk but I am struggling with the fact that I could go blind.  For me going blind would be the worst possible thing that could happen to me because I can’t imagine not being able to read books anymore.  I know there are audio books and things like that but I love reading actual books and not being able to do that anymore makes me truly depressed.

Anyway that is the update for now.  I will have a follow up post about my eyes after I see my neurologist and make the appointment with the opthamologist.

How are things going with you guys?

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