Weekly Wrap-Up

Merry Mary by Ashley Farley​

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Merry Mary by Ashley Farley was a super sweet story.  This is a short book and I loved that about it.  Some books that are short feel rushed and I wish that the book was longer.  I loved that this one was just the right size and it didn’t feel like anything was left out or that the story was rushed because the author was trying to keep the  book short.  I spent the entire time hoping that Scottie didn’t get arrested and sent to jail because she took the baby when she found the mother dead.  This was an amazing Christmas story and one that made me remember the reason for the season.  If you love amazing Christmas stories than I know you won’t want to miss this book.


About The Book

A young woman longing for a child stumbles upon a Christmas miracle.

Investigative journalist Scottie Darden is photographing the homeless for her Lost Souls series when she makes a discovery that could change her life forever. Under a makeshift tent in subzero temperatures in a downtown city park, she finds a woman’s dead body with her infant child. Without her cell phone to call for help, Scottie makes the split-second decision to take the baby home. Her initial instinct is to provide the baby with food and shelter until her family can be located. But as her fondness for the baby grows, she finds herself facing a life on the run or worse—prison time for abduction.

Curl up with Merry Mary this holiday season. A heartwarming story of the powerful connection between a caring soul and an innocent child in need.


About The Author

Ashley Farley is a wife and mother of two college-aged children. She grew up in the salty marshes of South Carolina, but now lives in Richmond, Virginia, a city she loves for its history and traditions.

After her brother died in 1999 of an accidental overdose, she turned to writing as a way of releasing her pent-up emotions. She wrote SAVING BEN in honor of Neal, the boy she worshipped, the man she could not save. SAVING BEN is not a memoir, but a story about the special bond between siblings.

HER SISTER’S SHOES—June 24, 2015—is a women’s novel that proves the healing power of family.

Look for MERRY MARY this holiday season, a heartwarming story of the powerful connection between a caring soul and an innocent child in need.

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Murder On Safari by Peter Riva

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Murder On Safari by Peter Riva was an amazing book to read.  This book is a thrill and I love that it takes you out of the United States and puts you into a situation that you most likely have never experienced.  I love this because you can really can imagine something like this happening which always makes books better to me.  I loved everything about this book and I loved how I felt like I understood what was going on and like I was there with the characters.  I am a huge fan of thrillers and this book didn’t let me down in least.  If you love thrillers than I know you will love this book as much as I did.  If you have read this book let me know what you think of it below.

Murder on Safari

About The Book

Only a reality TV producer and an expert safari guide can stop a terrorist attack.

Every adventure starts at the fringes of civilization. For expert safari guide Mbuno and wildlife television producer Pero Baltazar, filming in the wild of East Africa should have been a return to the adventure they always loved. This time they’d be filming soaring vultures in northern Kenya and giant sea crocodiles in Tanzania with Mary, the daughter of the world’s top television evangelist, the very reverend Jimmy Threte.


But when a terrorist cell places them in the crosshairs, there is suddenly no escape and they must put their filming aside and combine all their talents to thwart an all-out al-Shabaab terrorist attack on Jimmy Threte’s Christian gathering of hundreds of thousands in Nairobi, Kenya.


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Peter Riva

About The Author

Peter Riva spent many months over thirty years in Africa, many of them with the legendary guides for East African white hunters and adventurers. He created a TV series (seventy-eight 1-hour episodes) in 1995 called WildThings for Paramount TV. Passing on the fables, true tales and insider knowledge of these last reserves of true wildlife is a passion.

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Night Shade by Helen Harper

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nightshade“I have special coping mechanisms for the times I need to open the front door. They’re even often successful…”
Zoe Lydon knows there’s often nothing logical or rational about fear. It doesn’t change the fact that she’s too terrified to step outside her own house, however.
What Zoe doesn’t realise is that she’s also a dreamweaver – able to access other people’s subconscious minds. When she finds herself in the Dreamlands and up against its sinister Mayor, she’ll need to use all of her wits – and overcome all of her fears – if she’s ever going to come out alive.

This is a new contemporary series by Helen Harper, the author of Bloodfire.

Buy on Amazon UK | Amazon US


Meet the author:

nightshade authorAfter teaching English literature in the UK, Japan and Malaysia, Helen Harper left behind the world of education following the worldwide success of her Blood Destiny series of books. She is a professional member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and writes full time although she still fits in creative writing workshops with schools along with volunteering to teach reading to a group of young Myanmar refugees. That’s not to mention the procession of stray cats which seem to find their way to her door!

Find Helen Harper on Goodreads and check out more about Helen on her website.

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Helen Keller-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Helen Keller.

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This is another quote that I found last week and had to use it right away because I loved what she said.  It is so true because you can’t touch or hold the love you have for other people.  All you do is feel love.  At times it would be nice to be able to hold it so it could seem more real and not such a far off concept.  Anyway those are a few of my thoughts on this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Helen Keller?

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