Writers Workshop-Best or Worst Gift

Best Or Worst Gifts

This week I chose to write about number four which is: Best or worst gift you have received. When I saw this prompt I knew I wanted to write about it because one of the worst days in my life happened on Christmas and I don’t think I have ever written about it on my blog so I figured now is as good as any time to talk about it.

Now that being said this wasn’t a true gift because I couldn’t hold it or anything like that, but it did happen on Christmas day.  It was about 4 years ago since my now ex-husband thought it would be a great idea to send me a text message on Christmas day telling me that he wanted to get a divorce.  We did end up trying to figure things out after but it didn’t work because he could never understand why telling some that they want a divorce on Christmas was something that I could never forget.  I still have a heard time at Christmas because of what he did but every year I do my best to not let what he did bring me down.

What was your best or worst gift?

Here are all the prompts for this weeks writers workshop in case you want to pick one and write about it.

1. Write a blog post inspired by the last text exchange you responded to.
2. Share a favorite holiday inspired recipe!
3. Create a gift guide.
4. Best or worst gift you ever received.
5. Describe how you would celebrate the holidays if it was totally up to you and money was not a factor.
6. Write a blog post inspired by the word: frozen.

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Resuscitation: A Sami Rizzo Thriller by DM Annechino

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Resuscitation by A Sami Rizzo Thriller by DM Annechino was a good book.  I did at points in the book laugh because of how far fetched parts on this book was.  Even with me saying that I still really enjoyed this story.  This is the 2nd book in the series and you don’t have to read the first book if you don’t want to.  I didn’t finish the first book because of the content and it made me super uncomfortable and I was able to understand this book.  I would say though that if you want to read all the books in this series start with the first book because if you read them out of order you will ruin parts of the first book.  I love this authors writing and I did enjoy this book even more that some because part of it takes place in the medical field and I always love books that include things like that.  If you love thrillers I know you will love this book and this series.


About The Book

Two years ago, Detective Sami Rizzo narrowly escaped a brush with death at the hands of a serial killer. After apprehending the killer and bringing him to justice, this life-changing event compels her to resign from the police force. In her heart of hearts, however, she struggles with the decision. But a second serial killer—a well- respected doctor gone astray—uses his charm to seduce his victims and then performs horrific surgical experiments on them. In a final act of depravity, he scatters their mutilated bodies throughout San Diego County. Feeling a sense of duty and obligation, Sami Rizzo appeals to the police chief and mayor, and they reinstate her as a homicide investigator. As the body count grows and the killer’s experiments become more and more brutal, Sami follows one dead-end lead after another, while trying to deal with a sickly mother and a turbulent relationship with her lover. But then the killer makes a crucial mistake: one of his victims survives. Sami does everything to protect the barely alive victim, but the killer has a different plan.

D.M. Annechino

About The Author

Daniel M. Annechino, a former book editor specializing in full-length fiction, wrote his first book, How to Buy the Most Car for the Least Money, in 1992 while working as a General Manager in the automobile business. But his passion had always been fiction, particularly thrillers. He spent two years researching serial killers before finally penning his gripping and memorable debut novel They Never Die Quietly.

His second book, Resuscitation (Thomas & Mercer 2011), a follow-up to his first novel, hit #1 in Kindle sales in the UK and reached #26 in the USA. He is also the author of I Do Solemnly Swear (Thomas & Mercer 2012) and Hypocrisy. A Piece of You is his fifth novel, the third in the Detective Sami Rizzo series. A native of New York, Annechino now lives in San Diego with his wife, Jennifer. He loves to cook, enjoys a glass of vintage wine, and spends lots of leisure time on the warm beaches of Southern California.


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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

How are we almost to Christmas and the end of year???  Anyway, let’s get on to all the posts from this past week.

Commander Henry Gallant by H. Peter Alleso

Whispers In The Reading Room by Shelley Gray

Samuel Butler-Quote Of The Week

Love or Justice

The Girl From The Train by Irma Joubert

Favorite Quote-Writers Workshop

Love or Justice by Rachel Mannino

A Paris Christmas by Cynthia Gail

Once again I am super busy at work because we are moving part of the business and I am also going to working for another company come the first of next year.  I hope everyone has had a great week.  I hope that I will see you back here next week.

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A Paris Christmas by Cynthia Gail

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Billionaire Nicholas Adrien Rousseau works seven days a week. He lives on a schedule, doesn’t like surprises, plans his days, and outlines his goals. Until an irresistible blonde slides into the backseat of his Mercedes, mistaking him for the driver of the car service provided by his company, Bridal Bliss.

Bella Rose is late for the airport. The opportunity to turn Creative Couture into an International marketing firm is a dream come true, but if she doesn’t catch the last flight home to the states, she’ll miss Christmas Eve with her family.

Two strangers with an attraction that could melt an iceberg, are stranded in the heart of Paris, the city of light and love. When Bella throws caution to the wind, deciding to accept the spontaneity life has thrown her and enjoy the journey, she never imagines it will lead to the man of her dreams. Adrien realizes too late that by hiding his identity, he could lose the one woman who loves the man and not the money.

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About the author:

My husband and I live in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee with our three dogs. When I’m not working or writing, I can be found with family and friends. I love to bake in the winter, grill in the summer, and on occasion, I sneak away from everyone and curl up with a good book.

Website: http://cynthiagail.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CynthiaGailRomance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CynthiaGailBook

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Love or Justice by Rachel Mannino

Winter Book Review

Love or Justice by Rachel Mannino was a great book.  I was a nice change to get back to a book like this one because I do love this genre of book.  I have always been a fan of these types of books so much so that I have been to know to buy them even though I know I won’t get around to reading them for years.  This book was pretty predictable to me, but that is probably because I have read so many books like this one that it is easy for me to figure out the pattern and see what is going to happen before it actually happens.  Even with that being said I still loved this book and was sad when it was over because I fell in love with all the characters right from the start of the book.  I would recommend this book to anyone who loves suspense/thriller novels because I know you will love it just as much as I did.

Love or Justice by Rachel Mannino

About The Book

Laurie Shelton is the only person alive who can identify Hawaii’s most notorious mob boss…

After stumbling into a deadly kidnapping, Laurie’s life is in grave danger, and it falls to US Marshal Dante Stark to keep her safe until she testifies against Kaimi Quamboa—assuming he can be captured.

Dante knows he’ll lose his job if he becomes romantically involved with a witness…

But when he has to comfort her through constant nightmares, he finds it nearly impossible to fight his attraction to the beautiful, strong young woman he is sworn to protect. Laurie feels it too, but aware she’s in a high-stress situation and that when the danger is passed she’ll never see Dante again, she tries to ignore his easygoing smile and the security he offers.

Laurie and Dante are forced to flee again…

When Kaimi’s men descend on their hideaway, they escape to a second safe house, only to be tracked down there as well. Dante now knows there’s a mole inside the US Marshal Service, and the only thing left to do is disappear.

Kaimi will never stop looking for Laurie, and if he’s caught, showing up to testify could be the last thing she ever does.

With each choice as dangerous as the next, Dante and Laurie must confront the boundaries of what they’re willing to sacrifice, and which is more important…

Love or Justice.

Rachel Mannino

About The Author

Rachel Mannino is a passionate writer who creates characters and settings that allow readers to explore power dynamics in relationships, the empowerment of women, and the ethical and moral dilemmas love can create in our lives. Rachel also uses her writing skills to raise thousands of dollars for entities that enrich our lives and create community change around the world.  She has worked for the Peace Corps; the Humanities Council of Washington, DC; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company; and the Mayor’s Office of Arts, Tourism and Special Events in Boston, MA. Her first novel, Love or Justice, was published by Limitless Press in November 2016. Her second novel, Fractal, will be published by eTreasures publishing in the spring of 2016. Rachel has a BA in theatre studies and writing, literature, and publishing from Emerson College, and she has used it every day since graduation.  She lives with her husband, author Christopher Mannino (http://www.christophermannino.com/), and their adorable dog and cat in College Park, Maryland.

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Winter FTC

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