Redeeming Cade by Susan Crawford

Book Review 1-2016

Redeeming Cade by Susan Crawford was a great book.  I loved Cade from the start of the book and I just loved him even more as the story went on.  There was something that I liked about Darby but I wasn’t totally sure about her because of her being a politician and I didn’t like how she acted from time to time.  That being said though I could tell she was a good person and I hoped that things would work out for everyone involved in the book.  This is a shorter book which is truly enjoyed because I was able to read it all even though I have been super busy with work.  If you are looking for super sweet story to read than I know you will love this book.

Redeeming Cade by Susan Crawford

About The Book

Cade McGuire has turned a one-eighty. The ex-con is now assistant director at the downtown mission that gave him a fresh start when he needed it most. When Cade attends a press conference and discovers that a woman running for a seat on the city council plans to close the mission, he can’t just stand by. Not even for a politician as beautiful as Darby Phillips.

Darby has been groomed her whole life for a future in politics. The City Council seat is just the first step in following her grandfather’s footsteps and making a difference for the community. When the obviously blue-collar Cade confronts her at a press conference, demanding she come and meet the people she’ll displace with her fancy new entertainment district, she knows refusing would be political suicide. No problem. A few hours at a rundown mission won’t change anything.

As Darby and Cade butt heads over what the city needs most, one unsettling thing becomes clear: though they’re from opposite worlds, they might just be what each other needs.

Susan Crawford

About The Author

Susan Crawford is an author of inspirational contemporary romance, published by Redbud Press. Before publication, her debut novel, Saving Justice, was named a finalist in the 2014 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis writing contest. Susan lives in Oklahoma City, where she happily crams writing in between being a wife, mom, and small business owner.

Visit her online at to sign up for her email newsletter and be the first to hear about her writing news and upcoming releases.

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Winter FTC

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Happy New Year-Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy New Year

I have never been so ready for the new year to get started as I am this year.  So much has changed and will be changing this year that I can’t wait for it all to happen and then be able to find my new routine.  Anyway here are the posts from the past couple of weeks in case you missed any of them.

Thomas Aquinas-Quote Of The Week

MS Tuesday: MRI & Treatment Updates

Breaking Wild by Diane Les Becquets

Merry Christmas

Cyril Cusack-Quote Of The Week

At Love’s Bidding by Regina Jennings

A Piece of You: A Sami Rizzo Thriller by D.M. Annechino

Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus #killerpursuit

Those are all the post’s from the past 2 weeks.  I hope I will see you here again next week.  I have tons of reviews that are going to be coming up and other fun things I hoping I will be able to get done in the coming year.  I hope you all have a great new year!

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Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus #killerpursuit

Winter Book Review

Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus was a good book.  I have read tons of books this past year and I think that this book is at the top of the list of the books I have enjoyed reading this year.  I also really enjoyed this authors style of writing and his characters.  I also can’t wait to pick a few of his others books up in the new year.  Anyway, let’s get on to the review of this book.  I am a huge fan of Allison because she is such a strong female character that can be hard to find in books in this genre.  I really can’t say enough great things about this book because I loved it from the start and I was left feeling sad when I was done with it because I loved the book.  I know I am adding his other books to my list so that I can read more of his books.  If you love thriller type books than I would recommend this book to you.

Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus

About The Book

When a high-society call girl is murdered in her Georgetown home, investigators find two cameras hidden in the walls of her bedroom. One has its memory erased, presumably by the murderer. The second is connected to the Internet through an encrypted connection…and no-one knows who’s on the other end.

Special Agent Allison McNeil is asked by beleaguered FBI Director Clarence Mason to run an off-the-record investigation of the murder. The most direct path to apprehending the killer is to find the videos, but with rumors that the victim’s client list may have included Mason’s political enemies, Allison worries about the director’s motives. As she starts her investigation, she quickly discovers that she’s not the only one pursuing the videos. In fact, the most aggressive person racing against her might be the murderer himself.

Jeff Gunhus

About The Author

Jeff Gunhus is the author thriller and horror novels for adults and the middle grade/YA series, The Templar Chronicles. The first book, Jack Templar Monster Hunter, was written in an effort to get his reluctant reader eleven-year old son excited about reading. It worked and a new series was born. His books for adults have reached the Top 100 on Amazon and have been Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Finalists.

After his experience with his son, he is passionate about helping parents reach young reluctant readers and is active in child literacy issues. As a father of five, he leads an active lifestyle in Maryland with his wife Nicole by trying to constantly keep up with their kids. In rare moments of quiet, he can be found in the back of the City Dock Cafe in Annapolis working on his next novel.

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Winter FTC

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A Piece of You: A Sami Rizzo Thriller by D.M. Annechino

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A Piece of You: A Sami Rizzo Thriller by D.M. Annechino was by far my favorite book in the series.  I think this was my favorite because I could see the things in this book actually happen.  Because of the subject matter in book one, I wasn’t able to bring myself to read it but this one is 100% better than book two was.  Even with this book being the third one in the series it can be read as a stand alone book but like I said before if want to read the whole series I would start with book one.   I really enjoyed the serial killer in this book and to be honest, I am not sure why.  I liked this book as well because I had a hard time figuring out the whole the killer was and I was interested as to why he was killing members of a certain family and not just random people.  This book was well written like the other two books were and it is a story I would for sure read again because I enjoyed it that much.  If you love thrillers I know you will enjoy this one as much as I did.

A Piece of You

About The Book

Homicide Detective Sami Rizzo is at it again! She never dreamed “America’s Finest City,” would be tormented by yet another serial killer, but for the third time in the last five years a depraved maniac is stalking the streets of San Diego. Based on her qualifications and prior successes dealing with multiple murders, who else would Captain Davison assign to head the investigation?

Different from Sami’s past experiences, this fanatic is like no other. His methods of killing defy everything profilers think they know about serial killers. As an intense investigation begins and bits and pieces of evidence emerge, no one can understand his motivation. He’s merciful, yet brutal. And just to make things even more confusing, all of his victims are blood-related. Is he settling a vendetta? Did he randomly pick a name out of the phone book and begin a rampage? Or is there a deeper story?

Based on very little evidence and a lot of gut instincts, Detective Rizzo pieces together a complex puzzle and narrows the field of possible suspects. She learns that the killings may connect in some way to powerful people within the judicial system and doesn’t know who to trust. Ultimately, she comes face to face with the killer for a battle of brain and brawn. Can she outwit the shrewd killer, or will she be his next victim?

D.M. Annechino

About The Author

Daniel M. Annechino, a former book editor specializing in full-length fiction, wrote his first book, How to Buy the Most Car for the Least Money, in 1992 while working as a General Manager in the automobile business. But his passion had always been fiction, particularly thrillers. He spent two years researching serial killers before finally penning his gripping and memorable debut novel They Never Die Quietly.

His second book, Resuscitation (Thomas & Mercer 2011), a follow-up to his first novel, hit #1 in Kindle sales in the UK and reached #26 in the USA. He is also the author of I Do Solemnly Swear (Thomas & Mercer 2012) and Hypocrisy. A Piece of You is his fifth novel, the third in the Detective Sami Rizzo series. A native of New York, Annechino now lives in San Diego with his wife, Jennifer. He loves to cook, enjoys a glass of vintage wine, and spends lots of leisure time on the warm beaches of Southern California.

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Winter FTC

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At Love’s Bidding by Regina Jennings

Winter Book Review

At Love’s Bidding by Regina Jennings was a fun book to read.  I found myself smiling throughout the book because of the crazy things that kept happening to Miranda and her grandfather as they tried to find a painting that got sold on accident.    I truly enjoyed this authors style of writing and how she was able to make you feel as though you are there with the characters.  I loved all of the characters from the town in Missouri because they all have such big personalities that you couldn’t help but love them.  I loved this book because it was light hearted and super easy to read and I was able to get through it in a few days and I was left feeling good because of how light-hearted this book was.  If you love historical fiction than I would recommend this book to you be even if you don’t I would still check out this book because I am sure you will loved it.

At Love's Bidding by Regina Jennings

About The Book

After helping her grandfather at their Boston auction house, Miranda Wimplegate discovers she’s accidentally sold a powerful family’s prized portrait to an anonymous bidder. Desperate to appease the furious family, her grandfather tracks it to the Missouri Ozarks and makes an outlandish offer to buy the local auction house if they promise not to sell anything until he arrives.

Upon their arrival, however, they discover their new business doesn’t deal in fine antiques, but in livestock. And its manager, ruggedly handsome Wyatt Ballentine, is frustrated to discover his fussy new bosses don’t know a thing about the business he’s single-handedly kept afloat. Faced with more cattle than they can count–but no mysterious painting–Miranda and Wyatt form an unlikely but charged partnership to try and salvage a bad situation getting worse.


About The Author

Regina Jennings is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University with a degree in English and a history minor. She has worked at The Mustang News and First Baptist Church of Mustang, along with time at the Oklahoma National Stockyards and various livestock shows. She now lives outside Oklahoma City with her husband and four children.

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