
Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton

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Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton was an excellent book.  This is the third book in the series, and you can just read this one if it is the only one that interests you.  I do want to say that if you wish to read the entire series start at the beginning because this book will give things away if you start with it.  I think Jarrod is my favorite character from this series because he seemed like he was the most relatable to me and someone I could see myself getting along with in the real world.  I felt sorry for Cassidy and everything that she had gone through while growing up and even the things she went through as an adult.  I think this book is the most relatable and one that most people will love.  I can’t say enough great things about this series and this author writing.  I think that most people would enjoy this book and series.

Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton

About The Book

Cassidy was looking for a home and a place to belong . . . not for a cowboy to steal her heart.

Having lived through her parents’ endless string of “matrimonial bliss gone wrong,” Cassidy Starr knows when the odds are not in her favor. Divorced and humiliated, her faith on rocky ground, Cassidy is through with love. She’s been bucked off that horse far too many times. Instead, she returns to Wishing Springs, Texas, and the rundown farm she’s inherited from her great aunt Roxie. She’ll reopen the strawberry farm and a bed & breakfast and follow in her aunt’s footsteps, remaining forever-independent, happy . . . and single.

Rancher Jarrod Monahan’s hands are full running the ranch, looking after his ailing grandfather, and chasing down a group of rustlers on the loose. He’s pushed his longing for a family to the bottom of his list of priorities. Besides, he was in love once but ran scared and lost his shot at happiness. But suddenly, the biggest regret of his life has moved in next door with a wounded heart, determined to become a spinster . . . and that’s a challenge that Jarrod can’t pass up.

Jarrod sets his mind to breaking down the walls around Cassidy’s stubborn heart. How can he show her that a cowboy’s kiss lasts forever?  For the good folks of Wishing Springs, falling in love has never been so much fun to witness.

Debra Clopton

About The Author

Debra Clopton is a multi-award winning novelist and has written more than 22 novels. Along with writing, Debra helps her husband teach the youth at their local Cowboy Church. Debra’s goal is to shine a light toward God while she entertains readers with her words.

Find Debra online:
website, Facebook, Twitter

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A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley

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A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley was kind of predictable but I still actually enjoyed the story and the authors style of writing.  I do like to read books like this from time to time because I enjoy the humor in this type of books.  I tend to gravitate towards these books when I have read books that have heavier subject matters.  This book reminded me of the movie Cast Away, which I liked because I love watching that movie.  I couldn’t help but smile when Joanna adopts a pet monkey within hours of waking up on the island with Connor because I could see myself doing something like that.  Like I said before even though I found this book to be predictable I still really enjoyed it and I am for sure going to check out some of her other books.  If you love romance and comedy books than I know you will love this book as much as I did.

A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley

About The Book

Joanna Price is a city girl with the perfect life. She loves her job as a book editor, she just married Liam, high profile bestselling author and the man of her dreams, and she’s headed to the Caribbean to enjoy two weeks of paradise for her luxurious honeymoon.
Connor Duffield is a gruff, grumpy rancher from the Midwest. He is a country boy who has a no-nonsense approach to life, more scars than he’d like to admit, and he hates city girls.

So it’s just a misfortune they have to sit next to each other for a six hour plane ride. Even more so when their flight is caught in the perfect storm and Joanna wakes up stranded on a desert island with Connor, the very man she hoped she would never have to see again.

Why are they alone on this forsaken island? What happened to Joanna’s husband?

When her dream honeymoon turns into a hilarious tropical nightmare, Joanna’s first thought is survival. However, she and Connor will quickly discover just how boring paradise can be. As the days turn to weeks, and then months, this mismatched pair will have to learn how to coexist and how to resist the sparkles of an attraction they weren’t prepared to feel.

When they are finally rescued will Joanna’s marriage be saved as well, or will the life she knew and loved be in ruins?

Camilla Isley

About The Author

Hi! I’m a writer of romantic comedy, cat’s lover, coffee addict, and shoes hoarder.
Besides writing, I love reading (surprise, surprise), cooking—and eating—especially pasta, going to the movies and obviously ordering a gigantic bowl of popcorn, and watching too much bad TV.
I understand that mosquitoes play a role in the ecosystem as a part of other animals’ diet, and I don’t want to starve all those frog princes out there, but I could really live without them.

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Heliotrope by JC Miller

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Heliotrope by JC Miller was another great book by this author.  I have read several books by this author, and I have yet to read one that I haven’t loved by her.  I liked Kit from the start, and I wasn’t a huge fan of Jonathan, and I wondered if I would end up liking him and as it turns out I still didn’t like him when the book was over.  It is funny how sometimes you do end up liking characters by the end of the book and other times you still hate them as much as you did from the start.  Let’s get back to this book.  I loved that this book takes place 1970’s because it was a fun change from books I have been reading lately.  I liked that this book took back to a slower pace, but it was crazy because I had to remind myself of the year because I wondered why they didn’t call a cell phone and email her paper in when she was sick.   I did enjoy this book, and I can’t wait to see what the author is going to write next.

Heliotrope by JC Miller

About The Book

Buckle up your Birkenstocks and travel back to 1975. Discover (or relive) the pre-digital age in Arcata, a remote Bohemian college town on the northern edge of California. Meet Kit, a hard-working, bookish senior, on track for graduation—that is, until she falls for Jonathan, one-time bestselling author, now her stand-in professor. Jonathan, a master in the art of deception, isn’t who he appears to be. As their bond grows, Kit’s desire blinds her to the truth— a shocking discovery shatters her faith and ultimately tests her integrity.

From the first blush of fall quarter to the final breath of spring, hard lessons will be learned. To “graduate” into an uncertain future, Jonathan and Kit must first embrace the present—including the injustices, ambiguities and absolute beauty of their lives. Beneath the ever-changing Humboldt skies they forge ahead; they stumble and sometimes fall.

Heliotrope, a coming-of age story for the ages.

JC Miller

About The Author

JC (Jeanne) Miller, M.A., is an educator and founding member of JAM, an editorial-consultation team. An avid reader, aspiring traveler and table tennis enthusiast, she resides in Northern California.

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A Son’s Vow by Shelley Shepard Gray

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A Sons Vow by Shelley Shepard Gray was another great book.  I love all of the books about the Amish that Shelley has written, but if I am honest, this book has to be one of my favorites.  I like Darla from the start and even though I didn’t like some of the things that Aaron did I had a soft spot for him because felt he was more relatable than some other characters.  I am a huge fan of these books because I love that I don’t have to worry about what will be in the books, and they always are such sweet stories.  I would recommend this genre to anyone who is looking for a change in what they are reading because I don’t think that anyone would hate these books.  They are always easy reading and great stories.  I love that I always feel good after I finish one of the books, and I know you will probably love it as well.

A Sons Vow by Shelley Shepard Gray

About The Book

Shelley Shepard Gray’s first book in her Charmed Amish Life series is set in the quaint Amish village of Charm, Ohio, and tells the stories of the Kinsinger siblings who are each struggling to find both forgiveness and love in the face of tragedy.

Three months ago, everything changed for Darla Kurtz and her family. Darla’s father was responsible for a terrible fire at Charm’s lumber mill which killed five Amish men. And though he, too, lost his life, the town of Charm hasn’t looked at her family the same since. Even Lukas Kinsinger—with whom Darla used to have a close friendship.

Now her brother’s anger at the town is spilling over onto Darla, and she has the bruises to prove it. The accident already cost five lives, but if something doesn’t change soon, Darla fears it will cost her—and her family—even more.

Lukas Kinsinger wants to mourn the loss of his father, but he can hardly find the time to breathe. Suddenly the head of his father’s lumber mill and responsible for taking care of his three siblings, he’s feeling the pressure. He has also never felt more alone—especially with the new tension between he and Darla. But when he learns of her troubles at home, Lukas knows he can’t simply stand by and watch. Someone has to help her before another tragedy occurs.

As Lukas and Darla attempt to repair their families, they discover something deeper than friendship growing between them. But will Lukas and Darla’s love be accepted after so much loss? Or will the pain of the past overcome any chance of future happiness?

Shelley Gray

About The Author

Shelley Gray is the author of The Heart of a Hero series. Her Amish novel (written as Shelley Shepard Gray), The Protector, recently made the New York Times best seller list. A native of Texas, she earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Colorado and taught school for ten years. She and her husband have two children and live in Southern Ohio.


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The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger

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The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger was such a strange book for me.  It was an interesting book but it was strange in the fact that it was all just emails, memo’s and things like that back and forth between all the characters in the book.  I have never before read a book like this before but it was interesting after I was about 20 pages into the book.  It did take awhile for me to get into it but once I was I didn’t want to put it down.  There are parts that I don’t know if they were meant to be funny but they did make me laugh because I could see things like this really being said.  It is a book that I would tell you to give a chance because it is a great book it just takes time to get going.  I liked that there aren’t any really chapters in this book so I could just read a page or two and be able to stop.  I think anyone would like this book and I would recommend this one to everyone.

The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger

About The Book

Witty and wonderful, sparkling and sophisticated, this debut romantic comedy brilliantly tells the story of one very messy, very high-profile divorce, and the endearingly cynical young lawyer dragooned into handling it.

Twenty-nine-year-old Sophie Diehl is happy toiling away as a criminal law associate at an old line New England firm where she very much appreciates that most of her clients are behind bars. Everyone at Traynor, Hand knows she abhors face-to-face contact, but one weekend, with all the big partners away, Sophie must handle the intake interview for the daughter of the firm’s most important client. After eighteen years of marriage, Mayflower descendant Mia Meiklejohn Durkheim has just been served divorce papers in a humiliating scene at the popular local restaurant, Golightly’s. She is locked and loaded to fight her eminent and ambitious husband, Dr. Daniel Durkheim, Chief of the Department of Pediatric Oncology, for custody of their ten-year-old daughter Jane–and she also burns to take him down a peg. Sophie warns Mia that she’s never handled a divorce case before, but Mia can’t be put off. As she so disarmingly puts it: It’s her first divorce, too.

Debut novelist Susan Rieger doesn’t leave a word out of place in this hilarious and expertly crafted debut that shines with the power and pleasure of storytelling. Told through personal correspondence, office memos, emails, articles, and legal papers, this playful reinvention of the epistolary form races along with humor and heartache, exploring the complicated family dynamic that results when marriage fails. For Sophie, the whole affair sparks a hard look at her own relationships–not only with her parents, but with colleagues, friends, lovers, and most importantly, herself. Much like “Where’d You Go, Bernadette,” “The Divorce Papers “will have you laughing aloud and thanking the literature gods for this incredible, fresh new voice in fiction.

About The Author

Susan Rieger is a graduate of Columbia University Law School. She is also a former Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action at Columbia University.The Divorce Papers is her debut novel.

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If I Run by Terri Blackstock

Book Review 1-2016

If I Run by  Terri Blackstock was another great suspense/thriller novel.   This is the 4th book I have read by this author, and I am starting to think that she can’t write a bad book.  I always get sucked into the books from the first chapter right up through the end of the book.  Once the book ends I find that I am usually sad because I have fallen in love with the characters and hate that the book has ended, and this book was no different.  I wasn’t sure if I liked Casey throughout most of the book but in the end, I did enjoy her.  I had a soft spot for Dylan because of the things he went through and for being a veteran.  I love this book because I wasn’t able to figure it out super early on which means that I love it.  If you love suspense/thriller books, I know you will love this book as much as I do.

If I Run by Terri Blackstock

About The Book

Casey knows the truth.

But it won’t set her free.

Casey Cox’s DNA is all over the crime scene. There’s no use talking to police; they have failed her abysmally before. She has to flee before she’s arrested . . . or worse. The truth doesn’t matter anymore.

But what is the truth? That’s the question haunting Dylan Roberts, the war-weary veteran hired to find Casey. PTSD has marked him damaged goods, but bringing Casey back can redeem him. Though the crime scene seems to tell the whole story, details of the murder aren’t adding up. Casey Cox doesn’t fit the profile of a killer. But are Dylan’s skewed perceptions keeping him from being objective? If she isn’t guilty, why did she run?

Unraveling her past and the evidence that condemns her will take more time than he has, but as Dylan’s damaged soul intersects with hers, he is faced with two choices. The girl who occupies his every thought is a psychopathic killer . . . or a selfless hero. And the truth could be the most deadly weapon yet.

Terri Blackstock

About The Author

Terri Blackstock has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of “Intervention,” “Vicious Cycle,” and “Downfall,” as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, Restoration, and Moonlighters.

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