This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is: list 8 things you think people forgot how to do. I loved this prompt because there are a few things that I think people have forgotten how to do. I always find myself asking out loud to really no one how hard would it be to do this that or another thing depending on the situation so this post was a fun one to write and a change from the normal posts I write.
Anyway now on to 8 things people forgot how to do.
- They have forgotten how to use the blinker. You would think it was an optional feature on vehicles because people rarely use them anymore. I love when people get pissed off that I wouldn’t let them but they didn’t use a blinker because if they had I almost always let people over.
- People forgetting that they need to stop at red lights or even start slowing down when the light turns yellow. I have to be honest there are times when I speed up when the light turns yellow but I am trying to break myself of that habit.
- People have forgotten how to move out of the fast lane when they are driving slower than the speed limit.
- People have forgotten how to say “Thank You” when people do something for you. They also don’t say “excuse me” when they want to get past you in a store or any other place.
- Some parents have forgotten how to teach their children respect for authority & just respect in general.
- People have forgotten the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say than don’t say anything at all”.
- Some people have forgotten that you need to work for things and that not everything is handed to you.
- People have forgotten how to respect other people’s belongings. I am amazed at how people don’t care about other people’s things anymore.
Those are 8 things that I think people have forgotten. What do you think people have forgotten?
If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it! I also have included this weeks prompts at the end of this post.

1.) Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?
2.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: dog house.
3.) List 8 things you think people forgot how to do.
4.) A childhood toy you once loved.
5.) Show us what winter looks like in your neck of the woods!