
With Every Letter

Celebrate with Sarah by entering to win a eReader (winner’s choice of Kindle Fire or Nook Color)!

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One fortunate winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire or Nook Color (winner’s choice)
  • Handmade With Every Letter First Aid Kit
  • With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 26th. Winner will be announced at the “With Every Letter” Author Chat Facebook Party on 9/27. Connect with Sarah, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like yourself. There will also be gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack to be won (10 copies for your book club or small group)!

So grab your copy of With Every Letter and join Sarah on the evening of the September 27th for a chance to connect with Sarah and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book – don’t let that stop you from coming!)

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Don’t miss a moment of the RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 27th!

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The Choice By Robert Whitlow

the choice by robert whitlow

About “The Choice” By Robert Whitlow

One young woman. Two very different roads. The choice will change everything.

Even as a pregnant, unwed teen in 1974, Sandy Lincoln wanted to do the right thing. But when an ageless woman approached her in a convenience store with a mysterious prophecy and a warning, doing the right thing became even more unclear. She made the best choice she could . . . and has lived with the consequences.

More than thirty years later, a pregnant teen has come into her life, and Sandy’s long-ago decision has come back to haunt her. The stakes rise quickly, leaving Sandy with split seconds to choose once more. But will her choice decision bring life . . . or death?

My Review

I really enjoyed this book.  When Sandy was going through her pregnancy I totally related to how she felt and how hard what she was going to be going through.  I also know how she felt when she didn’t want to see her babies after they were born because I too felt like that when I had my daughter.  I decided to see here when I was alone in the middle of the night which is what worked out best for me.

Anyway there are parts in this book that I didn’t like or don’t understand like how she could separate the boys but I saw her logic I just didn’t like the choice.  The author did a great job of getting all the emotions right when I came to Sandy placing the babies and the emotions leading up to that point.

I think that this is a good book and people who know about adoption would like it.  I am sure there are parts that some people in the adoption community wouldn’t like but all in all it is a good book and one that I am glad that I read.

FTC: I received a free copy of “The Choice” by Robert Whitlow in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.


Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Cradle My Heart

Craddle My HeartAbortion continues to be a hot topic in politics, women’s rights, and medical practice. But for the eight to ten million American Christian women who have had one, abortion is a spiritual issue as well, raising questions of life and death, heaven and hell, grief and loss.

Writing from her own experience, Kim Ketola sheds light on one of the darkest and most neglected personal issues of our time: the widespread need for healing and spiritual recovery after abortion. “After abortion brought the worst trouble into my life I had ever known,” writes Ketola, “I just couldn’t see my way free to believe in God’s love.”

With a compassionate heart, Ketola offers ten true stories of healing promise from the Bible to help women answer the most common spiritual torments they face: Is abortion a sin? Does God hate me? Where can I turn in my shame and distress? How could I ever tell anyone the truth? And more.

Inspired by Romans 6:4–“just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life”–this is a definitive resource to help women see themselves and God anew and–finally–to find spiritual healing.

My Review-Cradle My Heart

This book is amazing.  As you know I placed my daughter for adoption so I have never had an abortion.  This book even helped me with some of the issues I have had since I placed my daughter for adoption.  I didn’t think I would get anything out of the book but after I finished the book I was so glad that I took the time to read it.  There are so many great things about this book that there is no way that I can do justice to the book with a review.  I would recommend this book to anyone who has had an abortion or even placed a child for adoption.  This book gave me hope and made me see how I can make changes and get into a better place when it comes to dealing with my feelings from the adoption.

Blog Tour Website


Meet Kim-The Author

Kim Ketola is a sought-after writer and motivational speaker with the Ruth Graham and Friends conference. After thirty years in the broadcasting industry, she founded a nonprofit organization through which she presents professionally accredited conferences to equip counselors and help individuals recover from the emotional and spiritual wounds of abortion. Kim lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

Visit her website:


In coordination with the launch of their fall releases, Kregel will be hosting a live webcast event on September 20 at 8 PM EDT featuring authors Kim Ketola (Cradle My Heart), Teske Drake (Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow), and Dawn Scott Jones (When a Woman You Love Was Abused). The webcast will allow women to come together to share their struggles and fears in order to move toward healing and hope. Women will able to support one another and discuss shared experiences in a non-threatening, open and loving environment.

Cat Hoort of Kregel says, “”We are seeking to provide safe means for Christian women to be vulnerable with each other, to seek help and guidance from authors and counselors, and to find encouragement from those who have shared similar experiences. Our hope is that the Women Redeemed webcast will become a forum for hurting women as well as for those who can help. Kim, Teske, and Dawn are all survivors and their stories will surely inspire and equip other women to move toward healing and hope.”

To register for the event, just click here. {}

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

The Wedding Dress


One dress. Four women. An amazing destiny.

Charlotte Malone is getting married. Yet all is not settled in the heart of Birmingham’s chic bridal boutique owner. Charlotte can dress any bride to perfection-except herself. When she discovers a vintage mint-condition wedding gown in a battered old trunk, Charlotte embarks on a passionate journey to discover the women who wore the gown before her.

Emily in 1912. Mary in 1939. And Hillary in 1968. Each woman teaches Charlotte something about love in her own unique way. Woven within the threads of the beautiful hundred-year-old gown is the truth about Charlotte’s heritage, the power of faith, and the beauty of finding true love.

My Review

I really liked this book.  I am starting to see that the books I like are changing.  I didn’t think that this book would be my favorite but I sounded good so I decided I would give it a shot.  I am so glad that I did because it was an amazing book.  The story flowed so well and I kept hoping that it would turn out how it did turn out.  I actually can see some of myself in the main character so I found myself hoping she would find happiness in the end.

I recommend this book to anyone who loves stories that end sweet and likes love stories!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Milestone Tapes


Jenna Chamberland never wanted anything more than to be a wife and mother. That is, until she realized that her life was ending after a three-year battle against breast cancer. Now, all she really wants is more time. With 4,320 hours left to live, Jenna worries for her loved ones and what she knows awaits them on the other side: Gabe will have to make the slip from husband to widower, left alone to raise their seven-year-old daughter; Mia will be forced to cope with life without her mother. In a moment of reflection, Jenna decides to record a set of audiocassettes — The Milestone Tapes – leaving her voice behind as a legacy for her daughter. Nine years later, Mia is a precocious sixteen-year-old and her life is changing all around, all she wants is her mother. Through the tapes, Jenna’s voice returns to teach Mia the magic of life, her words showing her daughter how to spread her wings and embrace the coming challenges with humor, grace and hope. THE MILESTONE TAPES is the journey of love between a parent and child, and of the bonds that hold them when life no longer can.

My Review

I can’t even put into words how much I truly loved this book.  I had a hard time reading this book because it made me cry so much and even though it made me cry I didn’t want to put it down and stop reading it.  I loved following the characters and even though you know the mom is going to pass away I had to keep reading.  I believe that this book was so hard for me because I can relate to the topic.  As some of you know I go to a cancer center every month to get my MS treatment so I do know a lot of people who have cancer and I have had several family members pass away from cancer as well.  It broke my heart to know that the girl at such a young age was going to lose her mom.

I found the idea of making milestone tapes is a great idea even if you don’t know you are dying.  My great grandma passed away when I was a senior in high school and I was so close to her.  After reading this book I wish  she would have written down things or even made tapes so that I could go back and listen or read her words.  I am sure any person would love to go back and read what their parents left them.

When it comes right down to it I have to give this book 5 stars and it will be a book that I will always keep and I am sure I will read it over and over again.  I recommend this to anyone who knows what is feels like to lose a loved one!

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Defending Jacob

Book Description

Andy Barber has been an assistant district attorney in his suburban Massachusetts county for more than twenty years. He is respected in his community, tenacious in the courtroom, and happy at home with his wife, Laurie, and son, Jacob. But when a shocking crime shatters their New England town, Andy is blindsided by what happens next: His fourteen-year-old son is charged with the murder of a fellow student.

Every parental instinct Andy has rallies to protect his boy. Jacob insists that he is innocent, and Andy believes him. Andy must. He’s his father. But as damning facts and shocking revelations surface, as a marriage threatens to crumble and the trial intensifies, as the crisis reveals how little a father knows about his son, Andy will face a trial of his own—between loyalty and justice, between truth and allegation, between a past he’s tried to bury and a future he cannot conceive.

Award-winning author William Landay has written the consummate novel of an embattled family in crisis—a suspenseful, character-driven mystery that is also a spellbinding tale of guilt, betrayal, and the terrifying speed at which our lives can spin out of control.

My Review

I can’t say enough good things about this book!  I loved everything about this book and I didn’t want to put it down the entire time I was reading it.  The author does a great job keeping the reader interested and making the characters totally relate able.  I love how the book will go from the dad on testfiying before the grand jury and then telling the story through other parts.  I didn’t expect the ending at all and this for sure a book that I be reading again and I am sure my family and friends will love this book as well.  I loved reading about how each of the family members dealt with the pain and how it affected them.  I am sure going to check out more books by this author.

If you haven’t read this book yet I strongly recommend it anyone.  Here is the link to amazon where you can buy the book.  If you pick it up please come back and let me know what you think of it.

If you have read it what did you think of it?

FTC-I received this book for free in return for my review.  The opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation for this review.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret