Thank You

I want to thank everyone who stopped by yesterday and I want to welcome all my new followers!!!!!  It really made my day to get all those comments and to get new followers.  I want everyone to know that I am working on responding to all the comments left and returning the follows.  I am hoping to get it all done this weekend sometime.  So if  I haven’t gotten back to you yet I will soon I promise!!!!

This week was a hard week and it just kept getting worse as the week went on.  At least I had one good day and that was yesterday when everyone left me comment love!!!!!  I am hoping for a good weekend that I can relax get over everything that happened this weekend and start fresh and new this weekend!

Once again thank you everyone!  It really did need it!  I was scared that people would be mean but it was all sweet things and things that I really did need to hear yesterday.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Day 29- Plans For The Next 365 Days

My plans for the next year are pretty simple.

  • Lose weight
  • Be happy
  • Keep my job
  • Get a raise
  • Pay bills off
  • Get in better shape
  • Be a better friend to people

That is basically it.  I would say find a great guy but I don’t know that I need to because I may already have!!!!!

Welcome Sista’s!!!!

I want to welcome everyone that is coming by today!!!!!  I am super excited to be the featured blogger by SITS today!  If anyone doesn’t know who they are you need to check them out because they are totally awesome!  They pick a blogger a day and feature that blogger.  Today is my day and I am super happy and excited that everyone is coming by today!!!!!

Let me tell you about me.  I am a 25 year old that is going through a divorce to a total idiot.  Here is a story from when I was learning to drive that I think you will find funny.  I also have written two post about Bullying which you can find here & here.  Bullying is something that I feel strongly about because I was bullied when I was in school.

I placed a baby for adoption when I was 20 and funny enough the 7th was her 5th birthday so this made that day easier on me! Here and here are where I wrote about the experience.

I have to cats that I call either the girls or the cubs and I treat them like they are children!  Here and here is a post that they posted on my blog awhile back.

 I also have Multiple Sclerosis.  I post updates about that all the time but here are two posts about M.S.
Me & The MS
FYI About MS

I am so glad that everyone  stopped by!  I will return visits and emails as soon as I can!!!!!!  Have a great day and I hope that you stick around!!!!!!


Day 28- Whats In My Handbag/Purse

Well I did a post on it before so I am just going to link that post to this one that way I don’t have to take more pictures and things like that.
I am going to take part in the Writers Workshop this week. Here are the prompts for this week:

1.) What would you change about your life if you could? 2.) I wish I would have…describe a time when you didn’t take action, but later wished you would have.
3.) A collector you know.
4.) Photographs can turn a house into a home. Share a photograph that is not on your wall, but should be…if you weren’t so lazy about actually putting it there.
5.) Write a list of 100 things you want to do before you turn 100. Otherwise known as a “bucket list”.
(inspired by my feelings and the conference that hurt them when it rejected my admission after applying and spending at least 15 minutes on a bucket list for what now seems no good reason. I’m fine with it. Really.).

I have chosen to write on #1 even though I like a lot of them this week.  I think I am going to use them through out the week so that I can post about the ones that I like!

If I could change something about me it would be all the negative thoughts that go through me head all the time.  Even though I am trying to be positive a lot of the time I just can’t seem to see the good in things.    I will keep trying and I hope one day I will be good at it.  I always have wished I could be the kind of person who sees the good in things and doesn’t worry about what is going to wrong.  I think part of the problem is that I am so convinced that something is going to go wrong that make it go wrong.  I am convinced that because my brain is always negative I am only going to see the bad in things and people.  So if I had to pick one thing I would change that would be it!

Day 26- My Week In Great Detail

For this one I am going to make today be the last day of the week and go from there.  So this last week was crazy!  Work is a crazy most of the time anyone and it isn’t helping that the MS is getting so bad that I am getting super sick all the time anymore.  People just don’t get MS and what it is liking living with a disease that you can never predict but that is a different post.   All I did this past week was work go to fireworks on Saturday with grandma and relax!  I had yesterday off of work because of the 4th and I did a whole lotta nothing!  If you can tell I enjoy my time with my computer and my books.

I did finish a book on saturday and lets just say I was glad to be done with it because it really sucked major ass!

Day-25 My Day In Great Detail

I am going to post about what I did yesterday so that I can set it to publish automatically. So yesterday (today) was the 4th.  Since in Utah we had fireworks on saturday and we got home kind of late I didn’t up till ten.  After that I just read blogs watched the Deadliest Catch.  On Sundays I don’t usually do much.  Hell I am lucky if I even get out of my pajama’s and put on real clothes.  Sundays are the one day of the week that I don’t want to do anything so I just relax and do as little as possible!  I also went to my storage unit and got rid of more stuff!  I am hoping to sell it all off soon enough and not have to pay $112 a month for it anymore.

I hope everyone had a great 4th!!!!