Super Excited-30 Days Of Truth

I am so excited that Jacqui my blog designer and my bloggy BFF chose me to guest host with her this week on her blog hop she does one Monday.  I also have a big surprise for everyone on Friday!  If you are stopping by from the blog hop please leave a comment and I will follow you back!

I am going to finish up the 30 Days of truth that started a long time ago!
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Got married-I could have saved myself money and tons of heartache.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
I guess the one song that comes to my for a lot of people in my life is:

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
I am not sure on days I am struggling I think it is because god likes to laugh at me but I know it isn’t true.  Maybe it is so that I can teach people about MS.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
I have thought about it but I could never do it.
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
My job-Other than that I don’t really have much else going for me
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
I would cry because I don’t want to have to go through it all again.
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
My weight and the body issues that I have.  I know I will never be perfect but I hope to get to a point where I am happy with how I look.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
I don’t want to write a letter to myself right now because I am having a hard time thinking of things I love about myself.


This is Melissa’s post for this week.  She asked me not to read it until I posted it.  So I am not sure what it is about but I am sure it is good.  Enjoy!

Written by Melissa Mashburn of Sugar Filled Emotions

Most of the time when I write, my primary goal is to write about something that I find inspiring. Once I put it all down, I can only hope that my readers find it as inspiring as I do. Today’s post is really no different, except instead of writing about a topic or idea that I find inspiring, I am going to say a few things about a person I find inspiring.

You inspire me because not only do you have to live with all the normal day to day struggles that we all have, you also have some unique physical challenges that you could use justify a life of inactivity. Instead you do the opposite. You make no excuses. You do what you can, which is often more than what someone with a healthy body would/could do.

You are one of the kindest people I know. No matter how you feel, you have a kind word for me.

You are a shining example of strength in the face of difficulties. I admire your courage.

You have such a giving spirit. You are quick to make sure the people around you are doing okay.

You are a beautiful person, inside and out!

for being my friend. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life! Thank you for allowing me to post on your blog.

Random Dozen-Aliens

1. Do you believe, somewhere deep inside, that blondes do indeed have more fun? That they are “dumber” than brunettes or redheads? Be honest!
They have more guys hit on them and what not.  Now I don’t know if they have more fun but they do seem to get more of the guys attention.  They aren’t dumber than anyone.  The color of your hair doesn’t make you dumb.
2. Which animal would you most like to observe in its wild habitat?
Tigers-They are so pretty and I love them!
3. This week the U.N. announced that Dr. Mazlan Othman has been appointed the official “Alien Ambassador,” should any extraterrestrials contact us. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever seen a UFO?
Not that I know of but I believe in them.  Why would we be the only people in the whole universe???  It doesn’t make sense at all.
4. Name your favorite Hitchcock film.
I don’t know that I have ever seen any of them.
5. Would you rather spend time at the library, the mall, a craft store or home?
Home for sure.
6. Which Disney princess is your favorite? (Or Disney character, if you are a guy)
Belle because she reminds me most of myself.
7. What kind of art is your favorite?
I love music so I would have to say music for sure!
8. How do you feel about viral videos, that is, videos made by amateurs that end up on Youtube receiving thousands of hits?
If they are funny I will watch them.  It doesn’t bug me and never has.  If anything it amazes me how many hits they can get.
9. Where do you buy your jeans?
Kohls or JC Penneys
10. Tell me about your first automobile accident.
It was last year and I rear ended another car and my car got all of the damage
11. Have you ever been honest when you knew you would benefit more if you would be dishonest?
I always try and be honest even if it means I lose out of stuff.
12. If you were appointed “Ambassador to Aliens,” what would you show and tell first about life on Earth? What would be the most difficult thing to explain?
People here are idiots.  I think our holidays and some of the dumb customs that we have.

MS Tuesdays

I usually post about MS on Tuesdays but I am really not feeling good this week and haven’t felt good enough to get a post together for this week.  I am hoping I will be able to get one ready for next week!

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: The “I’ve Been Tagged” Meme

1. Where are you from?
Utah-I was born and raised here.  I am ready to move though and forget that this state even existed.
2. If you could live any place in the world, where would you live?
America and anywhere but Utah.  I would love to live in a big city.  I wanted to be a nurse and work in an inner city hospital.  I think it would be fun and always changing.
3. What’s your favorite blog? I’ll check them out of course!
I can’t name just one.  I love lots of blogs.
4. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve?
I don’t really have one
5. What’s your favorite TV show this season? I need a new show! 🙂
Big Bang Theory
6. What’s your favorite ‘down’ time {nothing computer related}?
Reading a book
7. Are you a parent? If so, what’s your favorite thing to do with your children?
I had a child that I placed for adoption and I know have two cats that I love to chase around and bug them when they are trying to sleep.
8. What about your blog, have you considered changing?
Not really anything-This blog is true to who I am right now!
9. What do you do for a living (if you work outside the home or if you work at home)?
I am a receptionist for a HVAC company.
10. What is your favorite song at the moment? What is your favorite song ever?
My favorite song of all time is Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan.  I don’t really have a favorite song right now. 11. What is your favorite niche TV channel to watch?
Discovery Health or Discovery when the Deadliest Catch in on.
12. If you could have any career, what would it be and why?
Either Nursing or being a Social Worker.  I would love to help people everyday.  I also think working in adoption would be great.
13. What is your favorite outfit?
Jeans and a t-shirt with my crocs.
14. If you could tell your teenage self something, what would you say?
Don’t be so damn stubborn.
15. What is your biggest blog pet peeve?
I don’t really have one 16. What is your favorite recipe?
17. What is the funniest joke you’ve ever heard?
I can’t post them on here because I don’t need to piss people off!
18. What is your favorite vacation spot and why?
Yellowstone-It is so relaxing and peaceful.  While I am there it is like I forget that the drama in rest of the world even exists.
19. What are you most excited about with fall here?
Cooler weather
20. Did you envision yourself to be where you are today ten years ago? If not, what did you envision?
No I could never see me being where I am at.  I thought I would be a nurse working in an hospital.
21. If money were no object, what would your dream house look like?
The one I grew up in.
22. What is your all-time favorite Disney movie?
I don’t know that I have a favorite one. 23. What’s your favorite blog to read? Or a blog you think isn’t getting enough notice?
I have to many that I love so I am not going to post any of them because I don’t want to leave anyone out.

Saturday 9

1. Who in your life do you think behaves and thinks the most like you do?
I think it would be my grandma.  Even though she is my step grandma we are still so much alike it isn’t funny.
2. As a kid, were you ever wrongly accused (and punished, if it went that far) for something you didn’t do? If so, what was it? What happened?
I was always punished it seems but I can’t remember if it was my fault or not.  I would have to say though that I don’t I have been accused and punished for something that I didn’t do.
3. What about as an adult, were you ever wrongly accused for something you didn’t do?? Do you think it’s worse to be accused as a child or an adult? Why/why not?
Nope I haven’t.  I try and stay hidden in the background so I don’t get noticed very often.
3. What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
Probably the super bad snow storms we have most winters.
4. If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be and why?
Australia because I have cousins there and it seems like a great place to live.
5. Instead of going to work Monday, if you could spend the entire day doing something else–any one or two things that you absolutely love doing–what would you do?
Sleep and mess around on the internet.
6. What sites (other than meme sites) do you use most to help you post on your blog?
I use sites that about MS for the most part.
7. Check out a post on your blog from six months ago (March 2010) and tell us what is different now about your blog and/or life?
I am content where I am at and certain people are gone forever.
8. What was the last photograph you took?
It was of my cubs.  I am always taking pictures of them.
9. Which fashion trend do you believe is the most horrendous and why?
Skinny Jeans-They are just ugly and people that are over weight shouldn’t wear them because they are super bad looking on them.