An Adopted Childs View On Adoption

Natasha Harrison

I am adopted. My birthmother had just graduated college when she was pregnant with me. She had no job, no place to live or anything. The Catholic church put her up in housing while she had me. Then when I was put up for adoption she was able to move on with her life. She found a husband and had a family of her own. This is how I know there is a God out there. God has saved my life. When she was pregnant with me she surrouneded herself with Christians who always believed I was a baby and I was important even in the womb. Thank you God and thank you birthmother so much for going through that nine months of pregnancy. Pregnancy is not easy. I am very thankful to my adopted parents of course. That goes without question. I have always looked at adoption as a gift. She wanted me raised as a Catholic and because the faithful Catholic people were so involved in my adoption process that is why I am Catholic. If people don’t want their kids to be Catholic thats fine. There are many many adoption agencies out there. I put adoption agencies into google and a whole page of them popped up. I just don’t feel like there advertised as much. To me abortion is selfish, convenient, expensive, and murder. From reading my story I hope you understand why. I really want my story to be an inspiration and another viewpoint to see that adoption really does make a difference.


Day 24-30

It has taken for months to finish this but I figure that I am going to finish it today and maybe start a new one that I will post from each Wednesday but I am not sure on that yet.
Day 24-A photo of something that means a lot to you.

Day 25-What’s in my purse
I did this a few months ago so I am just going to re-post those pictures.

Day 26-A photo of somewhere I have been

Day 27-A picture how I looked last year and then a picture of how I look now.

I don’t have a picture of me from last year so I just posted a recent picture of mine.
Day 28-My favorite movie

Day 29-Something you could never get tired of doing.
I would have to say  blogging or working on random designs.  I also love to watch movies and listen to music.
Day 30-A picture of myself & three good things that happened in the last 30 days

  • I got a new design from Wacky Jacqui Designs!
  • I am learning and getting better at designing blogs
  • I paid off one of my medical bills

That is all of the this one!  This post is long but it mostly pictures!  I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Friday I had my infusion and lets just say that for the first time since I have been doing them I had to get poked twice.  She kept digging with the first needle until I told her I couldn’t deal with the pain any longer.  There is nothing that hurts more than a nurse fishing around in your arm trying to get a vein that she has missed but doesn’t want to re-due it and get it right.  After about 3 or 4 minutes digging around I finally said that’s enough.  I can’t take the pain anymore.  She then poked me again a little higher up on the vein and got it in the first time.  Now where I was poked at hurts and I got a battle wound (bruise).

I also got an email from my daughters adoptive family.  It totally made my Friday.  They told me about her and also enclosed two pictures for me.  I am not going to post them but if you would like to see them let me know and I will email them to you.  I can’t believe how big she has gotten and how much she looks like my little brother.  She is short like I am but has the coloring of my little brother.  They said that she is all girl and is really good in school.  I was so glad to hear from them and happy that she is doing good.  It will be six years in July since I had her and placed her for adoption.  I know I made the right choice when I look at her pictures and see how happy she is.

I didn’t do that well this week when it comes to not eating.  I tried my best but lets just say that this week wasn’t the best.  I also haven’t done well on my diet but I am going to try and go walking tomorrow even though I will have to go by myself.  I really just need to charge my Ipod and go for a walk every night.  I need to lose the weight and I also need to get in shape for our trip to Yellowstone this summer.

That is all I have for today.  I still have a few spots left for designs so let me know if you are interested in getting a free design!