Giveaway Winner & A Priceless Story!

I am sorry that I didn’t post the results of the giveaway yesterday but the day got away from me.  
The winner is #4 Kelly!  I will email you and if I haven’t back from you in 48 hours I will pick a new winner!!!!
Sometimes we forget the really important things in life.

Last week, I took my grand-children to a restaurant.

My six-year-old grand-son asked if he could say grace.

As we bowed our heads he said, “God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Nana gets us ice cream for dessert.  And liberty and justice for all!  Amen!”

Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, “That’s what’s wrong with this country.  Kids today don’t even know how to pray.  Asking God for ice cream! Why, I never!”

Hearing this, my grand-son burst into tears and asked me, “Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?”

As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table.

He winked at my grand-son and said, “I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.”

“Really?” my grand-son asked. 

“Cross my heart,” the man replied.

Then, in a theatrical whisper, he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), “Too bad she never asks God for ice cream.  A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes.”

Naturally, I bought my grand-children ice cream at  the end of the meal.  My grand-son stared at his for a moment, and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. 

He picked up his sundae and, without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, “Here, this is for you.  Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already.” Registered & Protected

Freebies 4 Blogger Giveaway

Jacqui and I have created a site that is full of free blogger backgrounds.  For the launch of this site I am going to be doing a giveaway.  What I am giving away:

Pre-made Package for Blogger
  *Pick a pre-made background and I will make you
  • Matching Header
  • Matching Button
  • Up to 6 matching sidebar titles
  • Installation

 Here are the following ways you can enter:

Mandatory entry to win:
Follow this site via GFC publically. 
You must also leave your email to EACH entry.
Extra entries:

Go over to Freebies 4 Blogger and look at all the backgrounds and tell me which one is your favorite- 1 entry

Follow Freebies 4 Blogger entry

Like me on Facebook:
Follow me on Twitter:
Follow Birth Parents Place Facebook Page: entry

Follow Birth Parents Place Blog 1 Entry

Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL in a comment- 1 entry
Tweet about this giveaway @ me when you tweet about it and then come and leave a comment- 1 entry daily
Talk about this giveaway on your Facebook page –1 entry daily

Each time you enter make sure you come back and leave a comment. 
This giveaway will end on June 5th at Midnight!
Good Luck! Registered & Protected

Musical Monday Week 4 & Mondays With Melissa

If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

  • Grab the button
  • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
  • Come back and link up!

 This weeks song is by a group called Karmin.  They are doing a cover and lets just say everything I hear this song I am amazed that she can rap like that.  I hope you all enjoy it!  Also after the video is Melissa’s post for this week!


    If I Could Do Things Differently

    At one time or another, most – if not all – of us have uttered the words “if I could do things differently…”. I think it is natural for us to look back on parts of our lives and wonder what things would’ve been like if we had made different choices. For a long time, I viewed this activity as nothing more than an entertaining daydream, or something I used to beat myself up with. It was a game with no practical value.
    My thinking about the “if I could do things differently…” scenario recently changed due to something I read in a great devotional I own. It is called Inspiration for Girlfriends, written by Ellen Miller. She has a section in the devotional titled Getting a Do-Over. The first time I looked at the title I thought “yeah I’m going to skip this part”, and I did. I didn’t even bother to skim through that section until I had almost finished the devotional and was running out of things to read in it. What I finally began to read it, I was very surprised to see that the author did not start the section off with how healing it is to think about past events and vent away about them, or think about the past and try to figure out whose fault it was that we made a poor decision. Instead she started the section off with how much we needed mentors in our lives.
    Basically she presents the idea that regardless of our age, how successful or unsuccessful we are, whether we are single or married, we all need successful men or women who have walked ahead of us. Basically, they have “been there and done that” stories, and are willing to share their insights. The author calls these stories Do-Overs, and explains them like this:
    …do overs are experiences to which, had they had a mentor they might have acted or reacted differently – even though they wouldn’t change their lives today.
    I found the concept of this amazing! Here was a way for me to take negative parts of my past, and turn them into something that might benefit someone else. What a wonderfully, positive way for me to view some of the not so wonderful things in my past that I was not exactly proud of. The truth is we all make our own mistakes, and I daresay that very seldom do we choose wisely. However, I think the wisdom, insight, and the benefit of another person’s experience will at least give us something to think about before we commit ourselves to a course of action.
    There is healing that comes with NOT rewriting our past, but sharing it as a way for someone to make better decisions about their future.
    In the very near future, I hope to share a few of my Do-Overs with you. I hope you take the time to share a few with me and Margaret. Registered & Protected

    Writers Workshop-My Passions

    Mama’s Losin’ It

     These are the prompts for this week:
    1.) Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words.
    2.) “One need not be a chamber to be haunted, One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place”. –Emily Dickinson What haunts you?
    3.) Describe a talent or flaw that seems to be in your genes.
    4.) What are you passionate about?
    5.) Comfort food at it’s finest. Share a family favorite recipe you loved as a child.

    I am having a hard time picking one to write about.  I am going to write about #4-Something I am passionate about.  I am passionate about a few things but the main one is probably trying to teach others about MS.  I just want to bring awareness to the disease in hopes that people are getting diagnosed they aren’t alone.  I know when I was diagnosed I was scared to death and what made it worse was there was no one around my age that had the disease.  I am finally getting to the point where people my age are getting it. i just want people know be able to get the support that I found lacking when it come to MS and even other invisible illnesses. 

    I am also really passionate about raising awareness about adoption but more importantly I want to get help for the birth mothers that are left out in the cold.  I wish people could see the great things these women and be their for them but usually birth mom’s end up getting judged because of what we choice to do with our children.  For those that may not know I am a birth mom.  I placed my daughter for adoption almost 6 years ago now.  Since then I have found that there aren’t places for birth parents to go and get support when they are having hard days.  I have started a blog and Facebook page for birth moms.  I am also considering starting a support group in the Salt Lake City area for birth moms but I am not sure how to go about starting that.

    Anyways those are 2 of the things that I am passionate about.  There a few more but those two are on very top of the list. Registered & Protected