Brian Haner

I can’t believe it is already Monday again.  It seems like it was just Monday Yesterday.  If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

  • Grab the button
  • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
  • Come back and link up!

This week I chose funny song by Brian Haner.  For people that watch Jeff Dunham he is guitar guy.  Last was rough so I figure you guys would enjoy these!!!

I hope everyone has a great week!!! Registered & Protected

Free Advertising

***** All of you that have entered I still have you entries saved.  It was having an issue with the new giveaway that started tonight.  Once that I is over I will reopen this giveaway and give you all 6 more days to enter,  I am sorry about the confusion!


To launch my sponsors area I am giving 3 spots for two months.  I also am trying out Rafflecopter to host the giveaway and also to pick the winner  Here is all you have to do to enter:

Good Luck! Registered & Protected

Simple Things

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about 1.) The simple things..

It is the simple things in life that make me happy:

Going home and chasing my girls around the house

Or listening to Sylvia “bark” like she is a dog

Hanging out with Misti just talking and laughing

Designing blogs for people

Laughing at the crazy things that people will say or do

Being around my grandma who can always make me laugh


Reading good books

With out all the simple things that make me happy life would be depressing! Registered & Protected


Lately I have been feeling alone and I am not sure what has changed because I am doing the same things I have always done.  I am for the most part a hermit but it usually doesn’t bother me.  I am sure part of it is because I used to have Misti at work to talk with and what not.  Now that they let her go I am the only girl and I just sit at my desk and I don’t have people to really talk to.  I sit at my desk and answer the phones all day without anyone around to talk to.  Then when I get home I go back to my room because I have designs that I need to get done so I am always alone.  Most days being alone wouldn’t bug me but lately it is starting to get to me.  I know I should go out more but I am so tired after work and on the weekends that I don’t want to.  I have never been good at forcing myself to out either. 

This post is super short but it is what I was thinking.  I hope that it makes some sort of sense but if not oh well. Registered & Protected

Sponsor’s and Advertising


If you are looking for ways to get more traffic to your blog advertising is the way to go.  Every time I have an ad on other peoples blogs I get so many more people dropping by to see what my blog is all about.  I have several different packages you can pick from:

125×125 Button is $10 a month or $25 for 3 months
200×400 Banner is $20 for one month or $50 for 3 months

I will also be including a featured post about your blog and/or business.  I will include any pictures links and anything else you would like.   I will tweet about it and put it on Facebook on my fan page and also on my person page.  I can also send out a newsletter to all my followers about your blog or business.

Since I am just starting I am going to give the first 6 people that are interested 3 more months free on top of what ever package you chose. Registered & Protected


I can’t believe it is already Monday again.  It seems like it was just Monday Yesterday.  If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

  • Grab the button
  • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
  • Come back and link up!

This week I have chosen I picked a few different songs.  The first one is “Dueces” by Chris Brown.

The next song is by Neyo and it is called “Miss Independent” Registered & Protected