W.A.I.S.T.ed Space Designs

I have finally launched my design I am so excited to finally have it up.  It took me so long to figure out how to design it and to get the design done.  I am super happy with out it turned out.  Please drop by and follow me over there as well.  Be on the look out for the giveaways I have going on over there as well.  
Also if you sign up for my newsletter over there you will get extra entries and be the first to know about sales and giveaways.  I hope to see you all over there soon!

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Sponsor Spotlight-Katherines Corner

shop polka dots

Katie from Katherines Corner is another one of my sponsors.  She has a great blog and tons of great articles and I really love the look of her blog.  She has so many great posts that it was super hard to pick a few of her post to write about.  I am going to highlight a few of my favorites and then at the bottom I will post the links to some more as well.

The first post of hers I read is called “Menopause Musings”. All I can say about this post is that I so don’t want to get to this point.  It sounds yucky and I feel bad for anyone that has to go through this!!!!  I will never understand why the females body has to do some of the things it does. 

Another great post of hers is called “From Trash To Treasure”.  Here she talks about some of the old vintage jewelry that she made using jewelry that was broken.  She has an Esty shop called Shop Polka Dots  where she sells the things she makes.  She makes super pretty things and I wish I would have found her site before I got married because I would have bought several of the pieces that she sells.

She also has a great Autumn Giveaway going on right now.  It is open until October 7th.  Right now there are only 103 entries so you all need to run over there and enter in this giveaway she is giving away  these super cute  ceramic birds.

She also has a post about building a bird garden in her yard.  I so wish that I could do this in my yard because I love watching birds but as you all know I have 3 cats and they would see that a play area.  I can’t even imagine how many of the birds they would try and catch.  Once my kids have passed away I think I will make a bird garden so I can enjoy looking at the birds!

Like I said before she has a great blog and a great store.  You all need to go follow her and order something from her store!

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30 Things About My Invisible Illness

 I know that Invisible Illness week is over but I wanted to fill this out so that I can update my MS page.
1. The illness I live with is: Multiple Sclerosis
2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: I believe it was 2000
3. But I had symptoms since: I was in elementary school
4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: Not getting upset if I can’t do everything I want to because I am having a bad day.
5. Most people assume: That I am just lazy because I don’t do much after work.
6. The hardest part about mornings are:  Getting up when I have only had a few hours of sleep.
7. My favorite medical TV show is: I love everything in Discovery Health but they got rid of it because of the OWN network.
8. A gadget I couldn’t live without is:  My cellphone that keeps all of my appointments.
9. The hardest part about nights are:  Being exhausted and not able to sleep.
10. Each day I take 5_ pills & vitamins. (No comments, please)
11. Regarding alternative treatments I:  I wish I could afford to do acupuncture because I hear that it really does help people.
12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose:  I would want a visible one
13. Regarding working and career:  It is hard for me to go to work everyday because of lack of sleep and not feeling well but I have to work so I can have insurance even though we all know that insurance companies don’t pay anything.
14. People would be surprised to know:  That my hands are numb and I had to reteach my self to type.
15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: I can’t think of anything because I have had this disease so long.
16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was:  I have tried to not let the MS keep me from doing things.  I do everything that I want to.
17. The commercials about my illness:  I actually haven’t seen a commercial about MS.
18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is:  I miss not having energy.
19. It was really hard to have to give up:  I don’t feel like I have given up much because I have had this disease so long now and was diagnosed so young that it is just a part of who I am.
20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is:  Blogging and blog design
21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would:  I am not sure what I would do.  I can’t imagine life without MS.
22. My illness has taught me: To live everyday to the fullest because you never know what your last day is going to be.
23. Want to know a secret? One thing people say that gets under my skin is:  When they say they are sorry that I am sick.
24. But I love it when people:  Take the time to learn about MS.
25. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is:  “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option you have.”
26. When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them:  To learn all you can about the condition because knowledge is power.  I also tell them that they are in charge of their condition and if a doctor wants them to do something that they are not comfortable with they need to kind a new doctor.
27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is:
28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was:
29. I’m involved with Invisible Illness Week because:  Because I want to raise awareness about MS and any other invisible illness.  I know how hard it is for me to deal with people who don’t understand invisible illnesses.
30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel: Good because it means that people are reading my blog!
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Sponsor Spotlight- The Work At Home Wife


I am so excited to tell you all about the next sponsor of mine. She has an E-book that is called “The How To Make Money Blogging Guide”.  I am still working through the book but let me tell you that it is a great book thus far and  I am so excited to work with it more and turn my blogs into money makers.  I have bought several different E-books on this subject and this is by far the easiest one I have found to follow.  She breaks everything down to manageable steps so you don’t feel overwhelmed by any of the steps.

This E-book was written by Angie Nelson.  She started her business in 2007.  After she started that she got many emails asking her if she was hiring or not.  She then realized  that she should start a blog and share her tips with people.  She started her blog on WordPress.com and then moved to her own site.  After she experiement with her blog she decided to start other blogs and see if they all work the same way.  She soon realized that they don’t work the same way.  She realized that every blogs works differently and you have to get to know what your readers want to see.

Once I work through the book fully I will write another post on all that I learned from this book.  I hope that you all will click on the button at the top of this post and pick up a copy of her E-book.  I am sure everyone can make money on their blogs if you follow her steps and find out what works for you and your readers!

Thank you Angie for letting me review this book!!!  I am so excited to get through it all and find out what will work for my blogs and readers!
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Can’t Argue With Stupid!

I am going to start by saying that this post turned into arant about things that I haven’t written about before.  Now I am sure there will be people who don’tknow the whole situation and will judge me because of what I am going to type.  Just let me tell you that what you are aboutto read is mild compared to what he done to me in the course of our marriageand he is reading this then oh well!!! This is my blog if you don’t like it don’t read it!!
So a few weeks ago my husband sent me a message and asked mehow I was doing because he hadn’t heard from me in months.  I told him to just leave me alone because Iwasn’t happy with him at all.  He thenproceeds to ask why I was mad at him.  Itold him because of the credit card.  Forthose that don’t know the story of the credit card here it is.  While we were married and getting along wegot a credit card for my husband to use instead of taking out cash advancesbecause the credit card had a lower interest rate.  After we split up this last time I finallygot them to turn off the card after the total was to almost $11,000.  So then we are left to pay off that amountbut he couldn’t charge anymore on the card. We needless to say he pays on it from time to time and up until recentlyI have refused to pay on it because I am not the one who ran it up.  Not to mention I have so many doctor billsbecause he took me off of his insurance and didn’t tell me but that is a wholedifferent post.  
Anyway back to the credit card.  I have been getting calls from the creditcard company because he doesn’t pay it like he should.  I have gotten tired of my grandparentsbitching about the credit card company calling all the time so I set uppayments for the next year to shut them up for a year.  After the year is done I will figure out howI am going to pay for the rest of it.   After I tell him I mad about the credit cardthis is the message he sends me “I paid the credit card in October! “  I just sat there with a dumb look on my facebecause of what he said.  I didn’trespond then and I still haven’t responded to him.  Does he really think that you only have topay bills once a year?????  I finallycame to the realization that I can’t argue with someone who is that dumbbecause it is a total waste of my time!
So that is the story of the dumbest thing I have ever hear!

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Sponsor Spotlight-Stress Case

Stress Case
I am so excited to tell you all about Casey from Stress Case.   First let me tell you that I love her design!  It is super cute and something that I may do on my blog one day.  Anyway while I was on her blog and reading different post of hers I saw that she does a series called What I Wore Wednesday.  She posts pictures of what she wears and then tells where she bought the things at.  I have always wanted to try a post like that but lets just say the clothes I wear aren’t anything to be showing off.  I loved all of her outfits that she has posted on her blog!

Another post  she reflected back 6 months when she got married!  I loved looking at all of her pictures from her wedding day.  I never thought to do that kind of thing when my husband and I were on speaking terms but that is different post all together.  I had to smile when she talked about  going to the bar after the reception was over.  I so should have do that.  It would have been a blast!  I can’t get over how pretty she is and how happy she looked!

After I read her post about cake pops from Starbucks I was glad that I can’t eat gluten or I would have had to go and get some!  Here is the picture she had on her blog about them:

I have never had these but they look and sound amazing!!!!!!  I once again have to thank god that I can’t eat gluten because I would eat way to many of them if I could eat them.  Just looking at the picture is making me hungry.

The funnest post I read of hers has to be “The One Where a Piggyback Ride Goes Terribly Wrong”.  Of all her posts this has to be my favorite. I am not going to give it away so you are going to have to go over to her blog and read the post!

All in all Casey is a great writer.  It was so easy to get into her writing and understand what she is saying.  I could read her blog all day long.  She puts so many details into her post that you can follow the story.  It is almost like you are there with her.  Like when she talked about the cake pops.  It really made me want to jump into my car and go and get one because the way she described them she made me want to go and get some!!!!  Go over to her blog and follow her also let her know that I sent you! 

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