Book Review-Who Is The Girl In The Picture

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by Kimberly Ann Gehret Herman

Who is the girl in the picture Sam found in Erin’s attic? Why does she seem to be playing some sort of sick and tortuous game with Sam and her friends? And who is Lee Stevens? What does he have to do with all of this?

The gang sets out to find the answers and solve the mystery behind the unusual and paranormal happenings that have begun haunting their lives since Sam unearthed a picture of a girl who eerily resembles Erin, but whom no one seems to know. It seems only Erin’s parents can provide any clues to the mysterious and frightening occurrences, but now they’ve disappeared for parts unknown!

Will they return before events escalate to a lethal level? Will the group keep from turning on one another as they race against time to find the solution and return their lives to normal? Delve in to find out, but don’t plan on putting this one down until you reach the shattering climax and find out Who Is the Girl in the Picture!

My Review

Let start by saying that I really liked this book.  I am into paranormal things and I love suspense/mystery books.  This book combined all of those areas into one book.  The  authors writing grab me from the beginning and kept me interested through out the whole book.  The story follows 4 friends that have been friends forever trying to figure out who the girl in the picture is that Sam found in the attic at Erin’s parents house.  Sam took the picture because she thought that her best friend Erin looked just like the little girl in the picture.  After Sam takes the picture things start to get super weird and tons of crazy stuff is always happening as they are trying to figure out who the girl is and why Erin’s parents had a picture of her up in their attic.  There was always something going on and I didn’t want to put it down.  The only weird thing with the book was the fact that it just one super long chapter.  I don’t know if you could even call it a chapter because there wasn’t any other ones.  Other than that I loved the book and would recomend it to anyone who likes thrillers.  If you was interested in buying this book you can go here and pick it up!  If you read this  book please let me know what you thought of it!

  I received a complimentary copy of Who Is The Girl In The Picture  as a member of the  Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team.  Visit to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

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Super Skyler

I found this blog last year around this time of year because the radio station I listen to in the morning does a Secret Santa at Christmas time and this lady was chosen as one of the families that they were helping.  After I heard her and her son’s story on the radio I started reading there blog.  Let me just say in the year I have been reading their blog her son Skyler has truly become my hero.  I have watching him fight and fight.  I am amazed that someone so young can keep smiling having gone through everything he has gone through.  I know there are adults out there that couldn’t deal with what this little boy has.  He was recently granted a wish for Make A Wish Foundation.  He wanted a game room so they made him one.  Seeing the joy on his face made me smile.  It was so good to see him happy and smiling.  Right now he is doing so well and I hope that it stays that way.   You really need to go check out his mom’s blog and read his story.  He is an amazing little boy with more courage that I have as an adult.  My one Christmas wish this year is that he has many more birthdays to come!

This post is sponsored by American Cancer Society.

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My Favorite Channel

Thanks to Jonathon Woods

My favorite night for watching TV is Sunday. Both HBO and Showtime have great shows on that I absolutely love. I look forward to Sundays all week and even make a special meal for my husband and I so that we can relax and enjoy our shows. It was so great when I switched to direct tv newhall because I could actually afford to get both channels. I never had them before because it was just too darn expensive. When I had cable I couldn’t afford to have the channels so I couldn’t watch any of them and it drove me crazy. I used to wait anxiously for the DVDs of the completed seasons to come out so that I could finally watch the shows. I got so sick of doing this since somehow the endings would always get spoiled for me. Whether it was at work, or one of my friends said something in front of me, it always seemed to happen. Now I am so glad that we finally have our favorite channels. I get to watch right when the new episodes come out, and no one can spoil them for me anymore!

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