Influenster Vox Box

I was chosen to receive May’s Influenster VoxBox.  If you haven’t heard if Influenster before it is a totally free subscription service.  Once you sign up you unlock badges of the things that interest you.  They then will send you boxes on the months that your interests match what is going to be in the box.  What I love about this is service is that it is totally free and you get full size and deluxe sample size products.

Here is a picture of what was in this months box. (I just realized that the body wash is missing from this picture.  I had already started to use it so it was in the bath room.)

Other than the body wash that was a travel size product everything else is a full size product.  I was so excited to get a full size body spray from Bath & Body Works.  The spray costs $14 dollars and I got if for free!!!!!!  They sent me the Sweet Pea flavor and I really like it.

The next thing that came in it was a SoyJoy bar.  I got the strawberry flavored one.  At first I wasn’t excited about this because most bars have gluten in them but once I read the packaging I realized that this bar was gluten free so I could actually eat it.  I did eat this bar but it isn’t anything that I would buy.  It did taste better than most others bars do but I am not a huge fan of soy and how it tastes.I also got inserts that you put in high heels by Dr. Scholls.  I don’t wear high heels but I am going to be giving these to Misti because she loves to wears heels so I know she will get use out of them.  I know if I did wear heels I would be super excited to try these out because I am sure they would work great.

I am going to talk about the other products they sent me in another post because this post has gotten long.  Be on the look out for the rest of the products.

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Creative Girl Media

I can’t even tell you how excited I was when I checked my emails tonight and saw that I was chosen to to be part of the Creative Girl Media team!!!!!!  I am sure that most of you know by now that I design blogs.  In the process of learning and meeting other designers I got to know April from April Showers Design Studio.  She has started The Blog Designer Network and she launched Creative Girl Media a few months ago.  When I saw that she was looking for team members I knew I had to apply because it would be such a great opportunity for me and my blogs.

The great thing about Creative Girl Media is that is just isn’t for blog designers.  It is a site for anyone and everyone!  It is for anyone woman who loves to blog and/or create things.  They are also a lot of great things that you can buy in the store.  In fact right now you can get a blog post planner for free!  This is such a great way to organize your posts and even keep track of ideas that you have for other posts.  I know I will be using this to help me get organized when it comes writing posts for both of my blogs!

Make sure you check out Creative Girl Media and let her know that you heard about it from me!

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Great Sale

Are you looking for a new design for your blogger blog? If so this is the sale for you. I am offering the following blogger design package for only $45.

  • Layout of your choice
  • Custom header
  • Custom background
  • Blog button & grab box
  • Unlimited social icons
  • Post separator
  • Footer message
  • Ad/Sponsor buttons
  • Custom menu bar this will include a drop down menu if desired
  • Favicon
  • 2 months free advertising on both of my blogs. This will include a one time post written about you site that will show up on both of my blog and it will also included tweets and facebook posts about your site.
***That price does not include the cost of any image/kits that you want used in your design.***

If you want this package make sure you go and fill out this form. Once I recieve your form I will invoice you and once I receive payment in full I will then add you on the waiting list. Right now I only have 1 design on the list so you could possible have your design done in a week or so.

***This sale will end June 1st 2012. ***

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Fly Away

For last week’s Writers Workshop I chose to post songs that told part of the story of my life.  One of those songs was this song by Sugarland.  I reason I like this song is because of these lyrics:

I’m so sick and tired of being told what’s good for me
People got lots of ideas of who I’m supposed to be

Now there are other parts of this song that I love as well but these are the first two lines in the song that jump out at me.  I love the lines because I do get tired of people who I know mean well telling me what they think I should do.  Those of you who know me know that the best way to make sure I don’t do something is to tell me that I should do it.  I have always done the opposite of what people tell me I should do.

I am the type of person who has to learn from my own mistakes so when people try and give me advice I don’t ever take it.  I know my life would/could be simpler if I would just listen when people give me advice.  I know part of this is because I am so stubborn that I have to do things my way.  Even if I know that my way isn’t the best way to go about doing something.

I love the second line because I am so tired of people telling me who they think I should be or what they think I should do with the rest of my life.  Like I said before I know most of the people who say things like that mean well but I get tired of hearing it.

What do you think of this song?

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