Cover Reveal: Unexpected Expectations by Lauren Helms

We’ve waited for months for this moment and now it’s time to share the first cover in the third season of the loved, 425 Madison Ave series. Check out the gorgeous cover for Unexpected Expectations by Lauren Helms, a must-read rags to riches romance!


With everyone around me settling down, I’m happy to continue living my life single and carefree.

That is unless I can convince the concierge, Lucy Wilson at 425 Madison to finally take me up on that offer to go out on a date.

She’s beautiful, friendly, and her compassion for each and every one of the residents is admirable. Something tells me that she doesn’t see herself that way at all though.

This is why I’ve made it my mission to break her out of her overly cautious shell starting with a lucky penny and a $10 raffle ticket.

It was all supposed to be a little fun but when a large dose of lucky graces us, everything suddenly becomes unexpected.


He thinks I don’t see him, but I do. Oh yes, I’ve been aware of the all too good looking Kevin Harper for quite some time now.

The thing is, I’m not sure that we have enough in common and I sure don’t have the free time for a social life between my job and school. Dating? That’s pretty far down on the list of things I’d like to check off – not by choice.

That is until Kevin convinces me that a little fun is good for the soul.

What started as a $10 raffle ticket turned into a vacation in Vegas and a whole lot of expectations that neither of us saw coming.

I always believed in fairy tales, but I wonder if what we have is too good to be true. I can only hope that it’s true what they say…

After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.

Pre-Order Unexpected Expectations toady!

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Want to jump into 425 Madison Ave now?

Don’t miss Boyfriend Maintenance and Flawless Foundations, both by Lauren Helms, featured in the first two seasons!

Read Boyfriend Maintenance, Jake & Emmy’s story on Amazon today!
Read Flawless Foundations, Levi & Becca’s story on Amazon today!

About Lauren Helms

Lauren Helms has forever been an avid reader from the beginning. After starting a book review website, that catapulted her fully into the book world, she knew that something was missing. Lauren decided to take the plunge and write her first novel. While working for a video game strategy guide publisher, she decided to mix what she knew best–video games and romance. She decided to take the plunge and joined NaNoWrimo and a month later, she had her first draft.

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About the 425 Madison Series

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Rounding out the summer with some hot city nights and coasting into fall with more cool characters at this famous high-rise, 425 Madison is returning for a third season!

With some familiar faces and some brand new residents – you’ll be sure to find an author you love and a trope to ignite your taste buds after all 425 Madison IS the perfect place to fall in love!

We’ve got an amazing line of up must-read romance authors including, Lauren Helms, Allie York

J Marie, Kay Gordon, Marcie Shumway, Aubree Valentine, S.L. Sterling, and Fiona Tulle

Prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC.

Season One and Two feature stories from some of your favorite romance authors: Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Allie York, Aubree Valentine, Kay Gordon, Lauren Helms, Sylvia Kane, Katy Ames, KC Enders, Marci Shumway, and C. Lesbirel. All these authors came together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy. Covering all of your favorite tropes each tale offers you something new, something different.

Make sure to follow the 425 Madison Avenue Facebook page for more on release dates, cover reveals, and author spotlights. For exclusive excerpts, giveaways, and news subscribe to our 425 Madison newsletter!

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Catch up on the first two seasons, available exclusively in Kindle Unlimited!

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Paranormal Privateers by Andy Zack

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audiobookworm in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Paranormal Privateers by Andy Zack was an interesting book but was also super long.  I would listen to this book for a couple of hours and then I would have to walk away and come back with it.  This is the third book in the series and I would recommend listening to the whole series in order or you might get confused.  I did find it easier to keep track of who was talking and how the characters are related.  I enjoyed this book but not as much as the second book but it enjoyed it way more than I did the first book.  I think part of my problem is the fact that I am listening to the whole series in about a month so I am just tired of the series right now.   I am going to go back and listen to this book in the future so I can see if I feel the same way after some time has passed.   With that being said this book did a great job of distracting me from all of the craziness that is happening in the world right now.  If you love comedy or are looking for a new series of books I would give this one a shot.

About The Book

Author: Andy Zach

Narrator: Phil Blechman

Length: 10 hours 50 minutes

Publisher: Jule Inc.⎮2019

Genre: Science Fiction; Humor

Series: Life After Chronicles, Book 3

Release date:  Jan. 17, 2019

Zombies charge first, ask questions later.

Middle-aged, overweight, and undead, Diane Newby leads the paranormal privateers against criminals and corruption. Sailing to trouble spots too sensitive for the US government, with zombie strength and regeneration they beat bullies into submission. Aided by zombie turkeys, corgis, and bulls, vicious criminal geniuses fall before them. If Diane gets overwhelmed by foes, her lovely zombie bodyguards and romantic zombie husband come to the rescue.

Out of the blue, new foes appear. Or are they friends? Or both? The frenemies neutralize zombies and orchestrate world peace. They disrupt the economy and produce fabulous wealth. Even the greatest criminals and governments can’t stop them from dominating the world.

Can humanity afford the price of peace? All must surrender freedom to a not-so-benign dictatorship. Diane and the paranormal privateers must do the unthinkable to save humanity. But is it enough?

In an explosive and unconventional ending to Andy Zach’s Life After Life Chronicles, you will learn what happens when the paranormal privateers meet the world’s greatest fear. And you will laugh all the way.

About The Author

Andy Zach was born Anastasius Zacharias, in Greece. His parents were both zombies. Growing up, he loved animals of all kinds. After moving to the United States as a child, in high school, he won a science fair by bringing toads back from suspended animation. Before turning to fiction, Andy published his Ph.D. thesis “Methods of Revivification for Various Species of the Kingdom Animalia” in the prestigious JAPM, Journal of Paranormal Medicine. Andy, in addition to being the foremost expert on paranormal animals, enjoys breeding phoenixes. He lives in Illinois with his five phoenixes.

With his first book, “Zombie Turkeys” Andy blazed new ground in paranormal humor. The second book in his Life After Life Chronicles, “My Undead Mother-in-law” expands the zombie plague from turkeys to humans, with hilarious results. You can find both volumes on Amazon Kindle, Createspace print, and Audible audiobook editions.

Not content to keep in zombies earthbound, Andy puts them afloat in his third book, “Paranormal Privateers”. Just when you thought every funny zombie trope had been explored, new humorous horizons open up. You can get “Paranormal Privateers” in Kindle and print formats. The audiobook is available now on Audible.

Having conquered paranormal animal humor in his first series, Andy Zach launches into middle school superhero genre with Secret Supers. Four disabled seventh graders all get superpowers. Who knew a disability could be so useful for hiding a superpower? But the four friends, Jeremy, Dan, Kayla, and Aubrey confront problems that can’t be solved by superpowers.


About The Narrator

Phil Blechman

Phil Blechman is a mystical voice wizard from the New Yorkian borough of Queens. His narration and audio production work is supplemented by professions in sports journalism, theatrical writing and direction.


Michael Stafford

Michael Stafford received his Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in 2017 from ACU. He has been performing professionally since 2013. He has performed in regional and educational theaters across Texas for over a decade. “Oops!” is Michael’s first audiobook. He greatly enjoyed the recording process and collaborating with Andy Zach. Michael would like to thank his wife and daughter for their continuous support and love.

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The Deceptive Twin by L.R. Jackson

When Jasen realized the wife he had fallen out of love with started to change, he never imagined his love would be tangled in lies and deceit. Find out if the price of forgiveness is more than Jasen is willing to pay in L.R. Jackson’s THE DECEPTIVE TWIN. Fans of Shanora Williams, Meghan March, and Kennedy Ryan will devour this forbidden romance.



All she was supposed to do was step into her twin’s perfect life for a little while and take an opportunity to be the fun one for once. To know what it felt like to really live. The last thing she ever meant to do was fall for her sister’s husband. How can something that is so wrong feel so right?

His wife had become almost like a roommate over the past few years. The distance between them had been insurmountable. Until recently. Something about her is … different. She’s warmer, softer somehow. Jasen is shocked to find himself falling in love with his gorgeous wife all over again. But… is she really his wife?

When tragedy strikes, Morgan is forced to choose between continuing the lie and owning up to her deception. Doing the right thing could mean losing the only man she’s ever loved, but can a relationship built on betrayal ever truly last? More importantly, will Jasen even want her when he learns the truth—or will the price of forgiveness simply be more than he’s willing to pay?

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Exclusive Excerpt

Copyright 2020 @ L.R. Jackson

I stop in my tracks as I hear the front door slam. This is it. The plan is in motion. My heart beats faster, and my palms become sweaty as I try my best to remain calm in the denim jean skirt and midriff top that Monroe forced me to change into. I’m sure this is regular attire for her, but it isn’t something I would wear, and I feel very exposed at the moment. Jasen walks in with his briefcase, and immediately, my lungs stop working. He drops the briefcase down in front of him and watches me with the sexiest dark brown eyes I’ve ever seen. This is not the teenaged Jasen I remember. He’s bigger. Sexier. His muscles strain against the blue collared shirt he’s wearing. His sleeves are rolled up, revealing thick biceps. He looks like walking lust and temptation. He turns and opens a cabinet. “How was Philly?”
“Good,” I answer as my body heats from nervousness. And other things.
He closes the cabinet and turns around to face me. He narrows his eyes as he tears the wrapper off the granola bar in his hand. “You’re awfully quiet. Is something wrong?” he asks before taking a bite.
“No, everything’s fine,” I reply.
“How’s your sister?”
“She’s doing great.”
“So, you two are good? You’re speaking again now?”
“Good, now you can stop talking about how much you hate her.”
“What?” I ask softly.
I’m not sure if I heard him correctly; did he just say that Monroe hated me?
He stops chewing. “Oh, come on, you say it all the time, Monroe. How Morgan was the favorite, and how Grandma Rose always defended her no matter how wrong she was.”
So, I had heard him correctly. I’m instantly angered. Monroe hated me. She betrayed me, so I should be the one hating her, not the other way around. Had I known about this sooner, I would have never agreed to help her. I snap out of it and answer his question. “We worked out our differences. Everything is good now.”
He takes the last bite as he watches me. He swallows and tosses the wrapper in the nearby trash bin as he walks closer. My body stiffens when he stops right in front of me.
He’s entirely too close. His lips are mere inches from mine, and I can smell the mixture of peanut butter and chocolate on his breath. I can also smell his cologne. And it’s intoxicating. He places his hand around my waist and gently pulls me to him. “Did you think about my suggestion? Are you willing to try?” he asks.
“Yes,” I answer as my eyes fixate on his.
“So, you’ll go?” he continues.
“Yes,” I answer again, mesmerized by his baritone voice.
“Good. I think it will be good for us,” he responds.
He leans in and kisses me, rendering me powerless. My eyes close and my mouth opens as I allow his tongue to enter. Sparks ignite every nerve ending. His hands make their way under my skirt, and he tugs at my thong, pulling it down. It fall to my ankles, and he lifts me up and on top of the countertop. I’m lost in the moment. It’s been so long since I’ve touched a man, and my body is all too welcoming of Jasen’s hands. My skirt is lifted around my waist, his fingers are between my legs, and he’s kissing my neck softly. “I’ve missed touching you. I want you so bad, Monroe… right here, right now.”
My eyes fly open at the mention of my sister’s name, and I clasp my legs together just as his finger reaches my clit.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“I can’t,” I answer.


About L.R. Jackson

L.R. Jackson was born and raised on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. She’s a fun and spontaneous Gemini who has an addiction for wings and a passion for food. By day, she works in Corporate America, and by night, she dreams of Alpha Males and Romance.

Writing has been a passion of hers since she was a little girl. She always wanted to share her stories with the world but life got in the way and her dream of writing was put on hold while she graduated from college and became a Mom. But now, over 25 years later, she can proudly say that she’s fulfilled her dream of becoming a published author.
When she’s not playing chauffeur to her teenage daughter, she can be found reading, cooking, traveling, and of course writing.

She has a huge appreciation for her readers and loves to hear from them.

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The Takeaway Men by Meryl Ain


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Takeaway Men by Meryl Ain was an amazing book.  If you have read any of my other reviews you know how I feel about WWII books but this is the first book I have read about the aftermath of the war.  It never crossed my mind how hard it would be for people and kids to adjust after the war.  This is the first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed her writing.  She is an author that I know I will read more books by her in the future.  I also think I am going to see if I can’t find other books like this one because of how much I enjoyed this one.  I fell in love with these characters right from the start of the book and I was sad when I was done with this book because I missed these characters.  This book left me feeling sad because of everything these poor people went through and then move to the US and crazy things happen here.  If you are looking for a different WWII book to read I would recommend this one to you and I am sure you will love it as much as I did.

About The Book

Book Title:  The Takeaway Men by Meryl Ain
Category:  Adult fiction 18 yrs +,  264 pages
Genre:  Historical Fiction
Publisher:  Sparkpress
Release date:   August 4, 2020
Content Rating:  PG-13 + M because there are references to extra-marital affairs. There is no explicit sex in the book.

With the cloud of the Holocaust still looming over them, twin sisters Bronka and Johanna Lubinski and their parents arrive in the US from a Displaced Persons Camp. In the years after World War II, they experience the difficulties of adjusting to American culture as well as the burgeoning fear of the Cold War. Years later, the discovery of a former Nazi hiding in their community brings the Holocaust out of the shadows. As the girls get older, they start to wonder about their parents’ pasts, and they begin to demand answers. But it soon becomes clear that those memories will be more difficult and painful to uncover than they could have anticipated. Poignant and haunting, The Takeaway Men explores the impact of immigration, identity, prejudice, secrets, and lies on parents and children in mid-twentieth-century America.

About The Author

Meryl Ain’s articles and essays have appeared in Huffington Post, The New York Jewish Week, The New York Times, Newsday and other publications. The Takeaway Men is her debut novel. In 2014, she co-authored the award-winning book, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last, and in 2016, wrote a companion workbook, My Living Memories Project Journal. She is a sought-after speaker and has been interviewed on television, radio, and podcasts. She is a career educator and is proud to be both a teacher and student of history. She has also worked as a school administrator. The Takeaway Men is the result of her life-long quest to learn more about the Holocaust, a thirst that was first triggered by reading The Diary of Anne Frank in the sixth grade. While teaching high school history, she introduced her students to the study of the Holocaust. At the same time, she also developed an enduring fascination with teaching about and researching the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case. An interview with Robert Meeropol, the younger son of the Rosenbergs, is featured in her book, The Living Memories Project. The book also includes an interview with Holocaust survivor, Boris Chartan, the founder of the Holocaust Museum and Tolerance Center of Nassau County, New York. Meryl holds a BA from Queens College, an MA from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an Ed.D. from Hofstra University. She lives in New York with her husband, Stewart. They have three married sons and six grandchildren.

Connect with the author:  Website  ~ Facebook Twitter ~ Instagram

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Playing To Win


Forever Write PR is proud to present the release of


An Elite Athlete Sports Romance Anthology
Release Date: July 24
Participating Authors:
Mignon Mykel
Aubree Valentine
Jennifer Bonds
Brooke O’Brien
Tina Gallagher
Christy Pastore
Victoria Pinder
Grab it on your favorite vendor for a limited time!
Will be in KU this week!
Meet the Authors:


Mignon Mykel 

Mignon Mykel, author of reader-favorite Prescott Family, loves books, dreaming, and espresso. When not writing, you can find her reading, hiking, or hanging out with her adorable nanny boy-os.

Her books have been likened to “real life” and much like real life, sometimes the biggest hurdle in a relationship is one’s self. Outside forces are not always applicable in the struggle toward HEA. She loves to read books in large worlds, where many books down the road, you get a glimpse at a former favorite couple. It is because of that, that every Mignon Mykel title you read, is connected to any other title in some shape or form. However, everything—with the exception of the Playmaker Duet—is a complete standalone.

Connect with Mignon Mykel:
Aubree Valentine 

Aubree Valentine began her book world career back in 2016 as a virtual assistant for a friend/author and as a book blogger. While working with authors, PR companies and fellow bloggers, she fell even more in love with the Indie community and decided to launch her own small scale PR company where she continued to hone her skills as a virtual assistant to several authors and studied the ins and outs of what it takes to help succeed in the industry. When she’s not working with her partner in crime, you can find her penning fun and flirty stories about all of her imaginary and very smexy alphas. This includes her current and most popular series, Too Hot To Handle.

Aubree has a degree in sarcasm and resides in Pennsylvania. She enjoys reading, chasing after her twins and her three furbabies, cuddling with her husband, and coming up with new project ideas that often involve power tools. She’s usually always online via Facebook or Instagram @authoraubreevalentine.

Connect with Aubree Valentine:


Jennifer Bonds

Jennifer Bonds writes sizzling contemporary romance with sassy heroines, sexy heroes, and a whole lot of mischief. She’s a sucker for enemies-to-lovers stories, laugh out loud banter, and over the top grand gestures.

While she’d like to tell you she’s always loved reading, it just wouldn’t be true. In second grade her mom had to bribe her to read (and learn multiplication tables), but by the time she reached middle school she was hopelessly addicted to all things fiction. Amazingly, it didn’t help her popularity level, but did inspire her to write her first book, which (thankfully) is buried in the basement where it will never see the light of day.

Ten years of professional insanity and one MBA later, Jennifer decided to take a chance and pursue her dream of writing. Because, honestly, what could be better than spending your days reading and writing swoonworthy romance?

She also writes YA paranormal romance as J.J. Bonds.

Jennifer lives in Pennsylvania, where her overactive imagination and weakness for reality TV keep life interesting. She’s lucky enough to live with her own real life hero, two adorable (and sometimes crazy) children, and one rambunctious K9. Loves Buffy, Mexican food, the Winchester brothers, and all things zombie. Sings off-key.

Connect with Jennifer Bonds:
Brooke O’Brien

Brooke O’Brien is the author of the Heart’s Compass series, the Tattered Heart duet, and her newest release, BRIX, a stepbrother/bully romance.

Growing up Brooke always had a love of writing; she started out writing poetry when she was young and began journaling her thoughts as she grew older. Diving headfirst into a good book has always been therapeutic for her. Now her two passions have collided.

Brooke believes you can cure any bad day with chocolate or by going on a long drive with the windows down and the music turned up! She’s found that’s when her characters talk to her the most! If she’s not reading or writing, you’ll probably find her spending time with her family and friends, watching Hawkeye football or NBA basketball, going to the movies, or collecting signed paperbacks.

She loves to interact with readers! Keep in touch with Brooke by following her on Social Media and join her exclusive Reader Group.


Connect with Brooke O’Brien:
Tina Gallagher

Tina Gallagher wears many hats. She’s a wife, mother, author, and editor…and that doesn’t even include her day job.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Tina worked a spectrum of jobs ranging from baking and cake decorating to marketing and project management. But her true passion is writing. In between her day job and spending time with her family, she manages to fit in time to write the romance novels she loves so much.

Tina lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.

Connect with Tina Gallagher:
Christy Pastore

Christy Pastore is a bestselling author of Romantic Comedy and Literary Humor romance reads. She writes sexy, contemporary romance books that contain bold heroines and swoony gentleman with a naughty side. Writing has always been a part of Christy’s life. Her first writing gig was for a celebrity entertainment website. Later she went on to create her own blogazine and media company combining her love of writing with fashion and marketing.

When’s she not writing flirty and dirty books you’ll find Christy browsing the internet for the latest celebrity gossip, obsessively watching Instagram stories, binge watching her favorite shows or daydreaming.

She appreciates a good vodka soda with a twist of lime or a nice glass of wine. She’ll never turn down chips and salsa, margherita pizza or Mexican food. And yes, you can always ask her for advice on fashion and style trends.

Christy lives in central Indiana with her husband their two ginger kitties, Cheeto and Dorito.

She believes books, especially love stories are an escape from the real world.

Connect with Christy Pastore:


Victoria Pinder

USA Today Bestselling Author, Victoria Pinder grew up in Irish Catholic Boston before moving to the Miami sun though she left that for a while to live in New Orleans, Denver and now Pittsburgh. She started single but the husband and then children joined in on the fun. She’s worked in engineering, then lawyer, then teacher, and finally novelist. She refused to one day turn 50 and realize she had nothing but her career and hours at a desk.

During all this time and travel, she always wrote stories to entertain herself or calm down. Her parents are practical minded people demanding a job, and Victoria spent too many years living other people’s expectations, but when she sat down to see what skill she had that matched what she enjoyed doing, writing became so obvious. The middle school year book when someone wrote in it that one day she’d be a writer made sense when she turned thirty.

She’s always been amazing, adventurous and assured. It’s what gets her through the day.

Visit her website where you can get a free read NOW. Please write as she loves writing back to her fans.

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Mentralysis by Ren Garcia


There is a treasure hunt with the prizes being a $100 and $25 giveaway!
The Treasure Hunt Questions will be based on the videos on the Author’s YouTube Channel and you can answer the questions and find the YouTube links in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. 
Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood. He also has a passion for caving, urban archaeology, taking pictures of clouds, and architecture. He currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, and their four dogs.


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They thought the episode with their cousin to the east, Lady Bloodstein, was over. They thought it was something to laugh about at the grand table in fond nostalgia. But they were wrong. They were so wrong. And Castle Blanchefort has fallen!

Lord Kabyl has lost everything: his wife, his kin, his family fortune, and his home. Castle Blanchefort, once a safe haven, is overrun with enemies seeking his blood.

In what follows, he must join forces with ancient enemies and with people who do not exist. He must treat with sinister, possibly untrustworthy gods and barter away his soul for urgently needed arcane help or face certain death at the hands of forgotten tyrants and their machinations from a bygone age.

And, how can a strange science known as Mentralysis, practiced in secret in the hidden places of the League, hold the key to ultimate victory?

What should have been obvious to Lord Kabyl from the start, at last, becomes crystal clear: Foolish is he who dares possess the Ultimate Object, for misery shall be his only reward.
YouTube Clip:
The answer to Treasure Hunt Question #1 and #2 are in the video above.
Treasure Hunt Questions Chapter 5 – 6: 
(put your answers in the rafflecopter below)
( The $100 and $25 Rafflecopter Prizes are specifically for the Treasure Hunt Winner )
Chapter 5:–The Cult of Roethaba –
1: What branch of the Hospitalers does Jana del Lavi belong to?
A)—The Hopkins
B)—The Boblytes
C)—The Knickerbaums
D)—The Ephysians
E)—The Jones

2: Who invented “Mentralysis”?
A)—Vehelm of Waam
B)—Wilmer of Sorrander
C)—Queen Ghome of Trimble
D)—Lady Chrysania of Bloodstein
E)—Roethaba of George

Chapter 6:–The Infirmary  –
1: Who’s stasis capsule display reads: ‘Feelin’ Fine’?
B)—Lady Sarah’s
D)—A Staff member

2: After speaking to Sam via Mentralysis, what did Kay do?
A)—He got angry
B)—He laughed
C)—He wept
D)—He passed out

See our Official Event Page for links to where you can find the rest of the Treasure Hunt Questions.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

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