Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin

Book Review

Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin was another great book.  I have read another series by this author so this book had big shoes to fill and it lived up to everything that I hoped it would.  I also love this book because it is my favorite type of historical fiction to read.  I love pretty much everything that takes place during WWII.  Anyway let’s get back to the review of this book.  Loved following along as Mary tries to figure out who is behind all the crazy things that are going on and I also loved following along as Mary & Jim spend so much time together and start to fall in love.  I can’t say enough good things about this  book and this author.  She does an amazing job writing these stories and making you feel like you are there with the characters.  If you love historical fiction than make sure you don’t miss this story.

Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin

About The Book

Through Waters Deep (Revell, August 2015)

It is 1941 and America teeters on the brink of war.

Outgoing naval officer Ensign Jim Avery escorts British convoys across the North Atlantic in a brand-new destroyer, the USS Atwood. Back on shore, Boston Navy Yard secretary Mary Stirling does her work quietly and efficiently, happy to be out of the limelight. Yet, despite her reserved nature, she never could back down from a challenge. When evidence of sabotage on the Atwood is found, Jim and Mary must work together to uncover the culprit. A bewildering maze of suspects emerges, and Mary is dismayed to find that even someone close to her is under suspicion. With the increasing pressure, Jim and Mary find that many new challenges—and dangers—await them.

Sarah Sundin takes readers to the tense months before the US entered WWII. Readers will encounter German U-boats and torpedoes, along with the explosive power of true love, in this hopeful and romantic story.

Sarah Sundin

About The Author

Sarah Sundin is the author of With Every Letter, On Distant Shores, In Perfect Time, and the Wings of Glory series. In 2014,On Distant Shores was a finalist for the Golden Scroll Awards from both AWSA and the Christian Authors Network. In 2011, Sarah received the Writer of the Year Award at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. A graduate of UC San Francisco School of Pharmacy, she works on call as a hospital pharmacist. During WWII, her grandfather served as a pharmacist’s mate (medic) in the Navy and her great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England. Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children.

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Barclay Publicity’s Summertime eReader Giveaway!


More than 20 authors will be sharing their best and worst pick-up lines during this EPIC eReader Giveaway! Win dozens of prizes, including swag packs, print or eBooks, gift cards, tote, posters, themed prizes, etc…and of course, a grand prize of four (4) eReaders!

Participating Authors:
7/27   Patty Blount
          Sarah Castille
7/28   Lia Davis
         Lisa Nicholas
7/29   Jodi Linton
         Michelle Madow
7/30   Shelly Bell
         Jane Peden
         Kristi Hancock
        Caroline Lee
8/3    Veronica Forand
        Samantha Ann King
8/4    Kerry Adrienne
        Lizzy Ford
8/5    Suzie T. Roos
        Sharon Hamilton
8/6    Linda Bond
        Heather Long
        Alyssa Richards
8/7    Michelle Sharp


Want to meet up with our author sponsors? Join the fun at the Summertime eReader Giveaway event page on Facebook: !


Hi everyone. My name is Michelle Sharp and I’m the author of the new Dream Seeker Series. I’ve thought long and hard about this worst pick-up line thing. Time and again, I keep coming back to one infamous night. Not because it was terribly exciting or anything, but because me and my best friend still laugh about it today.


So first off, let me set the scene. I’m an eighties girl. Big hair. Z-Cavaricci Jeans. (Wow, I loved those jeans.) The flash dance off the shoulder shirts. I would post a picture but it doesn’t reflect well on me. LOL. Come on…I’m not the only eighties girl here, am I? Man, I feel old.
So I’m in college, out with my friends and its girl’s night—no guys tonight. And of course there’s… “that guy.” You know, the one who is not nearly as hot as he thinks he is. Not quite as funny as he’d like to be. And just a little too sweaty. His specialty is capturing random, unsuspecting women on the dance floor if they are unfortunate enough to accidently turn in his direction. Yes, that would be me and my friend, who is still my BFF today.


So, in order to not be rude, we kind of dance… well, sort of next to the guy, not really WITH him, but not wanting to totally dis his Michael Jackson moves either. When the song ends, we make a hasty retreat to the bathroom. But when we finish and exit, he’s waiting for us. Apparently he mistook our “dance” as an invitation to a threesome. He puts his arms up to trap us in the small hallway we’re in. In his most stud-like voice he says, “Stop. It’s Hammer time.” My friend and I of course look at each other and without missing a beat, push him hard in the chest and reply in unison, “Can’t touch this.”


Okay, so I told you, not that great of a story. But Cindy and I still say to each other, “Hey, remember the MC Hammer dude?” And I got to say, I quite miss the eighties. So I’m going to post some pictures of things I loved most about the eighties. And if I can figure out how to scan, I will post some totally hideous pictures of myself in the eighties.


Now, whoever posts the funniest eighties picture, (the one that makes me spew coffee on my keyboard) I will send an autographed copy of Dream Huntress. Come on eighties girls…I know you’re out there. And by the way, to get you in the mood, go here: -I dare you to watch that and not smile 😉

Tamed by the Outlaw Blurb


Author Jessie Jameson is the Bad Girl of romance, making a huge name for herself writing love stories with sizzling hot sex scenes. No one needs to know that her real-life inspiration is sexy publishing exec Grayson Reynolds. Or that after the hottest sex of her life, Grayson walked out on her.


Grayson’s finally taken the reins of his family’s publishing business, and he’s determined to sell off the romance division. But Jessie Jameson’s contract is complicating things. It’s like she’s been trying to ruin him ever since the mind-blowing night they shared—the night she walked out on him.


Now the sparks are flying. Heated, sexy sparks. It’s a Wild West showdown between Jessie and Grayson. But when Romance ends up in bed with Business, only one can walk away…

About Michelle Sharp


Award-winning author, Michelle Sharp, has been nominated for a 2014 National Readers Choice Award for Best Romantic Suspense and Best First Book. In addition, her debut novel Dream Huntress has been selected as a finalist in the 2015 Daphne Du Maurier award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense.  
Although she has a degree in Journalism from Southern Illinois University, she finds weaving tales of danger, deception, and love much preferable to reporting the cold, hard facts. Her goal in life? To team resilient, kickass heroines with the sexy Alpha’s who love them.


As most authors probably are, she is an avid reader. Her family may even call it obsessive. Growing up in St. Louis has made her a die-hard Cardinals fan, and having a child with Down Syndrome has made her passionate about any issue regarding special needs kiddos. She’s also a fairly big sucker when it comes to anything with fur or feathers.


Michelle is a proud member of Romance Writers of America and Missouri Romance Writers. You can learn more about her at, where you will also find links to her social media.





You know the beginning of the movie Grease where Sandy and Danny are having their beautiful romantic innocent fling? The brief relationship that was so beautiful, they each wrote a song about it? Mine wasn’t like that.


We didn’t have a moment where we locked eyes across a crowded room. We didn’t see each other standing on the beach. He wasn’t a millionaire trying to woo me with a bottle of champagne. None of those were even close.


I was at the beach with my sister and some friends. Being hot, young, single girls, we went to one of those “meat market” clubs that exist for the sole purpose of encouraging sunburned college students to party. A friend of a friend knew the owner and took us to the second floor of the club to visit with him in his office. We enjoyed it, mostly because he was a fun guy. I guess you would have to be to run a joint like that. On the way back down the spiral staircase, I was the last in line.


I would never describe myself as particularly coordinated. That night was not an exception. Narrow spiral staircases are tedious even for the graceful, at least that’s what I tell myself. These steps were a beautiful black cast iron with scrollwork that was all but imprinted on my backside as I slipped and nailed the last three with my rear.


My sister isn’t mean; she just has a wicked sense of humor. Nevermind that this type thing doesn’t ever happen to her. She had an image to uphold so she kept walking and didn’t look back. I sat there on the floor of the club in my pale pink mini-skirt stunned, embarrassed, and alone. While I wondered if 1) I was hurt, and 2) if it was possible to regain my dignity, the crowd parted for a muscular, tan guy with brown hair and green eyes who leaned down and gently asked, “Are you okay?”


The consummate gentleman, he helped me off the floor then asked, “Will you dance with me?”


Beautiful, right?


Not when he’s the guy that you and your sister had spent the evening evading because he had that certain something…that you don’t want in a guy. He wasn’t ugly or impolite. He was just plain uncool. We didn’t want to be seen with him let alone be with him. And I had no graceful way out.


Sure, I could’ve blown him off, but I couldn’t have done it with a clean conscience. The guy had done nothing to deserve any disrespect from me. He had linked himself with the club’s token klutz. I had no room to judge. So I danced.


Not Quite Home Blurb
Adam’s life is headed south—to the hometown he swore he’d never see again. Adam’s plan is to head home to settle a pending lawsuit and then get out fast. The last thing he counted on was falling for sexy Kate Braswell. The slow burn that starts when they meet soon begins to sizzle, but Kate is putting down roots in the last place he wants to be … how can they build a future? Newcomer Kristine Bria is pleased to present Not Quite Home, Book 1 of her new contemporary romance series, Moss Point.


Architect Adam Moultrie’s bad-boy past is catching up with him and his blossoming career. Inheriting the Moss Point plantation he never wanted, he can’t get rid of it fast enough. Even though he paid someone to board it up, a local teenager breaks in and gets hurt. Her mom, Adam’s ex from high school, seizes the opportunity to get revenge on the guy who abandoned her at the plantation on prom night fifteen years earlier. With a professional partnership in Portland slipping through his fingers, he heads to his hometown on the Georgia coast to resolve the lawsuit as quickly as possible.


Kate Braswell gave up everything to open Local Flavor, her coffeehouse showcasing art, but her builder shatters his leg—and possibly her dreams. Facing bankruptcy and failure, Adam is the only one who can save her and her shop. He becomes her unlikely hero, but the last thing he needs is a sexy woman in pink lip-gloss. Kate doesn’t want a man, even smoldering Adam, regardless of what her hormones say. Still, he can’t keep his hands off the conservative Kate, using all his bad-boy moves to show her what she’s been missing.


Adam and Kate’s sexual attraction eclipses their attempts to dodge an affair that neither wants. She adopts Moss Point while he longs for Portland. His exile is her home, and both must decide if either can survive a compromise.


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About Kristine Bria


Kristine Bria was the annoying teacher’s pet who always made straight As. Sure, she used to ride to and from school with the principal–it wasn’t her fault they lived next door to each other. Carpooling made sense. She shared her toys and played well with others. In short, she was a good girl.
When you have been a good girl, people around you have high expectations of you. Kristine knows all about how stressful it can be when friends, family, and bosses want different things at the same time. What do you do? How do you decide? What happens when you don’t (because you can’t) make everyone happy? There are fabulous stories all around us, and she loves to tell them.
Kristine also likes to write about who we are in public versus who we are in private. With whom do we reveal our true selves? Why does someone get to see the real us inside?
Hint: It must be love.
P.S. Kristine is good…but not too good. It turns out she has a bit of a wild streak that likes to come out and play as Kristi Hancock. Kristi writes erotic novellas where good girls are very, very bad and bad boys are very, very good.





My name is Rebecca Thomas. I’m the author of two historical romance novellas with Entangled Publishing and I’m about to launch my Alaskan Hero contemporary romance series. So excited about this! I’ve lived in Alaska my entire life. My husband bugged me for years to write an Alaska story. Finally I did, and now I have an entire series planned. The first book in the series is Her Alaskan Hero and it will release on August 25th. I also have a novella entitled Sweet Home Alaska, as part of this series that is available now in a boxed set entitled Small Town Summer.


I recently attended a writer’s conference at a very nice, very large hotel. Hundreds of women roamed every floor and hallway of this hotel. It was about eight o’clock at night when I tried to check into my room. However, my room wasn’t ready and my roommate hadn’t arrived yet, so even though this was annoying, I wasn’t about to let these circumstances bring down my happy mood. I was at a writer’s conference and I was on vacation.


So I waited in the lobby with a book in hand and almost immediately I was approached by a man who asked if I was here for the writer’s conference. I said, yes. He introduced himself by saying, “I’m Anthony, I’m an attorney and I’m from the Bahamas.” And then almost as an afterthought he asked, “What’s your name?”


I gave him my name, then he immediately asked, “Do you have a roommate?”


So there is nothing so horrible about this conversation except clearly he was trying to impress me with his profession and/or place of residence. And who knows if he was actually trying to pick me up, but of course I told him I had a roommate and I expected her to arrive at any moment. So Anthony went along his way and left me in the lobby.


As I watched him leave, my romance writer’s imagination took over. I envisioned myself saying. “No, I don’t have a roommate.”


As a side note, in my head he was much more attractive and gorgeous and sexy too. Next thing I know he invites me for a ride in his private jet where he takes me to his mansion in the Bahamas. And you know the rest of the story—we lived happily ever after of course.
But back to reality, I mean, really, what did he expect me to say? And if I did say, no, I don’t have a roommate. What would he have said? I guess I will never know, I can only imagine.
Was there ever a time you wish you’d said something else in a similar situation? So the story would have ended differently?  


Her Alaskan Hero Blurb


After being left at the altar, California girl Sabrina Tate needs to make a fast getaway. With her famous overbearing parents and the paparazzi hot on her heels, where else is a jilted bride to go to lick her wounds but Alaska? With only her tropical honeymoon clothes in tow, she makes her escape. For two weeks, she’ll live on her own and prove to herself—and her family—that she can make it without a husband.
Zak Forrester is a man on a mission. He’s turned his rugged yet luxurious Alaskan lodge into a hotspot for hunters, all in the hope to make up for a painful event in his past. But when Sabrina—one of the rare women to enter his rugged realm—stumbles into his world, he can’t get rid of her fast enough. He has no time for her yoga, vegetarian meal requests, or Scrabble.
Soon, neither can resist the other, and two hearts collide. With time ticking away, they have to decide where they belong. Is a life in a different world better than being a world apart?


About Rebecca Thomas


Rebecca Thomas enjoys a love-hate relationship with Alaska. She lives there with her bush pilot husband and two teenaged sons. When she isn’t reading, writing, or playing board games, she is cheering for her sons at their hockey games and tennis matches.


A reluctant reader as a child, she didn’t become interested in books until her teen years when she discovered historical romance. Now she loves all sub-genres of romance and can’t decide which one is her favorite.


Rebecca earned a bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Alaska and was employed in the airline industry for several years before working in her current position as a program manager in a higher education.


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Journeys of the Heart: An Anthology by Camille Elliot, Winnie Griggs, and Erica Vetsch

Book Review

Journeys of the Heart was another great book filled with 3 short stories.  I did a review on a book similar to this one a week or so ago so if you missed that review you can click here to  check it out.  Like I said in that review that I love books like this because I can read one of the stories in one sitting and then walk away and pick it up later and not have to remember what happened because the stories don’t have to go in order.  Unlike the other one there is no way that I could pick which story that I liked the most out of this book. I loved all the stories and I can’t wait until I have the time to read books by each of these authors.  If you love historical fiction that I would sure recommend this book for you.

Journeys of The Heart

About The Book

From merry old England to the wilds of Texas, take a delightful journey into adventure and romance alongside a feisty spinster, an English lord, a trail boss, a determined widow, and an unusual train companion—a parrot!

The Gentleman’s Quest by USA Today bestselling author Camille Elliot
When a man’s body is found in the stables of Heathcliffe Manor, all evidence points to Christopher Creager as the culprit. The only one who can help him is the woman he hasn’t let himself go near: Honoria Dunbar. But when he enlists her help he discovers Honoria is facing a life-sentence of her own…

The Road Home by Winnie Griggs
Anisha’s life is just beginning, and Wyatt feels like his is over. How can a displaced, exotic beauty and former surgeon help two grieving orphans find a forever home?

The Trail Boss’s Bride by NY Times bestselling author Erica Vetsch
Trail boss Steve Ketchum hates river crossings, but before he can get his cattle started across he’s got to move an abandoned wagon out of the ford. He goes to haul it away–and discovers the last thing he ever expected. The wagon contains a newly-minted widow—and she’s expecting, too.

About The Authors

Camille Elliot

From merry old England to the wilds of Texas, take a delightful journey into adventure and romance alongside a feisty spinster, an English lord, a trail boss, a determined widow, and an unusual train companion—a parrot!

The Gentleman’s Quest by USA Today bestselling author Camille Elliot
When a man’s body is found in the stables of Heathcliffe Manor, all evidence points to Christopher Creager as the culprit. The only one who can help him is the woman he hasn’t let himself go near: Honoria Dunbar. But when he enlists her help he discovers Honoria is facing a life-sentence of her own…

The Road Home by Winnie Griggs
Anisha’s life is just beginning, and Wyatt feels like his is over. How can a displaced, exotic beauty and former surgeon help two grieving orphans find a forever home?

The Trail Boss’s Bride by NY Times bestselling author Erica Vetsch
Trail boss Steve Ketchum hates river crossings, but before he can get his cattle started across he’s got to move an abandoned wagon out of the ford. He goes to haul it away–and discovers the last thing he ever expected. The wagon contains a newly-minted widow—and she’s expecting, too.

Winnie Griggs

Winnie Griggs grew up in south Louisiana in an undeveloped area her friends thought of as the very back of beyond. With her two younger siblings and another family of two siblings for playmates, she spent many an hour exploring the overgrown land around her home, cutting jungle trails, building forts and frontier camps, and looking for pirate ships on the nearby bayou.

Once she ‘grew up’ she found other outlets for dealing with all those wonderful, adventurous imaginary friends by filling notebooks with their stories. And somewhere along the way, those scribblings gave way to full length stories.

Eventually she found her own Prince Charming, a rancher whose white steed takes the form of a tractor and whose kingdom is situated in a small rural community that she loves to call home, and together they’ve built their own storybook happily-ever-after. Their lives together expanded to include four now grown children who share Winnie’s vivid imagination and her husband’s steadier influences and are now out in the world pursuing their own adventures.

Winnie shares her stories with readers through her writings for Love Inspired and Love Inspired Historical books. You can learn more about Winnie at

Erica Vetsch

Even though Erica Vetsch has set aside her career teaching history to high school students in order to homeschool her own children, but her love of history hasn’t faded. Erica’s favorite books are historical novels and history books, and one of her greatest thrills is stumbling across some obscure historical factoid that makes her imagination leap. She’s continually amazed at how God has allowed her to use her passion for history, romance, and daydreaming to craft historical romances that entertain readers and glorify Him. Whenever she’s not following flights of fancy in her fictional world, Erica is the company bookkeeper for her family’s lumber business, a mother of two terrific teens, wife to a man who is her total opposite and yet her soul mate, and an avid museum patron.

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Barclay Publicity’s Summertime eReader Giveaway!


More than 20 authors will be sharing their best and worst pick-up lines during this EPIC eReader Giveaway! Win dozens of prizes, including swag packs, print or eBooks, gift cards, tote, posters, themed prizes, etc…and of course, a grand prize of four (4) eReaders!

Participating Authors:
7/27   Patty Blount
         Shelly Bell
          Sarah Castille
7/28   Lia Davis
         Lisa Nicholas
7/29   Jodi Linton
         Michelle Madow
7/30   Shelly Bell
         Jane Peden
         Kristi Hancock
        Caroline Lee
8/3    Veronica Forand
        Samantha Ann King
8/4    Kerry Adrienne
        Lizzy Ford
8/5    Suzie T. Roos
        Sharon Hamilton
8/6    Linda Bond
        Heather Long
        Alyssa Richards
8/7    Michelle Sharp
        Kristine Bria


Want to meet up with our author sponsors? Join the fun at the Summertime eReader Giveaway event page on Facebook: !


Did it hurt? Did what hurt? When you fell from heaven, did it hurt?


Welcome to the Love Boat. I’ll be your Captain.


Nice shoes, want to fuck?


Pick up lines are a dime a dozen, but some are funny, some are just sad, and others make you pause to blink—but what they all do, is get your attention. One of the lines above actually appeared in one of my books. I won’t tell you which one, because the whole conversation had to do with pick up lines—oh you know, why not? The “nice shoes” line appeared in The Two and the Proud. The debate between them was a lot of fun.


The best lines are the ones, which capture your attention and make you laugh. Even if the laughter is punctuated by a groan. Life has long since taught me the true power of laughter when it comes to making a memorable impression. Now, that said, the worst lines are skeevy or beyond inappropriate. The nice shoes line, for example, teeters on the edge.


While it could come across as playful depending on the delivery, you better be certain of your audience. Not all pick up lines happen in a bar, they can happen when you ask someone out to a meal—when you deliberately arrange the situation so you can spend time getting to know them better.


In my upcoming release, River Wolf, Pad Thai played a key role in an invitation to dinner and pick up for the possibility something more…


River Wolf Blurb


Brett Dalton, Alpha of Hudson River, isolated himself from his pack mates after one betrayed him. The once, easygoing Alpha has become taciturn, remote and unforgiving. His pack worries for him, but they too have suffered a devastating blow. When several members leave to join Three Rivers, the pack faces the threat of dissolution until Brett’s best friend and Lone Wolf, Luc Danes returns to Hudson River accompanied by a beautiful young human—or is she? Something about the woman consumes Brett. Has Luc come home to help or to take the pack from Brett?


Colby Jenson wrapped up thousands of hours of community service working at the hospital in Maine when an injured Luc Danes rolled through the door. The impossible patient drove the nurses crazy, but when Danes offered her money no strings attached to drive him to New York, she agreed. The last thing she expected was to arrive in the small Westchester County town and to meet the craziest collection of residents—especially the devastatingly sexy Brett Dalton. Part of her wants to hit the road, the rest wants to make him smile and he keeps making excuses for her to stay.


Then she sees the wolves…and is exposed to a world she can barely imagine. When Brett discovers a secret about her, nothing will be the same again. Now she will find herself torn between a world she isn’t sure she can understand and the man who has taken her heart hostage…


Find out more at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks | ARe


About Heather Long


National bestselling author, Heather Long, likes long walks in the park, science fiction, superheroes, Marines, and men who aren’t douche bags. Her books are filled with heroes and heroines tangled in romance as hot as Texas summertime. From paranormal historical westerns to contemporary military romance, Heather might switch genres, but one thing is true in all of her stories—her characters drive the books. When she’s not wrangling her menagerie of animals, she devotes her time to family and friends she considers family. She believes if you like your heroes so real you could lick the grit off their chest, and your heroines so likable, you’re sure you’ve been friends with women just like them, you’ll enjoy her worlds as much as she does.


Connect with Heather: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon




Hi everyone, I’m Linda Bond, TV news reporter by day, author of romantic suspense and romantic thrillers by night.  For my worst pick-up line experience I reached out to my readers and asked if they’d share theirs with me. So, here’s a list of possibly the cheesiest, most horrible pick up lines for your enjoyment, followed by a scene from one of my books that left my main character speechless. Enjoy!


Just plain cheese, please:


Are you from Tennessee ‘cause you’re the only ten I see?


Are your legs tired, because you’ve been running around my head all day?


Do you take karate ‘cause your body’s kickin’?


Is your name summer cause you’re hot?


You look a lot like my future ex wife.


Are you trash ‘cause I want to take you out?


I’m not drunk. I’m just intoxicated by you.


Nerdy pick-up lines:


Are you made of Barium and Beryllium because you are a BaBe?


You look like 89 degrees because if you were an angle you’d be acute, and if you were a temperature you’d be hot.


Naughty pick up lines. Read at your own risk:


Are you Latin ‘cause you look like you’ve got a little Cuban in you?


Are you a pinky toe because I want to bang you on every piece of furniture in my house?


Cuba Undercover Blurb


His revenge will change her life forever…


Cuban-American TV reporter Rebecca Menendez’s success comes from playing by the rules. When she’s kidnapped by a fierce and intensely handsome man who needs her help, however, all of those rules seem pointless. Nothing could have prepared her for being taken hostage…or the irresistible reward if she complies: information about her long-thought dead father.


Antonio Vega has spent almost every day of his adult life dreaming of revenging his father’s death. With his sister’s life and freedom in jeopardy, Antonio isn’t taking any chances. But once Rebecca and Antonio are in Cuba, they’re immersed in a world of corruption, deceit, and betrayal. It’s a deadly game…and there are no rules.



About Linda Bond

Linda Bond is an Emmy award-winning journalist by day and an author of romantic adventures by night.  She’s also the mother of five, four athletes and an adopted son from Cuba. She has a passion for world travel, classic movies, and alpha males. Linda currently lives in Florida, where the sun always shines and the day begins with endless possibilities.  You can become a Bond girl and share in her continuing adventures at





Tommy rode up on his sky blue bike, he was all sandy—haired, sun—kissed and a full twenty minutes late from the agreed—upon meeting time. It was a semi—blind date arranged by Cara, a mutual friend who was insistent we would hit it off.
I was none too wild about blind dates — because something always went wrong. But Cara pointed him out to me from across a restaurant one night, he was cute, and she said he was nice, so I agreed to meet him for a walk at the lake.
“You’ll love him!” she squealed.
But now he was late and would have missed our meeting spot altogether if I hadn’t flagged him down.
“Tommy!” I yelled and waved my arm.
Only one wave, though, I didn’t want to appear anxious.
That, and I wondered if he had decided to ride by first to see what I looked like. I would have been mortified if he’d looked at me and driven the other way.
But he rode over when he heard me call out his name. He was even more handsome than I remembered.
“Hi,” he said and rode a circle around me. The tick, tick, tick of his wheels slowed to a stop.
“Hi,” I said. “I thought maybe you’d forgotten. Or decided you disliked blind dates more than I do.”
“Oh,” he said.
Cicadas sang their song into the Southern stillness and I wiped a bead of sweat from the back of my neck.
“I must have had the time wrong,” he said. “My mistake.”  
He smiled his sweet surfer—boy smile and I decided to forgive him. He did seem contrite.
“Well, that’s okay. Shall we?” I said and gestured to the path.
“Sure,” he said.  
We talked nonstop as we trekked the three mile lakeside trail.
And though I’d once considered Cara to be one of my most beloved but flakiest of friends, today I regarded her as pure genius.
Tommy was the quintessential triple threat — intelligent, handsome and funny. He loved the outdoors as much as I did, was slated to take over his father’s successful restaurant business and had nothing but positive things to say about his mother.
“I’d love to see you again,” he said when we returned to our original meeting place.
“I’d like that as well, Tommy,” I said.
I was so smitten I may have blushed.
“There’s just one thing…”
My name is…Donnie. And I don’t know who Tommy is, but he’s an idiot for standing you up today.”
My mouth slipped open, and stayed there as an eternal summer moment slugged by.
“When you called out, I thought you yelled my name. When I figured out that you had the wrong guy, I chose not to bring it up. I hope you don’t mind that I took his place today,” he said. “I really would like to see you again.”
“I … would like that, too,” I finally said.


* * *
I have no idea what happened to Tommy. But Donnie and I dated till summer’s end, when he moved to take over his father’s restaurants. He was the perfect gentleman and I’d have to say this was the best pickup experience!


The Fine Art of Deception: Undoing Time Blurb


Art appraiser Adeline Montgomery just wants a normal life. One where she can ignore the ghosts who follow her, where she’s free from her “gift” of touching an object and seeing the owner’s deepest secrets, and where she can fall in love without all of the above getting in the way. But when tall, dark, and dangerous gallery owner Blake Greenwood enters her life, normal is the last thing she gets.


The Fine Art of Deception book 2 is available for Pre-Order: Kobo | Smashwords | iBooks


About Alyssa Richards
Alyssa Richards writes romance and mystery books with a paranormal twist. She lives in the South with her husband and two boys and recently published her first paranormal romance mystery called The Fine Art of Deception: Undoing Time. The sequel, Somewhere in Time is due out in October. Alyssa loves magnolias and gardenias, nurturing her herb and rose garden and holds the world record for taking two dogs from homeless to pampered.


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Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Beth K. Vogt

Book Review

Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Beth K. Vogt was a fun book to read.  The one thing that stuck with me throughout the entire book is how much didn’t like Ted.  There wasn’t any point in this book where I liked him and how he acted.  At first I wasn’t a huge fan of Vanessa because of how she let Ted talk her into something that she didn’t want but after I was a few chapters in I really did start to like her.  The one character that I loved from the first time he showed up was Logan and to be honest is the reason I kept reading in the beginning.  I do love this authors style of writing and I have read a couple of other books by her and she has never let me down.  I loved how this book end and I can’t wait to read more books in this series.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

About The Book

Crazy Little Thing Called Love: A Destination Wedding Novel(Howard, June 2015)

Wedding bells and storm clouds collide in the first engaging novel in a brand-new series about destination weddings, the power of love, and the possible mishaps and missteps that happen on a couple’s journey down the aisle to “I do.”

Paramedic Vanessa Hollister has put her adolescence behind her, including the unwanted label of being the new kid in town over and over again, thanks to her father’s military career. She’s overcome what her mother called “the biggest mistake of her life” and is planning an elegant destination wedding in Destin, Florida with her new fiancé. But will the reappearance of her first husband from her what-were-you-thinking teenage elopement disrupt her dream of an idyllic beach wedding?

As a professional storm chaser, Logan Hollister is used to taking risks. However, a reckless decision during the last tornado season has him questioning the future of his team, the Stormmeisters. Coming face to face with his ex-wife eight years after their divorce compels him to confront his greatest regret: losing Vanessa. Does their past give him the right to interfere with her future?

A fast-moving, powerful hurricane throws Vanessa and Logan together as they evacuate to a storm shelter along with other residents of the Florida Gulf Coast. Forced to spend time together, the pair battles unexpected renewed feelings for each other.

Vanessa and Logan are faced with a choice: Should they accept, once and for all, their teenage marital mistake? Or is God offering them a second chance at happily ever after?

Beth K. Vogt

About The Author

Beth K. Vogt believes God’s best often waits behind the doors marked “Never.” A 2015 RITA® Finalist and a 2014 Carol Award finalist, Beth is a contemporary romance novelist with Howard Books. Her 2014 novel, Somebody Like You, was one of Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Books of 2014. In 2015 she introduced her destination wedding series with both an e-novella, Can’t Buy Me Love, (May) and a novel, Crazy Little Thing Called Love(June).


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Barclay Publicity’s Summertime eReader Giveaway!


More than 20 authors will be sharing their best and worst pick-up lines during this EPIC eReader Giveaway! Win dozens of prizes, including swag packs, print or eBooks, gift cards, tote, posters, themed prizes, etc…and of course, a grand prize of four (4) eReaders!

Participating Authors:
7/27   Patty Blount
         Shelly Bell
          Sarah Castille
7/28   Lia Davis
         Lisa Nicholas
7/29   Jodi Linton
         Michelle Madow
7/30   Shelly Bell
         Jane Peden
         Kristi Hancock
        Caroline Lee
8/3    Veronica Forand
        Samantha Ann King
8/4    Kerry Adrienne
        Lizzy Ford
8/5    Suzie T. Roos
        Sharon Hamilton
8/6    Linda Bond
        Heather Long
        Alyssa Richards
8/7    Michelle Sharp
        Kristine Bria


Want to meet up with our author sponsors? Join the fun at the Summertime eReader Giveaway event page on Facebook: !


I’m a major Green Day fan and anyone who knows me will roll his or her eyes when the topic comes up in conversation. So, when Green Day’s album, American Idiot, was turned into a Broadway play, I had to go to New York to see it. Several times.


First, I took my kids to see the show soon after it opened. One sat with her eyes covered the whole time—I think I scarred her for life. The second time I went, I went alone. I’ve won a couple contests on Green Day’s fan site, and I won front row seats to see the show, so I was super excited. Billie Joe was performing in the role of St. Jimmy and John Gallagher was in the role of Jimmy. Sweet, right?


Things were busy around my house and it was hard to get away, so I concocted a really crazy plan. I decided I would fly up to NYC the day of the show, spend the night in the airport, and fly home early the next morning. Sounds foolproof, right?


The show was so amazing. One of the best times of my life! I met another fan who’d won tickets and we’d really enjoyed the front row seats. She didn’t roll her eyes when I talked Green Day. After the show was over, I knew I had to hurry to Newark Airport because they won’t allow you to stay if you get there after eleven—and I had to take the subway, the LIRR, and the air train to get there. I knew the St. James theater’s nearby subway station so I marched straight for it, happy as could be.


I took the train to Penn Station then headed to buy LIRR tickets. Along the way, a cop stopped me and asked how I was doing. Did I mention how happy I was? He probably thought I was drunk or something. We talked a minute and I told him that I was in NYC alone and that I’d come for a show, and that I was spending the night at Newark Airport. (in hindsight…dumb of me)


He smiled and said, “I’m about to get off duty, why don’t you come to my apartment for the night? I’ll protect you.”


EEK! I stood there speechless (not a common occurrence for me to not have things to say), then thanked him and declined and DASHED out of there. I don’t know if you remember, but this is around the same time the cop was accused of picking up women and then cooking and eating them. So, yeah. While this was NOT the same cop, it certainly put a spin on my perspective.


Anyway, I made it to Newark, slept a little while on a luggage cart, and talked to a group of people heading to Nashville for a convention. But I learned not to tell strangers (even cops) about being alone in the city. I went back up three more times to see American Idiot. I love that show!

Come Undone: Romance Stories Inspired by the Music of Duran Duran
Once upon a time in the 80s there was a band, whose members stole the hearts of many a young girl. With their guyliner, unique fashion and music that struck through the heart, Duran Duran changed how we hear and see music. Today nine hot romance authors bring you stories inspired by their music. 
(my story in the collection): Before the Rain by Kerry Adrienne 
The war is over, but the rain continues, day and night. The rebel faction, Verity, enlists Maddox to safely guide assassin Allana, out of the city. No problem. He’ll escort her, get paid, and return to his life. But the more he learns about the mysterious and beautiful assassin, the more she intrigues him. With the world falling apart around them, they must decide if they can trust each other despite the deceptions they face. If they can’t, they’ll die. 
Preorder link:
About Kerry Adrienne
Kerry loves history and spends large amounts of time wondering about people who lived and walked on Earth in the past. She’s a mom to three daughters, six cats, and various small animals, including a panther chameleon. In addition to writing, she’s a college instructor, artist, costumer, and editor. Her new love is her Mini Cooper Convertible, Sheldon, and they have already gone on many adventures.


You can connect with Kerry here:



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