Hello, Agnieszka by E Journey

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

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Hello, Agnieszka by E Journey was a great addition to the first book in the series.  If you happened to miss my review on the first book you can click here to check it out but you don’t have to read these books in order.  You can read them in any order that you want to.  I have really fallen in love with this authors style of writing and with the characters in both of the books.  There is something that I can’t put my finger on that keeps me coming back and not wanting to put the books down.  This book takes place in the 70’s so I could be considered an historical romance for those of us that are younger but I don’t think of it that way.  I did like the characters in this book but I think in the long run still like the characters from the first story.  If you are looking for a great romance novel than you should check this one out.

hello agnieszka ebook_72

About The Book

A raw tale of early love, rivalry and betrayal. Her oldest son’s suicide attempt shocks the Halversons and forces Agnieszka to reveal a past she has kept from her children.

Passion for music. Hearing her talented, irrepressible grandaunt Jola, a concert pianist in Poland, give a piano recital, young Agnieszka discovers a passion for music. Jola hones her talent and feeds her dreams.

Shattered dreams. Real-world problems, thorny relations with a mother tied to her roots and betrayal by Jola shatter her dreams.

A 70s love story. Agnieszka falls in love, but fate deals her first love a death blow. She rises from the losses she has suffered and gets a second chance at happiness.

A mother’s youthful dreams thwarted and renewed, amidst the exciting promise of the 70s.

About The Author

EJourney is a realist who thinks she has little imagination. Credit that to her training (Ph. D., University of Illinois) and work in mental health, writing for academics and bureaucrats, and critiquing the work of others. She’s been striving ever since to think and write like normal people.

She’s a well-traveled flâneuse—a female observer-wanderer—who watches, observes, listens. And writes. A sucker for happy endings, she finds enough that depresses her about real life, but seeks no catharsis by writing about it. For her, writing is escape, entertainment. She doesn’t strive to enlighten. Not deliberately. But the bias of her old profession does carry over into her writing. So, instead of broad shoulders and heaving bosoms, she goes into protagonists’ thoughts, emotions, inner conflicts, insecurities, and struggles to reach balance and grow.

Connect with the Author: Website Twitter Facebook

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Goodbye, Magnolia by Krista Noorman

Book Review

Goodbye, Magnolia by Krista Noorman was a great read.  Once I learned that one of the main characters is named Margaret I love it even more.  I could see a lot of myself in Maggie and that helped me connect more with the story and the book.  I really enjoyed this authors style of writing and how she went about telling the story.  Some authors have either too much detail or not enough but this author had just the right amount of detail to keep me interested but not so much that I got bogged down in details and didn’t want to finish the book.  I would be lying if I wasn’t hoping that Maggie and Simon would end up together in the end.  From the first chapter they seemed so perfect for each other.  If you love romance novels than I would for sure have recommend this one to you

Goodbye, Magnolia by Krista Noorman

About The Book

Wedding photography is Maggie’s passion. The art of capturing a moment forever in time is magical to her, and she’s worked hard to become the best of the best. Week after week, she works with couples as they plan their happily ever afters, but she hasn’t been so lucky in love.

Behind the camera, it’s easy to hide from the pain and rejection of her past. The life she has made for herself is safe and predictable, until the owner of a rival photography studio sets up shop in her small town and comes to her with an unexpected proposal. Suddenly, everything she has worked so hard to build is threatened and her simple, controlled life is thrown into chaos.

As she travels the state of Michigan photographing weddings, she struggles to keep her business afloat and the wall around her heart intact. But along the way, she learns more about loyalty and love than she ever imagined.

Krista Noorman

About The Author

Krista Noorman is the author of the young adult novel, The Truth About Drew , and the contemporary romance, Goodbye, Magnolia . Most of her life has been spent scribbling away in journals, honing her writing skills, while documenting her every day life. But it wasn’t until she took part in National Novel Writing Month that she found her true calling and turned her pen (or rather her computer keyboard) to fiction.

Krista studied music education at Cornerstone University. After college, she turned to her love of photography and spent nearly a decade running her own wedding photography business. She is constantly inspired by books and movies, enjoys beautiful instagram feeds, and loves a great cup of coffee. Krista makes her home in a small town in western Michigan with her husband, Jacob, and their two children. She writes about life, family, faith and whatever else comes to mind at bykrista.com .

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River Wolf by Heather Long

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River Wolf by Heather Long is a hot, sexy, and snarky tale of redemption, betrayal, healing, and the power of love.

After a murderer tore his pack apart, Alpha Brett Dalton must put the pieces back together again while solving the mystery of the woman who captivates him. Readers who’ve fallen for the Willow Bend wolf pack with fall even harder for this 7th book in the series. Packed with action, animal instinct, and tension, this book will leave you panting for more.

Follow the blog blitz August 24th-28th! One grand prize winner will receive a Wolves of Willow Bend SWAG Basket! Enter HERE or through the form below!

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Visit any or all of the following blogs for your chance to win!


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Title: River Wolf

Author: Heather Long

Series: Wolves of Willow Bend

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date: August 25th, 2015

Publisher: Self-Published

Print Length: 100K

Format: Paperback and Digital

Print ISBN: 9781515313618

Digital ISBN: 9781311154637



Brett Dalton, Alpha of Hudson River, isolated himself from his pack mates after one betrayed him. The once, easygoing Alpha has become taciturn, remote and unforgiving. His pack worries for him, but they too have suffered a devastating blow. When several members leave to join Three Rivers, the pack faces the threat of dissolution until Brett’s best friend and Lone Wolf, Luc Danes returns to Hudson River accompanied by a beautiful young human—or is she? Something about the woman consumes Brett. Has Luc come home to help or to take the pack from Brett?

Colby Jenson wrapped up thousands of hours of community service working at the hospital in Maine when an injured Luc Danes rolled through the door. The impossible patient drove the nurses crazy, but when Danes offered her money no strings attached to drive him to New York, she agreed. The last thing she expected was to arrive in the small Westchester County town and to meet the craziest collection of residents—especially the devastatingly sexy Brett Dalton. Part of her wants to hit the road, the rest wants to make him smile and he keeps making excuses for her to stay.

Then she sees the wolves…and is exposed to a world she can barely imagine. When Brett discovers a secret about her, nothing will be the same again. Now she will find herself torn between a world she isn’t sure she can understand and the man who has taken her heart hostage…

Find out more at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks | ARe

Praise for the Wolves of Willow Bend series:

“Long dished out a lot of unexpected twists and turns and did a great job tying it all together. The build-up and bits of action kept me up late at night flipping the pages.” – Booked & Loaded


“ROGUE WOLF is a fast paced, intriguing look into the world of shifters. Salvatore is old world a bit stodgy and Margo is very much new world and on top of that a lone wolf and Enforcer. How is it possible that these two could be mates? In author Heather Long’s vivid and fun imagination it’s very easy.” – Fresh Fiction


“BAYOU WOLF is in a word … amazing. All the reader can do is hold on for the ride and enjoy the fireworks.” – Fresh Fiction


“If you love sexy wolf shifters, sweet love stories and action then you have to pick up UNTAMED WOLF by Heather Long.” – Annetta Sweetko, Fresh Fiction

Excerpt from River Wolf:

So not ready to be awake…

A knock on the door intruded in her drifting and she groaned. Dammit, she was a guest. She couldn’t stay in bed all day. In fact, what she needed to do was get up, shower, dress and get her ass on the road. Florida seemed a hell of a long way to go, though. Rolling over, she shoved the blankets away then climbed out of the bed. Glaring at the light between the curtains, she rubbed a hand over her face, then stumbled to the door.

Opening it a crack, she gazed at her host. Goddammit. He looked perfect. Dressed in a clean, nicely pressed shirt with the top two buttons open to reveal the faint curls of dark against his chest and smelling like heaven, he looked good enough to eat. His hair wasn’t even damp, though it fell in a soft wave toward his forehead. He’d been up long enough to shower and dress—and he wore a smile.

“Ugh,” she sighed. “Please God tell me you are not one of those happy morning people.”

The corner of his sensual mouth quirked higher. The effect on his expression devastated her sleepy senses. No human should ever look so damn good without coffee. The combination of rake and boy next door added to his appeal, but the trace of scars and mottled skin gave him a ruggedness she desperately wanted to smooth away. “I woke you.”

“Not exactly,” she admitted, rubbing her cheek against the door and leaning on it a little more heavily. Everything ached and she wanted to go back to sleep. “I’m used to getting by on a lot less sleep.” And rolling out of bed to go to work for eight hour shifts that as often as not turned into ten to twelve hours on her feet. “I think I am tireder than I thought.” She yawned the last three words, and when she glanced at him again, his expression softened.

Extending a finger, he traced the line of her cheek and it was a soothing motion, one which had her eyes half-closing in pleasure. “Go back to bed, Colby.” His voice washed over her. “I’ll be in my office working.”

“I can’t laze about in bed all day.” No matter how good it sounded.

“Why not?”

“Because…” She had to go to Florida or at least say her goodbyes. She was a guest and not even an intentional one. “…Luc. I should probably check on him.”

“He’s fine, the doctor is with him.” The indulgence in his voice evaporated, but the steadiness in his tone remained. “Go sleep. When you wake up, come find me. We’ll have coffee.”

Tempting. So. So. Tempting. “I’m up now…but coffee sounds like heaven. Really, really strong coffee.”

“Double pot? I made one, I can run it through again.”

Colby groaned at the idea. Now that he’d mentioned it, she could smell the coffee. It proved even more alluring than the sweet vanilla and jasmine entwining the pine of his cologne on her pillow. Releasing the door to stretch, she would have thumped her tail if she’d had one. “Yes, please. If it wouldn’t be too much to ask.”

Silence greeted her comment, and she found Brett gazing at her. Rapt admiration in his eyes as he trailed his gaze down her body and up again.

Fuck me… She still only wore a t-shirt and panties and she’d just given him a show. “Crap. Sorry.” Slamming the door shut, she leaned against it. Adrenaline burned through the remaining traces of sleepiness, adrenaline and a healthy dose of lust. Having him look at her like that warmed inside and out.

“Please,” his voice stroked her through the door. “Don’t apologize. I’ll go fix the coffee. Come and find me.”

The invitation had her toes curling and she bit her lip. “I will,” she said, then added in a low whisper. “I promise.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

A shiver skated over her spine and she closed her eyes. Maybe she should have invited him inside to go back to bed with her. Inappropriate as hell, and impulsive, but she bet Brett would wake her even better than the coffee.

He already has…


Other Books in the Wolves of Willow Bend Series



Book 1 is available HERE

Caged Wolf 300


Book 2 is available HERE

Heather Long

About Heather Long:

National bestselling author, Heather Long, likes long walks in the park, science fiction, superheroes, Marines, and men who aren’t douche bags. Her books are filled with heroes and heroines tangled in romance as hot as Texas summertime. From paranormal historical westerns to contemporary military romance, Heather might switch genres, but one thing is true in all of her stories—her characters drive the books. When she’s not wrangling her menagerie of animals, she devotes her time to family and friends she considers family. She believes if you like your heroes so real you could lick the grit off their chest, and your heroines so likable, you’re sure you’ve been friends with women just like them, you’ll enjoy her worlds as much as she does.


Connect with Heather: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon


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Seaside Gifts by Gayle Roper

Book Review

Seaside Gifts by Gayle Roper was a great quick read.  It isn’t a very long book so I was able to get it read within a few days of starting it.  This was another great summer read and like I said it is a super easy book to read.  This is the first book I have read by thing author and I wasn’t let down.  Even though I knew what was probably going to happen I still wanted to finish the book because I fell in love with the characters and the authors writing.  If love sweet romance novels than I would for sure recommend this book to you especially if you are are look for a for a sweet end if summer read.

Seaside Gifts by Gayle Roper

About The Book

Nan Patterson has finally found her niche: operating a boardwalk gift shop in the quaint beachfront town of Seaside. Everything is perfect–until valuable items start just…showing up. At worst, they’ve been stolen and abandoned in her shop. At best, someone doesn’t realize they’ve lost them. Either way, Nan knows she’s out of her depth. Time to call in the local police.

Officer Rog Eastman has bigger worries than a bunch of misplaced treasures—but it is his job to help local shop owners. The fact that she’s adorable doesn’t even come into the equation. Especially since he’s sworn off women for the foreseeable future.

But there’s an imp at work in the background. Someone who knows exactly what these two people need: each other!

About The Author

Gayle Roper has been in love with story for as long as she can remember whether reading one or writing one. She began her writing career when she wanted to be a SAHM for her two sons. She sold her first short story to a teen magazine for $10. The road to fame and glory awaited. Since then she’s written some 50 books both fiction and non-fiction, adult and children’s. All have been written from a strong Christian world view. She considers herself a novelist and teacher of writing. A three-time Christy Award finalist, Gayle has also won the Inspirational Readers Choice Award twice, the Carol Award, the RITA Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award, and 3 Holt Medallions.

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Counting on a Cowboy by Debra Clopton

Book Review

Counting on a Cowboy by Debra Clopton was a super sweet love story.  This is the second book in the series and I have read and reviewed it so you can click here if you want to check out that review.  You don’t have to read the first book to understand what is going on in this book so if you are just interested in this book you can just start here.  I think these two characters are my favorite so far in this series because they seem the most relatable to me.  I really loved Abby because she seemed so relatable to be and there were times where I laughed out loud at the things that Bo did when Levi was first dropped of and he had to figure out what to do and how to do it.  I laughed because I could see my brother doing things like that if he was forced to take care of a new baby that was just dropped off.   I you love romance novels than I would for sure recommend this book to you.

Counting on a Cowboy by Debra Clopton

About The Book

Counting on a Cowboy (Thomas Nelson, August 2015)

After losing everything she held dear, Abby never wants to love again. But a certain cowboy may just spur her to wonder if love might be worth the risk.

Running from a past that haunts her, Abby Knightly is drawn to the cozy town of Wishing Springs, Texas. Maybe this small town could offer hope and healing and a future for Abby . . . if she’s brave enough to reach out and take it by the reins.

Bo Monahan isn’t interested in the new romantic destination his little town has become—or the women who might be looking at him like he’s their next Mr. Right. Between taking care of his Pops and his growing stirrup business, he isn’t looking for serious romantic commitments. But when the infant son he never knew about shows up at his doorstep, his world is turned upside down.

This confirmed bachelor might not think he needs a wife, but he sure needs help. Even Abby can see that, and despite her best efforts to keep her distance, she can’t help but be drawn to this new father-son duo. As Abby throws herself into helping Bo navigate fatherhood, hope sparks between them, revealing that maybe, just maybe, they can navigate their dark pasts and emerge together into a future as bright as the Texas sun itself.

Debra Clopton

About The Author

Debra Clopton is a multi-award winning novelist and has written more than 22 novels. Along with writing, Debra helps her husband teach the youth at their local Cowboy Church. Debra’s goal is to shine a light toward God while she entertains readers with her words.

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Weekly Wrap-Up-Week 15

Weekly Wrap-Up

It has been almost a month since the last time I did one of these post so there are going to be quite a few links.  I have had so many reviews going on in the past few weeks that I am not sure how I managed to stay on top of everything and get everything up on time but I did.  I would be lying if I said it was no big deal because those of you who blog and write reviews know much time it takes to write up the reviews and they post the reviews all over the place.  Not to mention I also have to read the books and work a full time day job at the same time.

A Heart’s Promise by Colleen Coble

Up To I Do by Samantha March

Two Hearts by James Eric Richey

Detained by Don Brown

Among the Fair Magnolias

Kevyn Aucoin- Quote Of The Week

Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Beth K. Vogt

Journeys of the Heart: An Anthology by Camille Elliot, Winnie Griggs, and Erica Vetsch

Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin

C.S. Lewis-Quote of The Week

A Heart’s Home by Colleen Coble

The Lemoncholy Life Of Annie Aster by Scott Wilbanks

Balm of Gilead by Adina Senft

First Sight by Laura Donohue

Irish Meadows by Susan Anne Mason

Herbert Read – Quote Of The Week

As Lost as I Get by Lisa Nicholas

Mind Over Bullies by D.K. Smith

No Poverty Between The Sheets by Pauline Kiely

Hello, My Love by E Journey

The Ones We Trust by Kimberly Belle

Those are all of the posts from the past few weeks.  I didn’t included ones that were for a giveaway because the giveaway is closed but rest of them are here.  I hope that you have all had a great few weeks and I will see you here next week.

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