Writers Work Shop

Widow, Virgin, Whore

Mama’s Losin’ It

Today for the Writers Workshop I am going to use prompt #1 which is:  Book review time! Some people STILL read books…share one of your more recent reads and tell us what you thought!  Now the book I am going to review I didn’t actually get this book in book form but I read it on my Nook. I read 1 to 2 books a week and sometimes more depending on what I have going on and this book surprised me.
Widow, Virgin, Whore
 AIDS Changes Everything!

When recently widowed Katherine Samuals purchases a home to share with her son, Christopher, and best friend, Denise Richards, the last thing she expects is to include Denise’s outrageous sister, Darla Richards, into the household. But Katherine concedes to Denise’s request because she adores Darla’s daughter, Chelsea, and feels this is a good opportunity to give the young teen a real home environment.

Living with Darla is anything by easy. She parties too much, sleeps around too much and speaks her mind without apology. To conservative Katherine and shy Denise, her behavior is detestable. When Darla is diagnosed with AIDS, the household is turned upside-down. Katherine finds herself thrown into Darla’s life, first as her caregiver, then as her companion as she explores the devastating lives of AIDS patients. Katherine’s fledgling writing career flourishes as she shares the experiences of Darla’s AIDS group in newspaper articles across the country. Denise finds true love for the first time, but struggles at the inappropriate timing of her personal happiness. Surprisingly, Darla also finds love – real love – in the strangest of places.

As the household struggles with the stress of living with a terminal illness, Katherine, Denise, and Darla learn just how strong and deep their bond of friendship, and sisterhood, is.

If you are a sister or best friend, you will love this story.

My Review

I chose this book to review and I was super excited about reading it but I was pleasantly surprised when I got into it and literally didn’t want to put it down.  Every time I have a few minutes with nothing to do I turned on my Nook so that I could read a little bit more even if it was only a few lines.  I fell in love with the characters and was sad at the ending but I also knew how it would end once I was a few chapters into it.  The one thing I can say about this book is don’t judge it because of the title or after the first couple of chapters.  Give it time and I know you  will fall in love with it like I did.
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My Love Affair With . . .

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about 3.) How did your love affair with Coffee begin? (Or Diet Coke or Tea or whatever your beverage of choice might be.) (inspired by Buried With Children)  I am going to substitute Dr. Pepper because everyone that knows me knows that I drink a lot of it.  Well I used to drink a lot of it now  I am down to 1 can in the morning when I get to work and the rest of the day is spent drinking water.

Anyway when I saw this prompt the first thing that popped in my head is about one of my roommates from my freshman year of college.  She is from New Hampshire and came to Utah for college.  When she was first she didn’t like Dr. Pepper but since I always had it in the fridge by the end of year she liked it as much as I did.  Also by the end of school year we had her liking fry sauce as well lol.

I really have no idea when I stopped drinking other drinks and just stuck to Dr. Pepper.  I am sure it had to have happened in college but I am not sure.  Since I have been drinking for years I can’t even imagine what it would be like to not ever have one again.  I have cut back in the hopes that I will be able to lose some weight and not have to stop drinking it for good.  I have tried tons of times to stop drinking it and lets just say the longest I have lasted has only been a few weeks.

What do you guys like to drink?

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This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about #4.) Pinterest Challenge, find something you’ve pinned, TRY it and share it. Was it worth pinning?

Source: loldamn.com via Margaret on Pinterest

So this is a pin I saw on Monday while I was at work and it sums up my life pretty well!  I can’t really try this but it is so how my life is and how I could I not repin something that is 100% accurate with my life???

Does your life work like this?

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Laughing Til It Hurts

Mama’s Losin’ It

For the writers workshop this week I chose to write about #5 which is: Write about the last time you laughed until it hurt…what happened?

Most people probably don’t know that I was raised by my grandparents.  Over the last few years my grandma and I have gotten really close are she is always doing things that make my laugh until I am crying most of the time.  My little brother also does crazy things to get a laugh out of people.  I am sure some of the things we laugh about aren’t funny to other people but they sure amuse us.

We were out to dinner in January and we were finished eating and getting ready to leave when my brother looks around and says “I am going to get shot for this one”.  We all looked at him kind of strange and he grab my napkin and his and held them up to his head.  I won’t say what he said but lets just say all of us were laughing til we cried.  I kind of wish we had done it sooner because there was a guy sitting near us that kept staring at us the whole time he was eating.  I wish we could have given him something to stare at.

My grandma also will mix up her words or say wrong colors and after she says them wrong she looks at us with a strange face and almost always says “Who’s Yo Mamma” which makes me laugh even harder because of how she always says it.  We are always laughing at our house and I am sure people would get a kick out of how we act most of them.

When is the last time you laughed til it hurt?

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Case Of Nerves

This past week for the Writers Workshop I was going to write about #2 which was A case of the nerves! When was the last time you had them and how did you get through it?  I didn’t get a chance to finish the post and get it up because I had so much to do at work since I was going to be off Friday and I had to get everything ready for the temp person.  I still really wanted to  write a post about it so I figured that I would write it and post it now.

I chose this one because I have had major issues with nerves the past couple of weeks.  At the end of February I chipped a tooth while I was eating so I had to find a dentist and also figure out how I am going to pay to get it fixed since I don’t have dental insurance.  When I was younger I had to have 2 sets of braces and the 2nd set was super painful.  Ever since then I have always had major issues when it came to going to the dentist.  Since I had chipped my tooth I had to go I couldn’t put it off any longer.  As I was calling around to find a dentist I literally wanted to have a panic attack because the thought of going to a dentist made me so nervous.

I finally did find a dentist and the first 2 times I saw him I was super nervous and anxious but now that I have seen him twice I don’t have the same problem.  I have to go back in may to have more work done but I don’t get nervous at all thinking about it.  When I get nervous I always just force myself to do whatever makes me nervous because I know that it will all pass with time.  I have learned to just talk myself through the situation because as I have gotten older I have had more issues with nerves and I think that is something that the MS has caused.   I know that I can talk myself through situations and then after time they aren’t as scary and don’t make me nervous like they did in the beginning.

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Writers Workshop-Pinterest

Mama’s Losin’ It

I haven’t done any thing for the writers workshop and since I haven’t had time to actually write in the past couple of weeks I figured that I would write about 2.) Are you on Pinterest? Share the last five items you pinned, choose one and let it inspire a blog post.  I have been signed up for months for Pinterest but I never used it until the past 2 weeks or so and I am hooked!  I am pinning all day long at work and when I am surfing the web.  There are a lot of fun things I couldn’t just pick one so I am going to post some of my favorites here today instead of writing a post about just one.

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