This week I chose a quote by Jim Rohn. I have used several quotes by him over the years, and this one might be one of my favorites from him. Let’s get into what I think about it below it.
I loved this quote because it reminds me that I need to focus on the present to be happy. I find that we all can get stuck just focusing on the future and we all forget that you need to be present and enjoying your life as things happen. This quote reminds me of watching my nephew grow up and I often had to tell my brother not to wish away the time you get with them when they are little and as they grow up. It is amazing how he changes from day to day, and I know that people in his life don’t spend the time playing with him and watching him change. Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote. Let me know what you think in the comments below!
This weeks quote is by Audrey Hepburn. Read the quote and I will leave my thoughts below it.
When I saw this quote I knew I had to use it because it is an amazing quote. I agree with this quote 100%. This is something that I have struggled with throughout my life. I have recently decided to try and do this in my life because we never know when our last day is and I don’t want to die being miserable with my life.
I have been thinking a lot about dating and things like that lately. I am sure it is just because everyone in my life is in a relationship and I am lonely. As I have thought about dating and meeting people I have to wonder where in this day and age do you go to meet people? I am going to list a few places I can think of and explain why meeting people there isn’t for me.
Bars/Clubs-First I don’t usually drink and when ever I have met people there they are always big drinkers or just looking for random hookups.
Church-I don’t go to church now so why I am I going to go and meet someone there. I guess I just don’t want to have to pretend to be someone I am not just to please someone else. Not to mention if I did that the relationship would never work.
Online-I have done this and lets just say I will never do this again. There are crazy people out there and I don’t have the patience to weed through the weirdo’s in the hope that I find the one person for me.
Friends-Well this might be okay if I had tons of friends but since my friend list is super short this just doesn’t work for me.
Those are the main ways I can see meeting people and none of them are right for me at least now. I had someone I worked with once tell me that in order to date you have to be open to the idea and at least looking for someone. I think my biggest problem is I am set against dating and meeting people that even if I was presented with the chance to date I would still say no.
I am for the first time in my life okay being single and I can finally say that I am okay in my skin. I used to say that I was okay being single but the truth was that I really wasn’t. Now that I have found myself I am okay being alone because I no longer need other people to make me happy.
What other ways can you meet people? How do you feel about dating?