On my birthday of this year, I will have been on Tysabri for eight years. It is so hard for me to wrap my mind around that because at times it seems like I just started yesterday. I also look back, and I see how far I have come and how much I have learned about the healthcare system in this country. I also have learned the most drug companies have programs to make medications cheaper and that give them to you for free.
As I sit here and think about the first infusion that I ever I had I am amazed that I am a still taking this medication. I had an atrocious reaction to the first treatment so I wasn’t sure if I would be able to stay on it not to mention how much money it costs every month. I don’t know that I ever wrote about what happened the very first time I got the medication, so I am going to add it to my list of things to share.
I have to wonder what my life would be like if I hadn’t started Tysabri and if I wasn’t on any treatment. I have been stable the entire time I have been on the medication which for me is a huge deal. Since I have been diagnosed the MS was never stable but like I said it has been for eight years.
It also has given me my life back. Okay not given me my life back because I have no idea what it would feel like to be a normal functioning person but it makes me feel like I can anything I want to do. I still have hard days, but I don’t want to know how much different things would be if I didn’t have this medication.
Those are just a few of the thoughts I have about having been on Tysabri for eight years. I will be back with a small MS update in the next few weeks as well. Let me know if there is anything you would like to know about as well.

I have had MS for 11 years and have been on betaserone the entire time and have done great…i will never take Tysabri as that drug scares me…i have heard and read to many horror stories…i am so glad it worked for you..I think if we ms patients find a medicne that works then we are doing awesome…now if we could only find a cure..have a great day
I understand why you would be scared of Tysabri but I was at the point where none of the other “safe” MS medications worked for me so we were left with very few options because none of the pills were out yet at the time. I think that if I had kids that I probably wouldn’t have taken the medication. I do hope one day they cure the disease but at least we have so many options to treat the disease, unlike other diseases.
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