
I did a few of this kind of posts in the past, but I think it has been year’s since I have taken the time to write one. Reviews have slowed down for me lately so I figured now would be an excellent opportunity to share some of the things that I am currently loving.

One the things I have been enjoying lately is a book that I am reading to review. The book is called The Kept Woman by Karin Slaughter. I am not going to say much about this book because I will have a review up for it on October fifth. I have enjoyed everything about this book so make sure you check back on the fifth to find out what I loved so much about it.


The next thing I have loved has been adult coloring books. Over the past six months, I have been getting into them. I love coloring with gel pens in them because I have all different types of finishes, and they have such bright colors. I have loved one that is like a journal in the sense that you can write down thoughts you have about a quote or lesson that is taught on the other page. Then you can color the pages or just decorate the pages. I love this because it is journaling, but it also makes you think about God and life. If you are interested in pick this up, you can click here to buy a copy for yourself.


I also have been loving listening to Pandora radio on my way to and from work. I have always had a tremendous passion for music, and I love Pandora because it allows me to listen to all types of different music and it also recommends songs and artists that I might like. I love finding new music, and I have loved Pandora for that reason lately.


I have also been loving binge watching documentaries on YouTube and Netflix. I always have something playing in the background when I am at home on the weekends or even while I am at work during the week. There is one documentary that I watch on Netflix, and I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It is called “Finding Home” and it is about the poor girls that are part of the sex trafficking problem in Cambodia. I have watched this one twice, and it breaks my heart just thinking about what the poor girls are forced to go through and deal with.


Those are a few of the things I have loved this month.  I sure there are more things I could write about but I have run out of time.  Maybe next month I will have more time to share more of the music and movies that I am loving.

What is something you love right now?

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