Month: December 2013

Made To Last by Melissa Tagg

Made To Last by Melissa Tagg Cover

This book took me a minute to get into but once I got a few chapters in I didn’t want to put it down. I feel in love with characters and felt sad when the book finally ended because I became attached to the characters and the story. In this book you get to follow along with Miranda as she is trying to save her show but is also lying to the public. You get to see how she makes everything right and that telling the truth is the way to go!

About The Book

Miranda Woodruff has it all. At least, that’s how it looks when she’s starring in her homebuilding television show, From the Ground Up. So when her network begins to talk about making cuts, she’ll do anything to boost ratings and save her show–even if it means pretending to be married to a man who’s definitely not the fiance who ran out on her three years ago.

When a handsome reporter starts shadowing Miranda’s every move, all his digging into her personal life brings him a little too close to the truth–and to her. Can the girl whose entire identity is wrapped up in her on-screen persona finally find the nerve to set the record straight? And if she does, will the life she’s built come crashing down just as she’s found a love to last?

“Clever plot. Engaging, funny, fresh writing. A winning voice with deeper layers that touch the heart.”
-Rachel Hauck, award-winning and bestselling author of Once Upon a Prince

“If there is such a thing as a perfect story, Melissa Tagg has written it with this first novel… Made to Last is a keeper that will charm its way onto your shelf, and into your heart.”
-Susan May Warren, RITA Award winner and bestselling author of Take a Chance on Me

“A must for fans of romantic comedy! Melissa Tagg’s endearing characters charmed me and their story line captured my imagination… Completely entertaining.”
-Becky Wade, author of My Stubborn Heart and Undeniably Yours

“This debut romantic comedy with hidden layers will appeal to fans of Sandra D. Bricker, Trish Perry, and Rachel Hauck.” –Library Journal

“With crisp storytelling and a solid, amusing plot that includes a quirky love triangle, Tagg’s debut is an enjoyable read.” —RT Book Reviews

“Tagg’s tale is humorous and enjoyable with likable characters, a gentle romance, and a very natural and unobtrusive thread of Christianity.” –Booklist

Made To Last by Melissa Tagg

About The Author

Melissa Tagg is a former reporter turned author who loves all things funny and romancey. Her debut novel, a romantic comedy titled Made to Last, releases from Bethany House in September 2013, with a follow-up slated for summer 2014. In addition to her nonprofit day job, she is also the marketing/events coordinator for My Book Therapy, a craft and coaching community for writers founded by award-winning author Susan May Warren.

During her reporting days, Melissa interviewed presidential candidates and llama farmers, rode a hot air balloon and flew a plane, and once found herself face to face with a buffalo. But today she gets her kicks by letting her characters have their own fun. She’s passionate about humor, grace and happy endings.

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Interview With James and Lana From Barely Undercover

Lana, you and James met under unusual circumstances. Was it love at first sight? Did you know even then he was the one for you?

Lana: [Lana grins]. It was definitely lust at first sight. He was working security at the underground sex club, Carpe Noctem when I sneaked in to do a little investigative work. Unfortunately or maybe [turns to James and winks] fortunately he caught me and dragged me to his office for an interrogation. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I mean he was all pissed off and playing the bad-ass but for some reason that just made me hotter and, of course, he kept checking me out.

James: [snorts] Babe. I wasn’t checking you out. I was wondering whether you were gonna freeze to death in that tiny, electric fucking blue outfit that hugged every curve of your beautiful body when I booted your ass outside for sneaking into the club.

Lana: Like I said, checking me out.

James: Like I said, wondering about the outfit and what was underneath

Lana: Every time I met him on that case, he was checking me out. Once he even pretended he needed to frisk me so he could look at my ass.

James: My girl’s got the fucking sweetest ass…

Lana: [shakes her head and sighs] He swears a lot since he’s become a real biker. “You aren’t fucking going out in that barely fucking there strip-of Lycra lap dancer disguise,” he says to me when I’m about to go on surveillance. “Get your ass to bed,” he says, as if I’m gonna run to do his bidding.

James: [slides his hand under Lana’s tumble of red hair and curls his fingers around her neck, leaning close]. Babe, you like to do my bidding. And far as I can recall, your ass hit the bed in record time.

Lana: [blushes] Well I hadn’t seen you in twelve hours, and then you stalk into our apartment, looking bad-ass breathtaking in your leathers and smelling of diesel and the ocean. And you’ve got that look you get after you spend the day cruising around with Ryder and the Renegades on your Harleys just looking for trouble. What’s a hot-blooded girl supposed to do?

James: You certainly had some ideas.

Lana: So did you. You never seem to run out of ideas. Sometimes your imagination scares me.

James, what about you? Two years went by after you left Lana and broke her heart. What did you think when you saw her again? Was the spark still there?

James: Fuck, yeah. Thought I’d have a heart attack. Not a day went by that I didn’t think about her and there she was. Christ, you shoulda seen her in that sex club wearin’ a naughty police outfit with these stockings that criss crossed all the way up her gorgeous legs. My brain fuzzed and I couldn’t think beyond wantin’ to get her the hell outta there ‘cause every guy in that place was panting over her.

Lana: Not every guy.

James: I’m a guy, babe. I know when other men are wantin’ my woman. Sixth sense. Was wondering how many I could take out on my own…

Lana: [shifts in her seat]. I wasn’t your woman then. I hated you for leaving me. I’d even given you a nickname, Heartless Bastard.

James: [squeezes her hand] You’ve been mine since the first day we met. Just needed a kick in the ass to see it.

Lana: [rolls her eyes] So romantic. Possessive and potty mouthed.

James:  You love my mouth, babe. Last night after you got your ass in bed, you said…

Lana: James!

James: …you loved…

Lana: James!

James: Me.

Lana: Oh. Yeah. I do have a fondness for rough, gritty, breathtakingly handsome alpha male bikers with potty mouths.

James: [presses kiss to her forehead]. She loves me.

Lana: You might have mentioned you loved me too.

James: Didn’t think you heard me.

Lana: [softly] I hear you every time you say it and I’ll never get tired of hearing it.

James: Maybe we should get it tattooed on your ass…

Lana: I think it’s time to go.

James and Lana, thanks for joining us today. We wish you every happiness in your future.

You Can Win:

$25 Amazon gift card

Barely Undercover charm bracelet

Ecopy of Legal Heat

Cute silver motorcycle key chain/purse chain

Biker Bandanna

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About Barely Undercover

With passion at full throttle, there’s no turning back.

When private investigator Lana Parker follows a dangerous biker into an underground sex club, James Hunter is the last man she expects to see. But there he is, all dark looks and chiseled charms, ready to break her heart all over again.

Danger is the name of the game for an undercover cop. And the last thing James wants is for the fiery beauty to come anywhere near the notorious biker gang he’s trying to take down. Yet Lana has no intention of giving up her case, which means he’ll have to keep her close to keep her safe. A risky proposition—especially when their blazing sexual chemistry reignites an unforgettable passion.

But when a dark terror emerges from the past, Lana goes on the run…and James gives up everything to save her. Backed into a corner, Lana must face her fears, including the one thing that frightens her most…her overwhelming feelings for the man whose searing glance sparks her most hidden desires, the man she should not trust, but cannot resist.

Warning: The book contains violence, explicit sex, light BDSM, heavy swearing, motorcycle sexytimes, bad-ass biker naughtytimes, and an exceptionally hot hero who will get down and dirty anywhere but under the covers.

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About Sarah Castille

Recovering lawyer, karate practitioner, and caffeine addict, Sarah Castille worked and traveled abroad before trading her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home near the Canadian Rockies. Her steamy, contemporary romantic tales feature blazingly hot alpha heroes and the women who tame them.

Contact Sarah



Twitter (@sarah_castille)



Amazon Author

Party Participants

The World As I See It
Reviewing in Chaos
Harlie’s Books
Miss Ivy’s Book Nook
Queen of the Night Reviews
a little fiction of every flavour
Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads
Tiffany Talks Books
Liberty Ann’s SnifferWalk Books
Regina May Ross’s
A Generous Helping of Romance
Books Over Reality
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books
Same Book, Different Review
The BookWhisperer
Penny For Them…
deal sharing aunt
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret

Five Things About James From Barely Undercover


1.      He has a kink for role play. Please tell Lana.
2.      He has a weakness for double shot mochas, extra whip. Or maybe, it’s all about the whip.
3.      Whenever Lana goes out on surveillance, he sends one his biker brothers to watch over her and keep her safe. But don’t let her know or she’d be all over his sorry ass.
4.      The best day of his life was the day he met Lana and threw her out of a sex club. The second best day was the day he threw her out again.
5.      He has bought Lana a custom Harley-Davidson Sportster XL883L for her birthday and he has planned exactly how they’ll christen the seat.

You Can Win:

$25 Amazon gift card

Barely Undercover charm bracelet

Ecopy of Legal Heat

Cute silver motorcycle key chain/purse chain

Biker Bandanna

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About Barely Undercover

With passion at full throttle, there’s no turning back.

When private investigator Lana Parker follows a dangerous biker into an underground sex club, James Hunter is the last man she expects to see. But there he is, all dark looks and chiseled charms, ready to break her heart all over again.

Danger is the name of the game for an undercover cop. And the last thing James wants is for the fiery beauty to come anywhere near the notorious biker gang he’s trying to take down. Yet Lana has no intention of giving up her case, which means he’ll have to keep her close to keep her safe. A risky proposition—especially when their blazing sexual chemistry reignites an unforgettable passion.

But when a dark terror emerges from the past, Lana goes on the run…and James gives up everything to save her. Backed into a corner, Lana must face her fears, including the one thing that frightens her most…her overwhelming feelings for the man whose searing glance sparks her most hidden desires, the man she should not trust, but cannot resist.

Warning: The book contains violence, explicit sex, light BDSM, heavy swearing, motorcycle sexytimes, bad-ass biker naughtytimes, and an exceptionally hot hero who will get down and dirty anywhere but under the covers.

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About Sarah Castille

Recovering lawyer, karate practitioner, and caffeine addict, Sarah Castille worked and traveled abroad before trading her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home near the Canadian Rockies. Her steamy, contemporary romantic tales feature blazingly hot alpha heroes and the women who tame them.

Contact Sarah



Twitter (@sarah_castille)



Amazon Author

Party Participants

The World As I See It
Reviewing in Chaos
Harlie’s Books
Miss Ivy’s Book Nook
Queen of the Night Reviews
a little fiction of every flavour
Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads
Tiffany Talks Books
Liberty Ann’s SnifferWalk Books
Regina May Ross’s
A Generous Helping of Romance
Books Over Reality
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books
Same Book, Different Review
The BookWhisperer
Penny For Them…
deal sharing aunt
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret

Five Things About Lana From Barely Undercover


1.      She secretly loves to be teased about her red hair. Carrots, Ginger Snap, Big Red, Fire Bush, Rusty, Copper Top, Flame Brain, Matchstick Head…bring it on. She’s always on the lookout for something original. Her current favorite is Red Zilla.

2.      She has a kink for dressing up in naughty police outfits. But shhhh. Don’t tell James.

3.      Her favorite Thrash band is Slayer.

4.      Her favorite shoes are Lady Killer Fug boots by Iron Fist.

5.      The first night she met James, she waited outside the bar after he threw her out for sneaking past security, to ask him for his number because breathtakingly gorgeous, rough and gritty cops who liked her ass were hard to find. However, a quick call to her best friend, Jackie, had her reconsider her “dumb-ass”, “stupid” and “idiotic” plan.

You Can Win:

$25 Amazon gift card

Barely Undercover charm bracelet

Ecopy of Legal Heat

Cute silver motorcycle key chain/purse chain

Biker Bandanna

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About Barely Undercover

With passion at full throttle, there’s no turning back.

When private investigator Lana Parker follows a dangerous biker into an underground sex club, James Hunter is the last man she expects to see. But there he is, all dark looks and chiseled charms, ready to break her heart all over again.

Danger is the name of the game for an undercover cop. And the last thing James wants is for the fiery beauty to come anywhere near the notorious biker gang he’s trying to take down. Yet Lana has no intention of giving up her case, which means he’ll have to keep her close to keep her safe. A risky proposition—especially when their blazing sexual chemistry reignites an unforgettable passion.

But when a dark terror emerges from the past, Lana goes on the run…and James gives up everything to save her. Backed into a corner, Lana must face her fears, including the one thing that frightens her most…her overwhelming feelings for the man whose searing glance sparks her most hidden desires, the man she should not trust, but cannot resist.

Warning: The book contains violence, explicit sex, light BDSM, heavy swearing, motorcycle sexytimes, bad-ass biker naughtytimes, and an exceptionally hot hero who will get down and dirty anywhere but under the covers.

 Buy A Copy!






About Sarah Castille

Recovering lawyer, karate practitioner, and caffeine addict, Sarah Castille worked and traveled abroad before trading her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home near the Canadian Rockies. Her steamy, contemporary romantic tales feature blazingly hot alpha heroes and the women who tame them.

Contact Sarah



Twitter (@sarah_castille)



Amazon Author

Party Participants

The World As I See It
Reviewing in Chaos
Harlie’s Books
Miss Ivy’s Book Nook
Queen of the Night Reviews
a little fiction of every flavour
Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads
Tiffany Talks Books
Liberty Ann’s SnifferWalk Books
Regina May Ross’s
A Generous Helping of Romance
Books Over Reality
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books
Same Book, Different Review
The BookWhisperer
Penny For Them…
deal sharing aunt
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret

Barely Undercover by Sarah Castille Excerpt


Barely Undercover by Sarah Castille Excerpt

A shiver coursed up Lana’s spine, and she shook her head to loosen her tongue. “I’m meeting someone.”

Rex’s rough, gravelly voice deepened. “Right now, you’re meeting me.” His gaze crawled over her, unleashing a wave of cockroaches under her skin. By the time his eyes returned to her face, a cold, sticky sweat covered her body.

With all the faux bravado she could muster, she gave him a tight smile and took a step back. “And…the meeting is over. Nice to meet you. Goodbye.”

His arm shot out, grabbing her shoulder, holding her in place. “Usually when I see a cop, I get an itch in my trigger finger. I look at you and I get an itch somewhere else. Ditch the boyfriend. One night with me and you’ll forget he exists.”

An itch? She suspected it might have to do more with his extramarital affairs and visits to the Seymour Street brothels than a desire to hump and pump with a curvy redhead in a dirty cop costume. Talk about putting a girl off.

Rex smiled, all nicotine-stained teeth and ashtray breath. “Yeah. I can see it in your eyes. You know what I’m talking about.”

What did he see exactly? Fear? Disgust? Or her desperate need to find the number for the local STD clinic?

Lana gave him a vacant smile as she considered her options. Option #1: Find a boyfriend. Heart thumping, she looked around the bar for a pseudoboyfriend—someone big, strong and sufficiently threatening. No one measured up except…maybe…Master Tony? She raked her eyes over the tall, broad frame of the club’s owner, but when he turned to greet someone at the door, she gave a little sigh. He had been less than pleased the last time she’d sneaked into the club. She doubted he would help her once he discovered she’d sneaked in again.

Option #2: Run. Excellent option. Lana wrenched herself from Rex’s grasp and took a step toward the door.


Three bikers, two wearing the Hades patch, and one so young he had to be a prospect, were making their way through the crowd toward Rex. Blocking her path.

Lana’s pulse pounded in her ears. Rex was bad enough. But four bikers? It was almost like being back in the Wolverines’ clubhouse with Levi all over again.

The tallest of the three had swept back his long, dark hair and tied it at nape of his neck in a ponytail. Dark eyes, olive skin and a broad, hard body to match the strong planes of his striking face. Yum…even though he was a biker.

“Ryder.” Rex shook the hand of Mr. Deep, Dark and Delicious.

Ryder’s gaze flicked to Lana. He tilted his head to the side, giving her first a considered look, and then a sympathetic smile. He turned back to Rex. “I thought we were here for a meeting, not to pick up fender fluff.”

Lana grimaced at the backhanded compliment. She knew the slang. He thought she was pretty. Anything less and she would have been a “fender bunny” or even worse, a “mattress cover”.

Lucky her. Well, at least he hadn’t made fun of her hair. Usually men made some reference to the inferno on her head—Carrots, Ginger Snap, Big Red, Fire Bush, Rusty, Copper Top, Flame Brain, Matchstick Head or her current favorite, Red Zilla.

“You know what they say, ‘red in the head, fire in the bed’.” The second biker, a barrel-chested thick-necked bruiser with crazy dreadlocks gave her a lascivious wink and an oh-so-enticing crotch grab.

“Good one, Bones.” Rex thumped the thick-necked thug on the back. “I was thinking that myself.”

Lana rolled her eyes. Oh ha-ha-ha. So funny. As if she hadn’t heard that one before. Some day she’d meet a man who could insult her hair with some originality.

“Leave the girl alone. We’ve got a meeting to get underway.” Ryder gave her a wink and stepped to the side, clearing her path to the door.

Rex gripped Lana’s arm just as she took her first step to freedom. “You jealous, Ryder? Been a long time since you had a back warmer.”

“Maybe he’s bent.” The prospect, a blond Adonis who looked like he should be playing high school football instead of pledging to join a biker gang, gave Rex an obsequious smile and was rewarded with a slap to the head.

“You’re an idiot, Kickstand,” Rex growled. “You don’t disrespect a full-patch brother when you don’t even have the right to breathe without his permission.”

Kickstand stumbled into Lana from the force of the blow, knocking her off balance and out of Rex’s grasp. With incredible dexterity, Kickstand caught her before she fell.

“Sorry,” Kickstand murmured as he helped her balance. “I don’t usually make a habit of knocking down pretty girls just to get their attention. Every time I’m around these guys I do something wrong.”

She gave him a soft, reassuring smile, but her heart went out to him. He was trying so hard to fit in. She’d seen dozens of prospects like him during her time with Levi—young and desperate to be part of what they perceived to be the glamorous word of bikerdom. Very few were accepted and fewer still earned their patch. Kickstand would never make the cut. Too good-looking, too kind-hearted and too eager to please. What the hell was he doing with Hades?

While Rex, Bones and Ryder lamented the lack of good prospects in the biker world, Lana edged her way toward the door, only to be cut off again, this time by a late arrival.

Almost as tall as Rex and Ryder, the new biker was lean, lithe and powerful, with a narrow waist and long, hard thighs. His thick, dark hair just brushed his collar. His eyes were an unusual steel blue.

A familiar steel blue. Her heart stuttered in her chest.


No, it couldn’t be. She blinked her eyes. Once. Twice. Was it him? Two years had passed since she’d last seen Heartless Bastard. The man in front of her had the same physique, strong nose and chiseled jaw. But the James she knew had kept his hair military short and would have been appalled to sport a five o’clock shadow, much less three days’ worth of stubble over his unyielding chin. James was a cop through and through. No way would he ever join Hades.

As if sensing her perusal, he frowned. “Take off the glasses.” The velvet rasp of his deep baritone voice sent tiny quivers of need straight to her core.

Heart pounding, she took a step back and inadvertently hit Rex’s chest. “Take them off, pet,” Rex snapped. “Ice isn’t a man who asks twice.”

Ice. He had a road name, and from the mini salivating puppies on the front of his jacket, he was full patch. He was no prospect, like Kickstand, currying favor in the hopes of being allowed to join the club. He was a fully initiated member of Hades.

Swallowing hard, Lana removed her glasses and stared down at the fishnet stockings peeking out of her boots like a hundred crisscrossing lines of black gunpowder. One of the garters was still loose, leaving her even more exposed—as if that was possible—to the explosive heat of his gaze.

“Look at me,” Ice demanded. His rich, husky voice rolled through her, stirring longings she had hidden away in the darkest recesses of her memory. Heat settled at the juncture of her thighs, her nipples tightened and her mouth went dry.

Disconcerted by her body’s responses and unable to meet his gaze, she looked away.

Ice cupped her jaw and firmly turned her face toward him, pulling her away from Rex. Her gaze locked with eyes now as deep blue as the ocean. Commanding, captivating eyes. Framed by thick lashes. But it wasn’t his eyes that finally sparked her recognition; it was the aura of pure power that hit her like the painful thud of her heart when she had realized he was never coming back.

He stroked his thumb over the apple of her cheek, the gesture at once comforting and familiar. A tangled web of emotions swept through her body like a firestorm. The world fell away.


Heartless Bastard.

Lana swallowed hard and fought the warring urges to kiss him and slap him across the face.

For a split second, his breathing hitched and his eyes widened. He glanced over at Rex and back to her. His expression shifted from curious to considering, and she caught a gleam in his eyes. Calculating. Determined.

Did he recognize her? Two years ago she had been twenty pounds heavier, her pale complexion marked with freckles and her curly hair just brushing the top of her shoulders. Two years ago she had been stupid and naive, thinking she had found a man she could actually trust—someone who would never hurt her.

Now she knew better. And that kind of knowledge changed a girl. Made her immune to a Heartless Bastard’s bone-melting cheek stroking and irresistible charms.

She slapped his hand away and, boy, did it feel good.

“Roxie.” His sharp tone snapped her out of her reverie, but not as much as his warm hand clasping her own. “What the hell are you doing here, dressed like that? I almost didn’t recognize you.”


You Can Win:

$25 Amazon gift card

Barely Undercover charm bracelet

Ecopy of Legal Heat

Cute silver motorcycle key chain/purse chain

Biker Bandanna

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About Barely Undercover

With passion at full throttle, there’s no turning back.

When private investigator Lana Parker follows a dangerous biker into an underground sex club, James Hunter is the last man she expects to see. But there he is, all dark looks and chiseled charms, ready to break her heart all over again.

Danger is the name of the game for an undercover cop. And the last thing James wants is for the fiery beauty to come anywhere near the notorious biker gang he’s trying to take down. Yet Lana has no intention of giving up her case, which means he’ll have to keep her close to keep her safe. A risky proposition—especially when their blazing sexual chemistry reignites an unforgettable passion.

But when a dark terror emerges from the past, Lana goes on the run…and James gives up everything to save her. Backed into a corner, Lana must face her fears, including the one thing that frightens her most…her overwhelming feelings for the man whose searing glance sparks her most hidden desires, the man she should not trust, but cannot resist.

Warning: The book contains violence, explicit sex, light BDSM, heavy swearing, motorcycle sexytimes, bad-ass biker naughtytimes, and an exceptionally hot hero who will get down and dirty anywhere but under the covers.

 Buy A Copy!






About Sarah Castille

Recovering lawyer, karate practitioner, and caffeine addict, Sarah Castille worked and traveled abroad before trading her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home near the Canadian Rockies. Her steamy, contemporary romantic tales feature blazingly hot alpha heroes and the women who tame them.

Contact Sarah



Twitter (@sarah_castille)



Amazon Author

Party Participants

The World As I See It
Reviewing in Chaos
Harlie’s Books
Miss Ivy’s Book Nook
Queen of the Night Reviews
a little fiction of every flavour
Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads
Tiffany Talks Books
Liberty Ann’s SnifferWalk Books
Regina May Ross’s
A Generous Helping of Romance
Books Over Reality
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books
Same Book, Different Review
The BookWhisperer
Penny For Them…
deal sharing aunt
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews




Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret