MSIt is time for another Multiple Sclerosis update.  I had an MRI in February to check and see if the MS was still stable and if anything had changed in the past 6 months.  For people who have been following my MS journey for me to have been basically in remission for the past 5 years is huge.  The disease has always been super active so Tysabri is definitely the medication I need to be on now.

We also discussed a couple of the new treatments that there are for MS and she gave me her thoughts on them and we also decided that since Tysabri is working for me that we won’t even consider changing treatments unless for some reason Tysabri stops working for me.  I personally don’t like what I have read and a few of the things she has told me about the medications that are now in pill form so I am not willing to give them a shot right now.

This is a short update but that is because nothing is going on and I hope to keep it that way.  I am going to write a post about what an infusion day is like for me so be on the look out for that in the next couple of weeks.

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