I am always so happy when fall time comes around because it means that a few of my favorite things ever are going on.  I am going to my Fall’s top ten list.

10-Halloween candy & Foods

9-Apple Pie

8-Kids aren’t out running around til all hours of the night

7-My cats don’t throw up hair balls as often

6-Home made Chili

5-Kids being in school

4-Leaves changing colors

3-Cooler Weather



Out of that list the first 2 things are my totally the ones that I look forward to the most.  Last Saturday I was able to wear a hoodie all day and I so happy because they are my favorite thing in the whole world to wear.  I also can’t get enough of football.  I watch 2 college teams and 2 pro teams but I will pretty much watch any team play.  I also love the cooler weather we have here because I feel so much better when it isn’t super hot and the MS doesn’t act up as much when it is colder here.

What are your favorite things about Fall?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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4 Comments on My Fall’s Top Ten

  1. I love fall too..maybe because I’m not exactly a size zero. It’s too haot to be a girl with a little more meat than others *wink*. I love sweaters, i love the rain, the way the leaves look, and just the plain ole smell of it;)
    MangoChutney recently posted…She’s Playing With FireMy Profile

    • I totally understand what you are saying. I love the cooler weather and everything about fall. Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you again!

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