These are the prompts for this weeks Workshop. I haven’t done with in awhile but I am going to try and write one because I need to just write. It has been a really long time since I have just written on this blog so I am going to do it!
1.) Write about a time when you laughed at an inappropriate time.
2.) What did you once lose? Write about your search to find it again.
(inspired by
3.) What current event do you feel strongly about? Write an opinion post!
(inspired by Jennifer from Momma Made It Look Easy.)
4.) Begin each line of your post with “have you ever”.
(inspired by Vikki from Live. Laugh. Pull Your Hair Out)
5.) Who doesn’t call or write you enough? Write about that person.
(inspired by
I don’t get why they aren’t working harder to try and clean up the mess and stop it. It seems like the government in our country could care less about it. I guess it just proves to me what a waste of a President we have. He is all talk but isn’t really doing anything. They should have started digging a relief well already because as I can see it that is going to to be the only thing that is going to stop the leak. It seems like they don’t really want to stop the leak though. Who knows though.
Those are my thoughts on that situation. I could go on for days about our President but I will save that for a later date.
It's just infuriating to me! And BP better be on the line for that! (I'm happy that I don't buy BP gas anyhow. I hate it because it makes my cars get air bubbles in the line and act weird.)
this oil spill is really bad, much worse than the one we experienced in guimaras province, philippines.
my hubby read that some scientists were suggesting that nuclear bombs be planted down there. an explosion from that would vaporize the oil almost immediately. i was like, "are you friggin' kidding me?!"
from SITS and mama kat's
It's obvious they don't care about what they are doing to the environment. Personally I think they are trying to figure out a way to reuse he well instead of capping it off. That's why they haven't fixed it yet. They are idiots.