I want to thank everyone for all the kind words and for sticking behind me.  It is nice to know that I am really not alone in all of this.  Now not only do I have Misti, and Jill I also have people who read my blog and are there if I just need to vent or blow off some steam.  I am so thankful that people can see like I do why I can’t trust him again and why it just won’t work.  I feel like I am on a roller coaster with him anymore.  One day he is nice and caring and then other days he is a total ass about everything.  I just feel like I am going crazy.  Right now he is being nice to me and I hope that is stays this way but god only knows when he will be a dick head to me again.  I am trying to hard to stay positive about the whole situation and know that in the end it will be okay but when he is a jerk it just makes me feel so bad about everything.  I hope that he will figure it out soon or I am going to have to stop talking to him because I can’t continue to do this whole up and down thing with him anymore.  That is it for today because my brain is tired and I am emotional exhausted. 

I hope everyone is having a great day!

8 Comments on Finally This Week Is Half Done!

  1. Do you yell at him and tell him what an ass he is and how it bothers you?
    You probably shouldn't hold it in.

    Maybe find another activity to expend some energy or re energize yourself.

    It's hard not to obsess on it, but….

    You know you have friends who support you. Use them. That's why they let you know they care.

  2. I had one like that. We have remained very good friends since the divorce. Much better now than when he was leaving all the time. Hang in there.

  3. Don't let him treat you badly. You are so much more worthy than that. I can't imagine how hard this whole situation is with him is but you hang in there and know that you are loved.

  4. That is so emotionally draining…
    I have been there before.
    I just want to tell you that it won't always be this way.
    You seem to know what you want and no matter if it's today, tomorrow or another day in the future, you'll get to that place; where it's more peaceful and especially more joyful.

    I'm rooting for you.

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