This week’s quote is a day late because I had a book review that went live yesterday and I didn’t want this post to get missed.

A Life Filled With Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories
I have been thinking a lot about dating and things like that lately. I am sure it is just because everyone in my life is in a relationship and I am lonely. As I have thought about dating and meeting people I have to wonder where in this day and age do you go to meet people? I am going to list a few places I can think of and explain why meeting people there isn’t for me.
Those are the main ways I can see meeting people and none of them are right for me at least now. I had someone I worked with once tell me that in order to date you have to be open to the idea and at least looking for someone. I think my biggest problem is I am set against dating and meeting people that even if I was presented with the chance to date I would still say no.
I am for the first time in my life okay being single and I can finally say that I am okay in my skin. I used to say that I was okay being single but the truth was that I really wasn’t. Now that I have found myself I am okay being alone because I no longer need other people to make me happy.
What other ways can you meet people? How do you feel about dating?