Some Thing I Learned Last MonthThis week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about something that I learned the last month.  I learned a few things but the one thing that sticks out to me is that ALS sucks.  I knew about ALS before the ice bucket challenge blew up but I really didn’t want to think about it because even before I looked into it more it still scared me.  I had the honor when I worked at a nursing home to take care of a patient for a couple of weeks who had ALS and that was the first time I knew anything about the disease.

Since the ice bucket challenge has been so big I wanted to know more about the disease and it truly scared me.  It is the one disease that makes me glad to have Multiple Sclerosis.  I mean it does still suck to have MS but in the grand scheme of things and problems that I could have MS is nothing.  I am so thankful that there are at least treatments that slow if not stop the progression of the MS so that I can hopefully have a great life and not end up in a wheel chair.

I can even imagine how scary it has to be to know what is going to happen and know that there isn’t anything or anyone who can stop it or even slow down the progression of the disease.  Not to mention what happens to you when you have ALS scares me as well because I think one of the scariest parts of the disease is to be all their cognitively but not being able to move or communicate with everyone around you.

I found a YouTube channel made by someone who is only 26 and was diagnosed with ALS.  It is even scarier for him because his grandma & his mom have/had the disease so he knows what he will be going through and like I have said throughout this whole post I can’t even imagine how scary that has to be.  If you want to check out his channel you can click here.

So that is the biggest thing I learned the last month.  What have you learned???


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5 Comments on Something I Learned Last Month

  1. It really opened my eyes too! What an awful awful disease, I hope enough money was raised to really make some progress with it. That heart wrenching video of the guy sharing his ALS story, he’s actually going to be on Ellen this season. I’m not sure which day, but I saw a video clip of her handing him a bunch of money. Looking forward to that one!
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