The Mind’s Eye by Perry Prete

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Mind’s Eye by Perry Prete was a unique book.  I can’t think of any other book that I have read that was like this book.  I love when I do find a book that isn’t like anything else that I have read because it always makes me want to read the book even more.  Right from the start of this book I didn’t want to put it down because I had to know how it was going to end but I also wanted to know more about the characters and how they all connected to each other.  Every time I thought that I had this book figured out it would change, and I was always left confused about how in the heck I didn’t see things coming.  I loved that this book kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book.  If you are looking for something different than you have read in awhile than I would give this book a chance because I am sure that it is different from anything else, you have ever read.  I also have to say that I think the cover of this book in amazing and it is what made me give this book a chance so even though they tell you not to judge a book by the cover I did, and the book is also amazing.

About The Book

Book Title: The Mind’s Eye by Perry Prete
Category: Adult Fiction; 243 pages
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Sands Press
Release date: March 7, 2018
Tour dates: Sept 3 to 21, 2018
Content Rating: R (Violence towards women based on real life events, language, graphic violence)

Book Description:

Nicole Baker is a quiet girl – the type of person who is seldom noticed by anyone. That is until one day she discovers she has the unique ability to see images move on photographs. At first, she uses her ability to entertain friends at parties and work. Then senior detective Paul Hammond learns of her ability and enlists her help in a case of unsolved murders that he has not been able to make any headway on.

Carl Kadner, a rookie reporter with the local paper is investigating the murders as well. And he learns what it takes to be the kind of reporter he wants to be when he puts himself in danger for the sake of the story. It is only when Carl, Nicole and Detective Hammond pool their resources that things start making sense.

About The Author

Perry Prete is a Canadian crime writer and paramedic. His first novel, All Good Things, introduced us to Ethan Tennant, a City of Ottawa paramedic who looks at crimes from the medical perspective.

Perry continues to work full-time as a paramedic and uses his thirty plus years of life changing and sometimes dramatic experiences to bring realism to his gripping medical novels. His other works include, The Things That Matter Most and All Good Things.

He is also a business owner, specializing in the pre-hospital care field. His company sells medical equipment across North America, primarily to EMS agencies.

A native of Sudbury, Ontario, Perry, graduated from Fanshawe College in London but now lives and works in Brockville, Ontario.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

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Appointment in Prague by Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Appointment in Prague by Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin was a quick read for me and it is one that I really enjoyed.  I am a huge fan of books that take place during WWII, so I really enjoyed that about this book.  I was able to read this book quickly because it is shorter than some of the books that I have read lately.  This is a book that I think most people would enjoy because it isn’t a heavy book like some other books are that have to do with WWII.  I think that this book would be good for teenagers to read if they are wanting to learn more about WWII.  I am going to go back and read the other books in this series because I really did enjoy this book and the author’s writing.  Have you read this book and if so what do you think of it?

About The Book

Author: Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin
Publisher: First Edition Design Publishing
Pages: 160
Genre: Historical Thriller

In the novella, Appointment in Prague, one woman, a British secret agent, sets out in May 1942 to single-handedly send to hell the most evil Nazi alive—SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the head of the SD, the domestic and foreign counter-intelligence wing of the SS; second in rank only to the head of the SS himself, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler; and the architect of  “The Final Solution” that will send millions of European Jews to their doom.

When British Prime Minister Winston Churchill authorizes the SOE—the ‘Special Operations Executive’— in October 1941 to assassinate Heydrich, he is unaware that the entire operation has been conceived and is being run by his Scottish goddaughter, the former Pulitzer Prize-winning Hearst photojournalist Mattie McGary. The SOE is Churchill’s own creation, one he informally describes as the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and, at his suggestion, Mattie becomes one of its Deputy Directors.

Mattie has a history with Heydrich dating back to 1933 and a personal score to settle. In September 1941, when the man known variously as ‘The Blond Beast’ and ‘The Man With the Iron Heart’—that last coming from Adolf Hitler himself—is appointed Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia, the remnants left of Czechoslovakia after the Germans had dismembered it in 1939, Mattie is determined—now that he is no longer safely within Germany’s borders—to have him killed. She recruits and trains several Czech partisans for the task and has them parachuted into Czechoslovakia in December 1941.

An increasingly impatient Mattie waits in London for word that her agents have killed the Blond Beast. By May 1942, Heydrich still lives and Mattie is furious.  The mother of six-year-old twins, Mattie decides—without telling her godfather or her American husband, the #2 man in the London office of the OSS—to parachute into Czechoslovakia herself and  “light a fire under their timid Czech bums”. Which she does, but her agents botch the job and Heydrich is only wounded in the attempt. The doctors sent from Berlin to care for him believe he will recover.

On the fly, Mattie conceives a new plan to kill Heydrich herself. With forged papers and other help from the highest-placed SOE asset in Nazi Germany—a former lover—Mattie determines to covertly enter Prague’s Bulovka Hospital and finish the job. After that, all she has to do is flee Prague into Germany and from there to neutral Switzerland. What Mattie doesn’t know is that Walter Schellenberg, Heydrich’s protégé and the head of Foreign Intelligence for the SD, is watching her every move.

About The Authors

Michael McMenamin is the co-author with his son Patrick of the award winning 1930s era historical novels featuring Winston Churchill and his fictional Scottish goddaughter, the adventure-seeking Hearst photojournalist Mattie McGary. The first five novels in the series—The DeValera Deception, The Parsifal Pursuit, The Gemini Agenda, The Berghof Betrayal and The Silver Mosaic—received a total of 15 literary awards. He is currently at work with his daughter Kathleen McMenamin on the sixth Winston and Mattie historical adventure, The Liebold Protocol.


Michael is the author of the critically acclaimed Becoming Winston Churchill, The Untold Story of Young Winston and His American Mentor [Hardcover, Greenwood 2007; Paperback, Enigma 2009] and the co-author of Milking the Public, Political Scandals of the Dairy Lobby from LBJ to Jimmy Carter [Nelson Hall, 1980]. He is an editorial board member of Finest Hour, the quarterly journal of the International Churchill Society and a contributing editor for the libertarian magazine Reason. His work also has appeared in The Churchills in Ireland, 1660-1965, Corrections and Controversies [Irish Academic Press, 2012] as well as two Reason anthologies, Free Minds & Free Markets, Twenty Five Years of Reason [Pacific Research Institute, 1993] and Choice, the Best of Reason [BenBella Books, 2004]. A full-time writer, he was formerly a first amendment and media defense lawyer and a U.S. Army Counterintelligence Agent.   


Kathleen, the other half of the father-daughter writing team, has been editing her father’s writing for longer than she cares to remember. She is the co-author with her sister Kelly of the critically acclaimed Organize Your Way: Simple Strategies for Every Personality [Sterling, 2017]. The two sisters are professional organizers, personality-type experts and the founders of PixiesDidIt, a home and life organization business. Kathleen is an honors graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and has an MFA in Creative Writing from New York University. The novella Appointment in Prague is her second joint writing project with her father. Their first was “Bringing Home the First Amendment”, a review in the August 1984 Reason magazine of Nat Hentoff’s The Day They Came to Arrest the Book.  While a teen-ager, she and her father would often take runs together, creating plots for adventure stories as they ran.



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First Look: Butterfly Ops by Jen Doyle

What’s a superheroine to do when her super soldier ex turns up alive after more than fifteen years?

Follow the first look and enter to #win a $10 Amazon Gift Card or one of five digital copies of a Jen Doyle backlist title
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Title: Butterfly Ops

Author: Jen Doyle

Series: Butterfly Ops

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy with Romantic Elements

Release Date: Sept 24, 2018

Length: 120,000 words

What’s a superheroine to do when her super soldier ex turns up alive after more than fifteen years?

Lyndsey doesn’t have much time to walk down memory lane before she and Ian find themselves thrown together to investigate the mysterious deaths of ten young men in the Canadian wilderness. How do such seemingly normal, healthy men’s hearts just…stop?

With the hint of an evil spirit in the wind–and a whole lot of butterflies–there’s no telling what Lyndsey and Ian are dealing with, including their own extensive baggage. Though seventeen years is a lot of life to live, there’s one thing they can’t deny: their attraction is as intense as ever. But is it just a spark that will burn itself out, or is it true love bringing them back together? When the force they’re hunting turns its sights on them, the leap of faith required far exceeds either of their powers. But worrying about their future might be premature because one wrong move and they might not make it out alive.

In Book One of the Butterfly Ops trilogy, Lyndsey and Ian reconnect fifteen years after seeing each other for what each thought was the last time. That the spark is still there is undeniable—but is it enough to get past the secrets and lies that tore them apart the first time around? With old tensions rearing their heads as new challenges arise, what at first seems to be a sure path back to trust and happiness is rockier than it seems.

Note: this is Book One in a serial trilogy. Book Two will be released in Spring 2019; Book Three will be released in early Summer 2019. Books should be read in order. 

Find out more at: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

Taking a deep breath and deciding to face her demons head on, Lyndsey whirled on her heel—and proceeded to walk directly into someone who, thank you very much, had been a little too close for comfort. Coffee and bags went flying everywhere.

Damn it. This was not at all what she needed fifteen minutes before the meeting she didn’t even want to be at. Why hadn’t she just let the cab take her all the way there?

Trying to keep her irritation contained, she accepted the napkins being offered from an outstretched hand.  An outstretched hand presumably connected to the body she had knocked into, a body in such close proximity that a collision had been unavoidable. Big, solid, muscular body, by the way, all done up in Army green, medals and ribbons to boot. Not that that did much to improve her mood, of course.

She purposefully didn’t look up right away, knowing it was an accident and this person had no intention of spilling everything all over her and the sidewalk. Therefore it would do absolutely no good to say something like, ‘Haven’t you ever heard of personal space?’ Not until she could say it with a smile at least.

“I’m so sorry,” she heard the man say in a tone that seemed genuinely apologetic, as it should. “You look like someone I…”

His voice cut off abruptly.

She slowly raised her head, and…


Um… No.

This couldn’t be real. Lyndsey backed away, looking into the eyes of a ghost. A six-foot-and-change, two-hundred pound, solidly-packed-in-all-the-right-places ghost. She stared at him, his face so familiar despite the lines around his eyes and mouth. His hair had a few flecks of gray in that distinguished way men’s hair did, but his arms and chest and shoulders had lost none of their definition in the time that had passed, nor had his body lost its ability to stir something deep within her. Something that hadn’t been stirred in a very long time. And despite her various issues where the Army was concerned, she certainly didn’t mind seeing him in that uniform with all its medals and ribbons. Which also reminded her of all the times seeing him out of his uniform and, well, it wasn’t exactly helping her in the thought-forming parts of the brain.

“But you’re… You’re…” she stammered.

He was dead. He’d died almost ten years ago, as far as Lyndsey knew. Beyond that, she was unable to form a coherent thought.

Well, except that Ian—Ian Fox—seemed to be right there with her, also totally incapable of speech.

“Dad, please tell me you did not make this mess.”

Lyndsey looked past Ian to see the coffee shop girl coming towards him. A girl who called Ian, ‘Dad.’  A girl who was Ian’s daughter.

Author Bio:
A big believer in happily ever afters, Jen Doyle decided it was high time she started creating some. CALLING IT, her four-book baseball/contemporary romance/romantic comedy series, has been winning awards since its inception, the most recent being the 2017 Best Banter Contest for Calling It and a nomination for the 2017 Harlequin Hero of the Year for Called Out. She also wrote the acclaimed HANSONS OF ST. HELENA series of novellas in the St. Helena Vineyard Kindle World. Butterfly Ops: Book One is the first installment of the BUTTERFLY OPS trilogy, an epic love story and her first in the paranormal realm.

Jen has an M.S. in Library and Information Science and, in addition to her work as a librarian, has worked as a conference and events planner as well as an administrator in both preschool and higher education environments (although some might say that there is very little difference between the two; Jen has no comment regarding whether she is one of the “some”). She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and is represented by Sarah E. Younger of the Nancy Yost Literary Agency.

You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub | Pinterest

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Pre-Order: Forever Theirs by Katee Robert

Have you discovered THE THALANIAN DYNASTY series by NYT Bestselling Author Katee Robert?

In FOREVER THEIRS an exiled prince, his bodyguard and the woman they can’t seem to leave alone, must return home to clear his mother’s name and reclaim his crown. Fans of Laura Kaye’s THEIR’S TO TAKE or Sierra Simone’s AMERICAN QUEEN will devour this cinderella-esque ménage.

Start reading the series for FREE! Download THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT, the novella that introduces you to Theo, Galen, and Meg for FREE at:





Add THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT and FOREVER THEIRS to your TBR pile on Goodreads then keep reading to get a sneak peek excerpt and your chance enter the giveaway to win one of TEN (10) eBook copies of FOREVER THEIRS!

Title: Forever Theirs

Author: Katee Robert

Genre: Contemporary Romance/Thriller/Menage

Release Date: September 10, 2018

Publisher: Indie

Series: The Thalanian Dynasty

Page Count: 73K

Format: Digital


Meg Sanders enjoyed her wild night with a prince and his bodyguard—but now she’s moving on. She has enough problems without borrowing the kind of trouble Theo brings just by being who he is. But no matter how determined she is to leave that night a fond memory, she hasn’t seen the last of Theo and Galen…

Galen Mikos’s life boils down to one goal. Keep Theo alive. But as long as Theo draws breath, he’s a threat to the powers that have taken over Thalania—and anyone they associate with runs the risk of becoming a target, too. Galen will never forgive himself if they let their selfish desire for Meg puts her in danger. But it might already be too late…

Theo Fitzcharles might be an exiled prince, but he doesn’t intend to stay that way. He’s only concerned with one thing—clearing his mother’s name and reinstating himself as Crown Prince of Thalania. There’s no room in that plan for distraction, especially when it makes him forget himself the way Meg does. But after spending one perfect night with her and his best friend, Theo has no intention of leaving her alone.

Even if it damns all three of them in the process.

Available at: 





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Forever Theirs Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 Katee Robert

Galen stepped out of the cab and pulled Meg after him. At this time of night, there was still plenty of street traffic—plenty of opportunity for his father’s men to blend in until they were close enough to attack.

They already had attacked.

He hustled her off the sidewalk, half carrying her in his rush. She cursed at him, but she could be pissed. At least she was still alive. He didn’t believe for a second that Dorian would order her killed, not when he would see her as a tool just waiting to be used. But Galen’s father would attempt to take her, and that Galen couldn’t allow.

He didn’t relax until the elevator doors opened into their apartment and he caught sight of Theo pacing back and forth through the living room. He’s okay. Meg’s okay. They’re safe.

Except they weren’t.

Shit had hit the fan in the most fucked up way possible, and there was no cleaning up this mess.

Galen released Meg’s arm and ensured the security system was booted up and the door was locked. “Trouble?”

“Not here.” Theo rounded the couch and stopped just out of reach. He devoured Meg with his gaze, no doubt taking in her tangled hair, her torn dress, and the way she shook like a junkie in need of a fix. Adrenaline letdown. Theo cursed. “I’m sorry, princess.”

Meg crossed her arms over her chest and slid back a step, shying away from him—from them both. “I… I need a minute. A shower. Something.”

Theo gave a short nod. “Take what you need.”

She headed for the bedroom and spun at last second. “Alone.”

“No shit,” Galen growled. “Go. Take your time. We don’t touch walking wounded anyways.”

Her spine went rigid and her hazel eyes icy. “Fuck you.”

Better she be angry than terrified. He could work with angry. The scared woman in the back of the cab, looking for reassurances that he couldn’t give her… That kind of comfort wasn’t in Galen’s skillset. He preferred the harsh truth to silken lies, and there was no truth he could give Meg that wouldn’t result in her terror.

He stared until she squirmed. “Already did.”

Meg raised a shaking finger. “I swear to god—”

“Children.” Theo’s voice snapped through the room, a sharp tone that a person ignored to their peril. Meg made a sound perilously close to a snarl, but Theo ignored it. “Go shower or do whatever you need to get your head on straight. You’re fucking terrified and you’re snapping at the biggest dick in the room just to prove that you’re not helpless. It’s wasting time we don’t have.”

“His dick isn’t the biggest,” she muttered.

Galen almost laughed. Even scared out of her damn mind, Meg still had a mouth on her—and hell if he didn’t respect her more for it. “Go shower, little mouse. The adults are talking.”

She made a sound like an angry teakettle and stalked down the hallway. He waited for the sound of the door slamming, but a soft click was all he got. “Damn.”

Theo stalked into the kitchen and snagged the whiskey bottle. He took a long pull and then passed it over. “Tell me.”

“Two men. I didn’t recognize them, but they claimed Dorian sent them.” Galen drank from the bottle, letting the whiskey burn away the awful feeling in his chest when he’d walked through that door and found Meg tied to a chair with two men standing over her. He’d thought… It didn’t matter what he’d thought. He got there in time. They hadn’t done any lasting damage.

At least not the physical kind.

“She can’t go back.”

Galen stared at the bottle. He tightened his grip and put serious consideration into bashing Theo a few times with it. “You just couldn’t leave her alone, could you? It took them a grand total of three days to figure out she might matter and come after her. Fuck, Theo, this shit is on your head.”

“I know.” Theo watched him. Those blue eyes saw too much, just like always. “And yet I’m not the one who was skulking outside her work. You told me you were meeting a contact.”


He opened his mouth, and then abandoned the lie before he gave it voice. “You put her in danger. I was ensuring she stayed safe.”

Theo’s lips quirked, but his eyes went hard. “Lie to yourself if you need to, but don’t you dare lie to me. I know why you were there—the same reason I was a week ago. You couldn’t stay away from her any more than I could.” He bracketed Galen’s throat with his hand, his thumb caressing Galen’s pulse point. Theo leaned in. “I shouldn’t have paid the tuition with my own name, and I’ll be the first to admit it. But we are both moths to her fucking flame, and you don’t get to play the beleaguered bodyguard—not right now, and not with me. You want her.”

“Yes.” The word felt ripped from him, taken despite his best efforts to stay silent.

Theo’s grip tightened and his gaze dropped to Galen’s mouth. “We can’t stay in New York. They’ll have eyes on her place.”

“They wanted to take her, Theo. There was a van illegally parked near the back door. They might have set her up to answer questions, but they were going to take her.” If they had, Dorian would use her for whatever purpose he had in mind, a lever to get Galen and Theo to dance to his tune, and then he’d discard her like yesterday’s trash. Even if he didn’t kill her, there would be scars, and she wouldn’t be the Meg they knew anymore.

Theo pressed his forehead to Galen’s, grounding them both. One breath. Two. Three. On the fourth, he stepped back and released him. “You were there in time.”

“I might not have been.” If he’d managed to resist the siren call of Meg’s presence, if he’d had more control, if he’d really gone to meet his local contact instead of doing the skulking Theo accused him of.

“You were there in time,” Theo repeated. He glanced down the hallway to the master bedroom where they could still hear the shower going. “Make the call.”

“She’s never going to forgive us for this.” For dropping a bomb on her life and leaving on destruction in their wake. The two grand was nothing compared to what came next.

Theo sighed. “I know. But better she’s pissed and alive than the alternative. Make the call, Galen. We need to be out of New York before dawn.”

Other books in The Thalanian Dynasty series 

Theirs for the Night

THEIRS FOR THE NIGHT is a novella. Theo, Galen, and Meg’s story continues in the novel FOREVER THEIRS.

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About Katee Robert

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it ‘a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension.”  When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter| GoodReads | Instagram | BookBub

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Christmas With The Band by Michelle Hazen

Music legend Ava has more houses than most people have shoes, but what present is good enough for your rock star boyfriend who gives you orgasms on demand all year long? Find out in CHRISTMAS WITH THE BAND by Michelle Hazen, the final entry in her beloved Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll series. Fans of holiday romances will love this funny but heart tugging story about friendship, family, forgiveness and fitting in.

“Dark, delicious, and dripping with voice.” Katie Golding, Author of Order Up

“Hazen’s use of the frantic energy of a rock band’s tour contrasts perfectly with the slow and seductive dance this couple engages in. Readers are sure to enjoy following The Red Letters on their drama-fueled climb to fame.” RT Book Review

“Wowwwwww! This was a beautifully written, compelling, captivating read.” Books according to Abby Blog

Title:  Christmas With The Band

Author: Michelle Hazen

Release Date: September 3, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll #3.5

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Page Count: 46


All Jax wants for Christmas is for his favorite people to get along. So when he takes Ava home for the holidays, she vows to finally make peace with his drummer. What she gets instead is a house fire, house arrest, and the kind of dinner none of them will ever forget.

This comic romp of a holiday story wraps up the world of the Sex, Love and Rock and Roll series in a red lacy bow. Click now to have Christmas with the Band!


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Christmas With The Band Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 Michelle Hazen

Jax pulls to the curb, and my heart beats so fast my vision goes swimmy at the edges. Oh shit, we’re already at his bandmates’ holiday party and I’m not ready yet.

I turn wide eyes to look at the over-decorated house. Somehow I never pictured Jera’s family as inflatable Santa people.

“This isn’t their place.” Jax tips my chin toward him, the callouses from his frets soothing against my skin. “Ava, I’d rather turn around right now than take you someplace where you won’t be comfortable. Especially not on Christmas Eve. Just say the word and we’ll go back to my condo.” He smiles, the tilt of it all wicked promise though his sky-colored eyes are whisper gentle: my soft place to land, always. “I’ll even Photoshop Justin Bieber’s head onto some pictures of chipmunks, the way you like.”

I laugh in spite of myself. “Okay, as awesome as that sounds, I’m not taking you away from your band family at Christmas.”

“Oh, great! Let’s get going, then.” Jax reaches for the gearshift and my stomach drops out through the floorboards of the car. I stop his hand and my eyes guiltily collide with his knowing ones. I just walked right into that bluff, damn it.

“Okay, you’re right. This was a terrible idea. Why don’t I just drop you off, I’ll go hide in your beautiful condo, and we can meet up after?” My heartbeat is like a rabid butterfly trying to escape my ribcage. Christ, I’m being such a coward right now.

It’s not like I haven’t been living knuckle to knuckle with these people for most of the year. It’s just…that was our concert tour. This is their town.

It’s Jax’s real life, and I haven’t claimed my place in it.

He starts to speak just as I say, “No, screw it. We’re going. We’re going together and it will be fun and festive, so help me God, or I will cut a bitch.”


Start from the beginning and join The Red Letters on their raise to fame!

A Cruel Kind of Beautiful (Book #1)

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Playing the Pauses (Book #2)

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Insatiable (Book #3)

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Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card! Three-Runner Ups will win eBook copies of A CRUEL KIND OF BEAUTIFUL, PLAYING THE PAUSES, & INSTATIABLE!
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About Michelle Hazen:

Michelle Hazen is a nomad with a writing problem. Years ago, she and her husband ducked out of the 9 to 5 world and moved into their truck. As a result, she wrote most of her books with solar power in odd places, including a bus in Thailand, a golf cart in a sandstorm, and a beach in Honduras. Currently, she’s addicted to The Walking Dead, hiking, and Tillamook cheese.

Follow Michelle:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | Pinterest | Instagram

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Claiming His Lioness by Kerry Adrienne

USA Today bestselling author Kerry Adrienne’s Shifter Wars series comes to its epic conclusion when former enemies align, but is it too late to protect everyone they’ve come to love?

Order your copy of CLAIMING HIS LIONESS today and add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads! Then keep reading to get an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek at CLAIMING HIS LIONESS!

Title: Claiming His Lioness

Author: Kerry Adrienne

Release Date: September 3, 2018

Publisher: Carina Press

Series: Shifter Wars

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Format: Digital


Lara has always relished being a thorn in Mason’s paw. When she was chosen as pride Enforcer, it was easier than ever to get under the passionate shifter’s skin. But with the scent of humans in the air comes a threat she’s powerless to battle alone.

It’s time Lara unites with the one man she needs, the one man she’s secretly drawn to…as if by fate.

If there’s one thing Mason hates more than relinquishing control to a female, it’s the attraction he feels for the fiery lioness. Joining forces with Lara against an insidious enemy only makes their primal bond hotter—and the two of them stronger.

Now it’s up to them, side by side, to bring together three warring shifter clans, win the final fight and save Deep Creek.

Available at: 

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One Grand Prize winner will receive a $15 Gift Card + the entire Shifter Wars Series from Kerry Adrienne in ebook or *print book (winner’s choice – *print book US only)

or 10 runners up will receive 1 ebook or *print book from Kerry Adrienne (winner’s choice – *print book US only)

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Claiming His Lioness Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 Kerry Adrienne

The birds and night animals were active all around them. Though her hearing wasn’t as sensitive as when she moved as a shifter, she still heard them. Scampers and calls to evening plans—all clear to her lioness, who paced inside, longing to get out and run. Lara shushed her, placating her with a promised run later. With summer starting, there’d be plenty of late night runs in the moonlight to the cadence of all the insects and heartbeats in the forest.

A nice fat rabbit sounded perfect for dinner.

Mason motioned her to crouch and she did, crawling up close to him in the brush. She could smell him. Warm, with a streak of fierceness, like a juicy steak with a hint of tangy sauce. A spice she couldn’t name and a scent so intoxicating, she had to move back a bit. She’d been near him too much today. She sniffed again, and he turned and shot her a smile.

She looked away.

What the hell was wrong with her? She wasn’t one to go around sniffing men. She shook her head. I’m just hungry, that’s all.

Mason grabbed her arm. She looked where he was pointing and inhaled sharply. Through the bushes, a short distance away, a smattering of tiny campfires blazed. And tents cast hulking shadows across the lakeshore.

Where were the humans?

The low sound of muffled voices grew louder and Lara strained to hear what was going on. A group of humans—male and at least one female—made their way to the edge of one fire, their faces alight with the bright glow.

They looked happy. None appeared to be armed but why were there so many of them? The lake was remote—how could they have gotten all the equipment so deep into the woods—unless they’d had pack mules.

And why were they at the lake?

Mason’s face mirrored her concerns, his brows slanted and his skin drawn tight. His mouth a firm line. Lara watched him a minute, noting his slightly curved nose—the bump was the only way she could easily tell Marco and Mason apart unless they were talking. Somehow, the imperfection made him even more handsome than his brother.

She looked back at the humans standing around the fire like an army at ease, but aware battle was coming. Most looked out of place—not like seasoned hikers or hunters. More like businessmen without their suits, forced into jeans and T-shirts and shoes they only wore once or twice a year or maybe bought for the outing.

Stranger and stranger.

A large man glanced their way, spotted then, then rushed toward where they crouched. Bile filled Lara’s mouth and her lioness screamed run, but she froze in place. Several other men followed the leader, and within seconds, she and Mason were surrounded by humans.

Don’t miss any of the Shifter Wars Series by Kerry Adrienne!




SAVING HIS WOLF (A Shifter Wars Novella)

Author Bio:

Repped by Marisa Corvisiero, USA Today Bestselling author Kerry Adrienne writes in many genres including science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, m/m, erotic romance, and more. In her spare time, she homeschools, is a part-time college instructor, editor, and dabbler in most things creative. You can usually find her posting cat pictures on Facebook and Twitter when she’s not working.

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