Love at Lakewood Med by TJ Amberson

TJ Amberson hails from the Pacific Northwest, where she lives with her husband and nutty cocker spaniel. Her most recent novels include The Kingdom of Nereth, The Council of Nereth, Fusion, and Love at Lakewood Med. When she’s not writing, TJ can probably be found enjoying a hot chocolate, pretending to know how to garden, riding her bike, playing the piano, or surfing the Internet for cheap plane tickets.
With a love of writing in multiple genres, TJ Amberson strives to provide well-written, age-appropriate, and original novels for tweens, teens, and new adults.

Savannah Drake would be thrilled about starting her final year of medical school if it weren’t for one thing: she has to spend a month working in the emergency room with cold, aloof Dr. Wesley Kent as her mentor. 
When her first day in the ER proves to be a humiliating disaster, Savannah is ready to swear off emergency medicine forever. Gradually, though, she finds that the unpredictable, emotional experience of caring for patients in the emergency room is affecting her far differently than she expected–and Dr. Kent turns out to be anything but the arrogant attending physician that she assumed him to be. 
But just when Savannah finally admits to herself that she is falling for Dr. Kent, she learns that things at the hospital are not all what they seem. 
Faced with a seemingly impossible choice, Savannah must decide between her future career and everything that she has come to care so much about.


Author Interview:
1.      What is your favorite book that is not yours?
Les Miserables
2.      Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
Yes, I write books of several genres. Exploring different voices and styles is one of my favorite parts of writing. So far, I have published a young adult historical fantasy (THE KINGDOM OF NERETH), a young adult contemporary lite sci-fi (FUSION), and a clean medical romantic comedy for adults (LOVE AT LAKEWOOD MED). I am currently finishing a young adult paranormal romance (BETWEEN), writing the sequel to the historical fantasy (THE COUNCIL OF NERETH), and starting another rom-com. I wrote a little more about the pros and cons of being a multi-genre author on my blog:
My favorite genre to write: I don’t have a favorite – I love them all!
3.      How young were you when you started writing?
Early elementary school
4.      If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
L.M. Montgomery – I grew up reading her novels
5.      How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
 Varies widely! A few months to a couple of years. My fastest book so far is in progress right now (a romantic comedy)!
6.      What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?


A long walk on a sunny day


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The Highlander’s Stolen Bride By Eliza Knight

From USA Today Bestselling Author of the Stolen Bride Series comes a brand new and exciting family saga! For fans of Scottish historical romance, the Sutherland Legacy propels you into the Highlands with tales of daring adventure, irresistible heroes and passion!

Add THE HIGHLANDER’S STOLEN BRIDE to your TBR pile on Goodreads! Then keep reading to get an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek and enter the giveaway for a $50 Amazon Gift Card or an eBook from Eliza!

Title: The Highlander’s Stolen Bride

Author: Eliza Knight

Genre: Historical Romance

Release Date: July 31, 2018

Publisher: Knight Media, LLC

Series: The Stolen Bride

Format: Digital & Paperback

      ISBN-13: 978-1721677726

After a harsh betrayal, Magnus “Strath” Sutherland, Laird of Dornoch, accepts a commission from the king to squelch an English lord’s siege at the Scottish border. What better way to torment his new English enemy than to defeat his army and steal his beautiful bride? At first, Strath plans to toss the Sassenach lass into a dark cell and forget about her, but there is something about the way she defies him that he finds alluring, not to mention how very much he’d like to kiss her.

Eva de Clare, youngest daughter of the Earl of Northwyck, is pledged in matrimony to a cruel lord blackmailing her family. Her salvation comes in the form of a terrifying Highlander who interrupts the ceremony. But salvation turns to horror when she’s plucked from where she stands and whisked across the Scottish border. Eva isn’t about to be made a prisoner of war, and once she sees the kindness beneath her captor’s hard exterior she decides she won’t be sent back to England to be wed either. In fact, she just might be the woman to warm the Highland warrior’s hardened heart.

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What is the bastard up to?

Magnus “Strath” Sutherland, the Laird of Dornoch and Earl of Strathnavor, sat on his horse in the woods just beyond the perimeter of Northwyck Castle. He’d been sent south on a mission by his King, Robert the Bruce. One, to determine if the daughter of Lord Northwyck was dead as had been claimed, and also to stop a certain vile Sassenach lord from his continued raids at the border, who may or may not be holding her captive. That man was in the castle before him.

A plan to ambush Belfinch and his men on the road had been thwarted when the whoreson disappeared. Unfamiliar with the land this far past the English border, Strath and his men had found their quarry on the moors riding at a clipped pace toward this castle. This turnabout would work in their favor it seemed, since he could now take care of both of his king’s requests at once.

The keep was only about four stories high, if he had to guess, and the wall was about half that. There was a thin moat around the perimeter, and a village to the west. Smoke filtered out of a few chimneys in the village, but it was only late afternoon, so most of the peasants would likely be in the fields working. Smoke came from several chimneys in the castle keep.

From the intelligence Strath had been able to gather, this was the home of another man, the Earl of Northwyck. None of Belfinch’s men had waited outside, which meant the Earl of Northwyck was used to the men coming here, or he’d been forced. But Strath was betting on him being an ally. If that were the case, which seemed likely, it would behoove him and his men to remove all the threats.

This was war, after all. And if he let them go, they’d only continue the border raids he’d been sent to stop. Strath wasn’t about to disappoint his king. As to why the king cared about a lass, that was a question he’d have to leave unanswered, for his liege had not offered the information.

“What did ye find?” he asked when Tomaidh, his finest scout and best mate, returned.

“Two entrances that I could make out. The main gate has a wide drawbridge over the moat, still lowered from when Belfinch’s men went inside, and a postern gate that looks to be accessible only by a narrow drawbridge, but it was not lowered. The walls are guarded by a dozen men, more concentrated on the front gate with only a few at the postern. And I think one spotted me.”

“Damn.” Strath, as any warlord about to lay siege, much preferred the element of surprise.

“I was careful, but when I mounted my horse by the woods, I think my sword hilt caught the sun just when there was a break in the clouds. I heard a horn blown in the distance, which I’m guessing was the warning. I didn’t come straight here. I rode in the opposite direction and circled back through the woods in case they sent anyone out to follow me.”

“Ye did good.”

“I’m sorry, laird.”

“Dinna fash over it, Tomaidh. We’ll wait then. If they spotted ye, they’ll likely be preparing for an unwanted guest. With enough time, they will think spotting ye was nothing more than someone riding through. They will let their guard down.” Probably not all the way, but enough so he could still attack with success.

And he would succeed.

Praise for the Stolen Bride series

“This is a wonderful book. I really enjoyed it. The characters are colourful and the history is well written. I loved the way the heroine could take care of herself in a time when they were never expected to. I have never read this author before but I certainly will look for more of her books.”—Goodreads Reviewer on THE HIGHLANDER’S REWARD

“Ms. Knight has a gift for writing wonderful characters that pull the reader into the story. For fans of Highlander romance, this series is a must read. I highly recommend it.”—Night Owls Reviewer, The Stolen Bride Series

“The Highlander’s Reward was an awesome read. I didn’t want to leave the world that Eliza Knight had woven, even when the book was done. I just wanted to keep reading.”—Night Owls Reviewer

“If you are looking for a hot romance set against a backdrop of a fascinating time in the history of the world, you need to read this series.”—A Bookish Affair Reviewer on The Stolen Bride Series

“If you are a lover of plaid-covered warriors that make your knees feel like jelly…than this [series] is for you.”—My Not So Vacant Shelf Reviewer on The Stolen Bride Series


About Eliza Knight

Eliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical, time-travel and contemporary romance novels. Under the name E. Knight, she pens rip-your- heart-out historical fiction. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain with her own knight in shining armor, three princesses and two very naughty puppies.

Connect with Eliza at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram


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The Gentleman Physician by Sally Britton


“Sally Britton is sixth generation Texan, received her BA in English from Brigham Young University, and reads voraciously. She started her writing journey at the tender age of fourteen on an electric typewriter, and she’s never looked back.
Sally lives in Arizona with her husband, four children, and their dog. She loves researching, hiking, and eating too much chocolate.”
“I didn’t really understand what love was. 
I didn’t know what it meant, that I should’ve fought harder for it.”
Banished from home by her angry father, Julia Devon travels to Bath to fulfill her role as family spinster by assisting her cousin, Lady Macon, in caring for her dying husband.
Nathaniel Hastings’s life runs in a predictable pattern, until a routine visit to one of his ailing patients brings him face to face with Julia, the woman who broke his heart five years before in London.
Julia and Nathaniel find themselves unlikely allies as they work together to tend to the family’s needs, fend off Lady Macon’s scheming brother-in-law, and avoid confronting the pain of their shared past. But could this accidental meeting be their second chance at love?”


Author Interview:
1.      What is your favorite book that is not yours?
My FAVORITE book is probably The Princess Bride by William Goldman 
2.      Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
At the moment, I’m only writing regency novels, but I plan to put out a Western Romance series and possibly a heist trilogy. They’re all fun to write, but any story I dream up always has a huge element of romance involved. So romance is my favorite. 
3.      How young were you when you started writing?
The first story I remember writing, I was about fourteen years old. But I was making up stories and telling them to my sisters at bedtime long before then. 
4.      If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
I would love to meet L. M. Montgomery. She wrote the Anne of Green Gables series, and The Blue Castle. Those books were such a huge part of my childhood and my desire to be a writer. I felt like Anne most of the time, too. I used big words, I was smart but smart wasn’t always good. I’d just love to chat with her about how much her books meant to me and find out more about her
5.      How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
I can write a 60,000 word novel in a month. I’m more comfortable with a 6-8 week timeline, though. The fastest book I ever wrote is actually out in the world, His Bluestocking Bride. I wrote it in a month, but it took me a few weeks to clean it up after that rush job. And I put it off for almost a year. 
6.      What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?


My FAVORITE thing to do in the summer is lay around and be lazy! Isn’t that awful? But the year is always so busy and full. I like slowing life down, relaxing, making lots of trips to the library and the pool. 


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The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham

He’s controlled. Meticulous. Immaculate. No one would expect the proper Duke of Westmead to be a member of London’s most illicit secret club. Least of all: his future wife. A marriage to a duke has never been such fun in THE DUKE I TEMPTED by Scarlett Peckham



Having overcome financial ruin and redeemed his family name to become the most legendary investor in London, the Duke of Westmead needs to secure his holdings by producing an heir. Which means he must find a wife who won’t discover his secret craving to spend his nights on his knees—or make demands on his long scarred-over heart.

Poppy Cavendish is not that type of woman. An ambitious self-taught botanist designing the garden ballroom in which Westmead plans to woo a bride, Poppy has struggled against convention all her life to secure her hard-won independence. She wants the capital to expand her exotic nursery business—not a husband.

But there is something so compelling about Westmead, with his starchy bearing and impossibly kind eyes—that when an accidental scandal makes marriage to the duke the only means to save her nursery, Poppy worries she wants more than the title he is offering. The arrangement is meant to be just business. A greenhouse for an heir. But Poppy yearns to unravel her husband’s secrets—and to tempt the duke to risk his heart.

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Read and exclusive excerpt from THE DUKE I TEMPTED:

Poppy sat at a round table in the corner, surrounded by piles of drawings. She still wore her gardening clothes, and her eyes were heavy lidded. She looked intense and flushed and disheveled.


No. He must stop doing that. Must chasten his reactions to her.

Hardworking. She looked tired from her labors.

He cleared his throat. “Poppy. You’re still awake.”

She looked up at him with a guilty expression. “Your Grace. Yes. And it seems I have invaded your study — I’m so sorry. The others were playing whist in the library and I thought to finish my work in the quiet. I’m just finishing — I’ll leave you.”

“Never mind. Stay. Please. Show me what it is you’re sketching.”

She hesitated. He felt her eyes linger on his face, like she was trying to discern something about him. No doubt, her downcast expression had something to do with his invasion of her bedchamber the previous evening. He needed to address that. No woman who’d been raised in Grove Vale would be ignorant of the stories about his father. He could not have her think that he expected similar liberties of her. He had taken far too many as it was.

“Poppy, last night — I hope I didn’t alarm you. I apologize for intruding. I would not normally disturb a lady’s privacy, and I hope I gave no offense. I was concerned. You seemed quite distressed.”

Her face flickered. “It was only a nightmare,” she said finally. “I shan’t disturb you again.”

“I was not disturbed,” he said quickly.

She smiled. “When I awoke this morning I wondered if I had dreamt you.”

“No,” he said, drinking in her languid eyes.

She reached up and touched his face above his cheekbone. “No,” she agreed. “Here you are. Real indeed.”

Damn him, but he caught her hand and dragged it down to his lips and placed a kiss inside her palm.

Her mouth parted. Perhaps in shock. Perhaps in something closer to the feeling surging behind his sternum, overriding his judgment, his propriety, his will to be the kind of person he had spent a decade refashioning himself into.

“Forgive me. I am not myself tonight,” he forced himself to say, releasing her. He looked into her green eyes and told her the truth of it: “You should leave me.”

He meant it.

And yet.

And yet.

He hoped she wouldn’t listen.

 Author Bio:

Scarlett Peckham fell in love with romance novels as a child, sneaking paperbacks from the stash in her grandmother’s closet. By the time she came of age she had exhausted her library’s supply and begun to dream of writing one of her own.

Scarlett studied English at Columbia University and built a career in communications, but in her free hours always returned to her earliest obsession: those delicious, big-hearted books you devour in the dark and can never bear to put down. Her steamy historical romances about alpha heroines have been finalists for the Golden Heart® Award four times. Her debut book, THE DUKE I TEMPTED, will be out July 31, 2018.

Scarlett splits her time between London and Los Angeles. When not reading or writing romance she enjoys pretending to know about wine, discussing The Real Housewives, and cooking enormous pots of soup.

Scarlett is represented by Sarah Younger at the Nancy Yost Literary Agency, and spends far too much time on Instagram and Twitter.

Connect with Scarlett:  Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram | Newsletter | Amazon

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All The Way To Italy by Flavia Brunetti



Born just outside of Rome, Flavia Brunetti grew up bouncing back and forth between Italy and California, eventually moving back to the Eternal City and confirming her lifelong commitment to real gelato. 

Flavia holds a Master of Arts degree in Government and Politics from St. John’s University and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from John Cabot University.
Today she travels the world working for an international humanitarian organization and spends her free time writing and wandering around her beloved Roma in constant search of bookstores and the perfect espresso. 

You can find her city blog on Rome at and her portfolio of published writing at
Until her dad died, Little considered herself a Californian. Now, thanks to half a letter, a symbol she can’t quite remember, and writer’s block, she finds herself back in Italy, the country of her birth. In a headlong rush to return to her beloved San Francisco, Little will travel throughout Italy, enlisting the help of the aunt who raised her, friends old and new, and the country itself, in her search for the answers she needs.

This is the powerful story of those in search of a balance between wanderlust and the necessity to come home, a reminder that although we may be fragments, we are never a lost cause.
Author Interview:
What is your favorite book
that is not yours?
This is a really tough one to answer, but if I
absolutely have to pick one, I’ll have to go with American Gods by Neil Gaiman,
if only because of how very much it changed how I thought a book could be
Do you write in multiple
genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
I guess I could say I write in
multiple genres, in that I write however I feel at the time, and that doesn’t
always fall into the same category (I’d even say All the Way to Italy isn’t
easily categorized into just one genre, but I think that’s true of most
books!). I think my favorite form of writing at the moment is flash fiction,
those short snapshot moments – if that doesn’t count as a genre, can we make it
How young were you when you
started writing?
This may sound like a cliché answer, but as far back
as I can remember, I wrote things down. My aunt even has a short poem I wrote
as a little girl where I lobbied for more substantial dessert. Sweets and
writing: two of the greatest loves of my life!
If you could meet any author,
past or present, who would it be and why?
Pat Conroy. I find him to be
such a gargantuan talent, a writer of books I absolutely gobbled up and
continue re-reading throughout the different periods of my life. His writing
moves me so deeply that I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve cried at the sheer
beauty of a line, or a paragraph, a sentiment expressed. He was a brave writer,
unafraid of standing up for what he believed in also through his pen, and was
also a fascinating man because of how much he used his family, over and over,
in all of his books, as though writing were his way of externalizing what he
was trying to understand inside. A great friend of mine once described his
book, The Prince of Tides, as “jewels in your mouth,” and I never forgot that apt
description. He also wrote my favorite line in the entire world: “My wound is
geography. It is also my anchorage, my port of call.”
How long does it take you to
write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
All the Way to Italy is actually my very first
book! It took me more than three years of actual writing and re-writing and
editing and then more re-writing, but the concept had been playing in my head
for years before that.
What is your favorite thing to
do in the summertime?
What a wonderful question! Sit by the sea with a good
book, good friends, and good food.


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Aeonian Dreams by Morgan J Muir

Morgan J Muir lives in Utah with her fantastic husband, three offspring, and as many cats (but she doesn’t carry them with kits in sacks, and has never been to St. Ives). She grew up riding horses and motorcycles and listening to her grandmother read poetry. She grew up reading any sci-fi/fantasy novel she could get her hands on and so was surprised the day she discovered that she also really enjoyed historical fiction.
Morgan always loved to write and draw and her parents always liked to say that they knew she’d write a book some day.  Ever since she was small she told stories and drew pictures for her tales.  When she got old enough, all of her spare time between classes was spent writing and she always had a notebook with her.
Her first novel was originally written after her first child was born, to help her pass the long, lonely hours as a new stay-at-home mom.  As her kids got older and more came she was too busy to do much with her stories, until one year she was introduced to NaNoWriMo, which finally rekindled the spark that led her to finish what she’d started.

Morgan’s favorite authors are Brandon Sanderson, Kristen Britain and Marion Zimmer Bradley.

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Mariah has chosen to become a vampire, but she can’t remember why.
Upon waking in the labyrinthine caves of Sophus, a centuries-old vampire, Mariah can’t remember all the choices that brought her there, but she does know there are dangerous secrets hidden within her.  As she learns to control her powerful new body— and its bloodthirsty urges— Mariah discovers a unique ability to travel through a world of spirit, the key to remembering her past, and possibly the future. 
At first, it seems her path is simple: learn to control her bloodlust, find her missing husband, and return with him to raise their son. However, things are more complicated than they seem, and neither Sophus nor her husband’s captor is willing to let them go. Mariah must use whatever skills she can to find her husband and protect her still-mortal son, but will it be enough? 


Author Interview:
What is your favorite book that is not yours?
This is a tough question, there are a lot of books that are my favorites, though I could narrow it down be genre. Historical Fiction: Shadow of the Moon by MM Kaye, Fantasy: Anything Brandon Sanderson, Romance: A Rose in Winter, Sci-fi: anything Darkover
Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
Yes, i write fantasy, romance, and historical fantasy. My favorite to write though is Fantasy because I love the freedom of worldbuilding as opposed to being constrained by this world’s reality and history (i mean, do you realize that bobby pins didn’t exist before the 20th century? No picking locks with bobby pins before then!).
How young were you when you started writing?
I wrote my first book in 3rd grade, so about 9 years old. And I hated the editing/prep for publication process just as much then as i do now.
If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
I’m not really sure. I’m so much of an introvert that I’m not sure I would get a whole lot out of a meeting like that. it would probably just be really uncomfortable, and filled with awkward silences.
How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
At least a couple years, start to publish. The first draft is the hardest part, and can take a year or more, depending on what I have going on in my life, so I always try to have several manuscripts at varying stages of completion.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?


Camping with my family, and getting to have my kids home from school.


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