All Lies by Andrew Cunningham


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audiobookworm Promotions in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

All Lies by Andrew Cunningham was a great book once I got over the narrators’ voice.  His voice bugged me for the first couple of chapters but once I was a few chapters his voice had grown on me.  Now that I am a few hours into the second book I can’t really remember why I originally didn’t like this voice.  I loved how this book started which is one of the reasons that I kept listening even when I wasn’t sure about the voice of the narrator.  I am glad that I kept going because I love the plot and the author’s writing. I do have to say that once it was a week or so from when I finished the book I can’t really remember how it ended which means that at least for me this book was super memorable but I do know that I did enjoy it.  Like I said before the first chapter of this book made me smile and that is one of the only things that I remember about this book. I would recommend this audiobook to anyone who is looking for something to listen to this winter.

About The Book

Author: Andrew Cunningham

Narrator: Greg Hernandez

Length: 7 hours 20 minutes

Publisher: Andrew Cunningham⎮2017

Genre: Mystery, Modern Detective

Series: Lies, Book 1

Release date: Dec. 22, 2017

Synopsis: “I come from a long line of idiots.”

Those were the last words his father uttered before dying, and from what he knew of his family tree and the unfortunate end that came to so many of his ancestors, Del Honeycutt couldn’t disagree. What he didn’t know was that his family held dark secrets – secrets that were about to come crashing down upon him.

A seemingly innocent date gone tragically wrong plunges Del into a web of murder, lies, greed, and a hidden fortune dating back to a crime committed 85 years earlier by his great-grandfather. Accompanied by Sabrina, the sister of Del’s brutally murdered date, a violent journey of discovery and fear begins. Pursued by vicious killers intent on eliminating anyone with knowledge of the 85-year-old crime, their only hope of survival is to find the reason behind the original crime and why, decades later, someone is still willing to kill to keep it hidden. But Sabrina is concealing a monstrous lie of her own. Is she who she says she is?

By the author of the Amazon best-selling thriller, Wisdom Spring.

About The Author

Andrew Cunningham

I’m the author of novels in several genres, including, mystery, thriller, and post-apocalyptic science fiction. Under the name A.R. Cunningham, I’ve also written the Arthur MacArthur series of mysteries for children.

I was born in England, but have spent most of my life living in the U.S.—including 25 years on Cape Cod before moving to Florida. A former interpreter for the deaf and long-time independent bookseller, I’ve been a full-time freelance writer and copy editor for many years. A 4th-degree Master Black belt in Tang Soo Do, I finally retired from active training when my body said, “Enough already! Why are you doing this to yourself?” I’m married, with two grown children and two awesome grandsons. My wife and I spend as much time traveling as we can, and are especially fond of cruising the Caribbean.

​I have been gratified by the response to my books. When I published Eden Rising back in the spring of 2013, I had no idea what to expect. When I sold my first few copies, I was excited beyond belief that someone was willing to take a chance on it. Numerous books and thousands of copies later, I am still humbled by the emails I get from readers telling me that my books kept them up late into the night.

In October of 2014, Wisdom Spring made me an official Amazon Bestselling author, a thrill I never thought would happen. But it still comes down to being able to bring a few hours of escape to a reader. That’s what it’s all about for me.

I hope you will try my books. Please feel free to email me with your comments.


About the Narrator: Greg Hernandez

Author-preferred Narrator of Mysteries & Thrillers

Narrating audiobooks is highly gratifying.  I immerse myself into an author’s story in order to bring it to life for the listener.  I’ve enjoyed working with Andrew Cunningham for several years. His books are filled with rich characters, and the stories keep me turning the pages.

I also work as a background actor in movies and TV shows.

For more than 20 years, I worked as a radio news reporter and news writer.  I spent half of my broadcasting career at ABC News Radio in the Washington, D.C., bureau.  I covered all the federal agencies as well as Congress and the White House. I reported on a wide range of stories during my career, including financial and entertainment industry news.

For nearly 24 years, I worked as a federal government spokesman at three separate agencies—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Mint and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).


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Birth Right by Julian Iragorri & Lou Aronica

Birth Right by Julian Iragorri and Lou Aronica

In the mid-sixties, a young woman and a young man meet and begin the romance that will define their lives throughout the decades.

In the early nineties, two young men meet and forge a friendship that will propel both into newfound worlds.

Today, those same two men face a reality that could change the course of the world . . . and a fantasy that both have only dared to imagine.

How these three stories come together is the driving pulse of BIRTH RIGHT, a novel about despots and rulers, spouses and lovers, friendship and brotherhood. Playing out at once on the most global and the most intimate of stages, it is a story about the power one is born into and the power one earns and, at its very heart, the power of love.


Book Details

Genre: Literary Fiction
Published by: The Story Plant
Publication Date: September 7th 2019
Number of Pages: 224
ISBN: 1611882664 (ISBN13: 9781611882667)
Purchase Links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads


Read an excerpt:

Alex had been to exactly one inaugural ceremony before. His parents had taken him to see President Marcador take the oath of office back when he was thirteen. That president had turned out to be ineffectual, serving only one term and, even at his young age, Alex had the sense that Marcador was going to be a footnote in Legado history. The man projected so little presence, almost as though he didn’t have enough internal energy to put a persona out there. What Alex subsequently learned was that Marcador was a compromise candidate during a period of transition for his country. The story would be decidedly different sixteen years later, when a wildly charismatic candidate – one who happened to be Alex’s cousin – would take the nation by storm and win the election in a landslide.

Alex could hardly believe the ceremony he was watching today had the same function as the one he’d witnessed as a boy. This one had so much pomp, so much music, so much color. Javier Benigno was easily the most popular political figure to rise from Legado since the late, ever-beloved Viviana Emisario, and perhaps the first to inspire the passion from the people that seemed to have been extinguished when Viviana’s helicopter had crashed during a diplomatic mission. Viviana’s death had snuffed the joy from a nation. It had done more than that to Alex, but that was a story he would forever keep to himself.

“Legado was always our most vibrant colony,” said a voice to his right. “This ceremony has more hues than a Joya de la Costa garden.”

Alex turned to look at the speaker. The man seemed to be about his age and height, though he was a bit heftier all around. Maybe this is what I’d look like if I didn’t spend as much time in the gym, Alex thought.

“I assume you’re aware that Legado hasn’t been a colony since your great-great grandfather was a twinkle in his mother’s eye.”

The man flashed a heavy-wattage smile. “Oh, well, of course. But one never stops thinking of their children as children, do they?”

“Well, we’re all grown up. And we’ve been a democracy continuously for more than a century. I don’t believe our ‘father’ can say the same thing.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” the man said, laughing boisterously. “The public elected El General to each of his nine terms. By an overwhelming majority, in fact. Usually more than ninety percent.”

A huge cheer went up at that moment. Looking down from the grandstand, Alex could see that the new president’s motorcade had entered the staging area.

“Yes, ninety percent,” Alex said to his companion. “My cousin should find that humbling, as he only received fifty-nine percent of the vote.”

“Cousin? I assume that makes you a Benigno.”

“Soberano, actually. Javier is a cousin on my mother’s side.” Alex put out his hand. “Alejandro Soberano. My friends call me Alex.”

The man shook. “Fernando Alfonso Trastámara. My friends call me Fernando.”

Alex should have recognized the man. He’d certainly seen the heir to the Léon throne in enough tabloids. “They don’t call you ‘Your Majesty.’”

“God, no. They will hopefully never call me that.”

“I assume that means you’re wishing for a very long life for your father and not that you’re expecting El General to come back from the dead.”

The man beamed again. It was easy to see why women found him so irresistible. Between the smile, the future crown, and the massive fortune, what was there to resist? “No, El General is gone forever. Just to make sure, my father sends an envoy every day to dance on his grave.”

Alex nodded approvingly. The people of Legado did indeed consider Léon to be close family, and the last thing that Alex would have ever wanted was a return to the days when El General dominated Léon so absolutely. Alex was barely in elementary school when the dictator had suddenly stepped down, allowing Fernando’s father, Juan Alfonso Trastámara, to take his rightful place on the throne and to allow for a duly elected prime minister to operate the government, but he could remember his mother spitting invective at the television every time she saw El General speak. And while Alex didn’t truly understand the cause of celebration on the streets of his hometown when El General resigned (and the only slightly-less-raucous celebration that happened when the dictator died eight months later), he would never forget the taste of the pastel con tres leches his mother made that night to mark the occasion.

“Very wise of your father,” Alex said. “Is he here?”

“He wishes he could be. He thinks highly of your cousin. But there’s a gathering of several European heads of state that Léon is hosting, so he of course needed to attend that. He sent me to represent the crown in his stead. He’s accurately deduced that my one statecraft talent is waving and smiling broadly, so I’m the perfect man for this assignment.”

Fernando did some smiling and waving at that point and excused himself. At the inaugural ball that evening, though, Fernando came up to Alex with two glasses of Champagne and offered him one.

“I noticed you didn’t have a drink,” he said.

Alex took the glass and tipped it in Fernando’s direction before taking a sip. “I was pacing myself.”

“I don’t have the remotest idea why anyone would do that.”

Alex grinned at Fernando’s acknowledgment of his excesses. “Lots of family around. And I wouldn’t want to do anything that might embarrass my cousin.”

“Hmm. Interesting perspective.”

“It was nearly time for another drink, though, so I appreciate the Champagne.”

“Happy to be of service. So, I hear you’ve been conscripted to accompany me to Anhelo tomorrow for the hospital ribbon-cutting ceremony.”

Just a few hours earlier, Alex had learned that his cousin, the president, had requested that Alex be part of the prince’s travel party for the opening of a new hospital that Léon had funded. The request had surprised Alex, because he’d never performed any sort of official government function before, and there were surely dozens of people on the presidential staff who could have filled this role. Had someone seen Alex and the prince speaking at the inauguration and decided that Alex would be a good companion? He did notice his mother looking at them a lot during the inauguration and then he saw her talking to the president later. Maybe she wanted him to become friends with the prince? But he doubted she would have such influence on the new president, even though he was her younger cousin. Did President Benigno think this might help groom Alex for some future place in his administration – something Alex had never considered and wouldn’t particularly desire, especially now that his career was kicking into its next gear? Regardless, he wasn’t going to turn down the new leader of his native land, and some pomp and circumstance at the side of the prince of Léon could be entertaining.

“Yes,” Alex said. “It appears they needed to tap the absolute best available talent for this engagement.”

“I’m flattered. I was afraid I was going to get a member of Benigno’s rotund retinue. Is it just me or is everyone in the president’s inner circle at least forty kilos overweight?”

Alex chose not to respond beyond a polite smile.

“No matter,” the prince said. “Tell me: is the Colina after-hours club scene as ribald as its reputation?”

“I wouldn’t really know. I’m down from New York, and I grew up in Anhelo. I’ve never taken much advantage of the clubs when I’ve been to Colina in the past.”

Fernando nodded thoughtfully for several long moments. Then his face brightened. “Care to join me on a bit of a research expedition after this event is over? Purely for cultural reasons, of course.”

Alex lifted an eyebrow. “I believe our plane is scheduled to leave at eight tomorrow morning.”

Fernando shrugged. “We’ll make it an early night, then. In bed no later than four.”

Alex had heard that Fernando could be a bit dangerous when out on the prowl, and Alex not only had his own reputation but the reputation of Legado’s new president to uphold. Still, it was difficult to avoid getting caught up in Fernando’s enthusiasm.

“I’ve heard of a few places that might be ideal for your ‘research.’ And I’m sure they would love a visit from the future king of Léon.”

“Excellent. One condition, though: you really need to stop calling me the future king of Léon. I already get all of the reminders I need about that from my father.”

Excerpt from Birth Right by Julian Iragorri and Lou Aronica. Copyright © 2019 by Julian Iragorri and Lou Aronica. Reproduced with permission from Lou Aronica. All rights reserved.


About Our Authors:

Julian Iragorri:

Julian Iragorri lives in Manhattan. He has worked on Wall Street since the early nineties.

Lou Aronica:

Lou AronicaLou Aronica is the author of the USA Today bestseller The Forever Year and the national bestseller Blue. He also collaborated on the New York Times nonfiction bestsellers The Element and Finding Your Element (with Ken Robinson) and the national bestsellers The Culture Code (with Clotaire Rapaille) and The Greatest You (with Trent Shelton). Aronica is a long- term book publishing veteran. He is President and Publisher of the independent publishing house The Story Plant.

Find Lou Online: | Goodreads | BookBub | Twitter | Facebook


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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Providence Book Promotions for The Story Plant, Julian Iragorri, and Lou Aronica. There will be 5 winners of one (1) copy of The Edge Of The World by Julian Iragorri and Lou Aronica (eBook). The giveaway begins on October 1, 2019 and runs through December 1, 2019. Void where prohibited.

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Cop Blocked by Aubree Valentine

Review Tour for COP BLOCKED by Aubree Valentine
Brought to you by Forever Write PR


“Author Aubree Valentine pieces together an intriguing story with compelling characters and a few fabulous twists and turns!” —Amazon Reviewer 


Valentine does a solid job at a fun, flirty romance with a twist of action.” —Amazon Reviewer 






Rachel Beasley wants it all. Being stood up was just par for the course. She knew the pitfalls of putting herself out there…again. But why waste a sitter and good night out when there’s a hot guy licking his wounds at the bar just a few feet away?






Logan Walsh likes his life the way it is.


Relationships were a minefield he’d rather not cross. It’s not until kismet slides onto the barstool next to him that he begins to question everything in his life that he’s held onto with an unbreakable conviction.


Rachel is a lethal combination for a man like Logan…she’s gorgeous, sassy, independent and as he soon finds out…a single mother.


Minefield or not, he can’t fight his feelings for Rachel or her adorable toddler and only one question is left to be answered.


Can a man like Logan handle being cop blocked?

Read Now! 
Author Aubree Valentine: 
Aubree Valentine is a wife, mom and avid reader. Her love of books goes far behind weaving her own stories to tell. She realized her dream of becoming a published author by the time she was in high school and knew she’d stop at nothing to make that happen. 


When she’s not writing, she can be found chasing after her twins or her dogs, curled up with a good book or still working with some of her favorite authors.


This blogger event is brought to you by Forever Write PR. For more information, visit our Facebook page!


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Cover Reveal: Recipe for Disaster by Allie York

We are excited to share the amazing cover for Allie York’s first YA release,
RECIPE FOR DISASTER. Scroll down for the cover and don’t forget to add
RECIPE FOR DISASTER to your Goodreads TBR shelf!


World’s best muffins:
Step 1: Preheat oven to 375
Step 2: cream the butter and sugar until light
Step 3: Add eggs one at a time
Step 4: Forget you have a new phone in a new area code and call a random guy
Step 5: Continue to text random guy until you develop not-so-random feelings
Aimee’s life was stable, normal, and loving; until it wasn’t anymore. In the blink of an eye, she lost her childhood home, her best friend, and her sanity in one swoop.
But a misdialed number brings her an unexpected friend and a lot of new feelings.
Life is finally looking up and Aimee sets out to live life to the fullest with her newfound friend. That is until…Aimee’s text life and real-life collide to ruin everything.



Add to Goodreads here! 


Author Allie York:


Allie is a mom and dog groomer by day. At night she is posted at her laptop writing or reading in a cozy corner. She has a soft spot for gooey romance, over-creamed coffee, and anything cute and furry.



This sales blitz is brought to you by Forever Write PR. For more information, visit our Facebook page!
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The Art of Ghosting by Ashley Hasting

Release Tour for The Art of Ghosting by Ashley Hastings
Brought to you by Forever Write PR


Based in her fictional town, Peacock, Mississippi, author Ashley Hastings brings you a little suspense along with a little history in her new romance, THE ART OF GHOSTING. Alice won’t be tied down and James lives for no-strings hookups but when they find a 100-year olf journal they both to fall in love alongside the journal’s writer. Fans of strong heroines, historical elements will adore this small town, suspenseful yet humorous hot and sexy romance. 



Alice won’t be tied down, not to a man, a place, or a house plant. Even her job as a traveling nurse allows her to go where she wants, when she wants. And men? She enjoys their company, but when a man gets too close, it must be time to ghost him. 


James is a man whore who lives for the no-strings hookup. James thinks he has it made with Alice – until he falls hard for her and starts second-guessing his playboy ways. 
When James and Alice discover a 100-year-old journal in the walls of an old house she has inherited, they learn to fall in love alongside the writer of the diary. But do they have a ghost of a chance of making this relationship work? 
The Art of Ghosting is a standalone in a series of interconnecting novels. All of the books are set in the small, fictional town of Peacock, and the characters cross over from book to book. Although the books are linked, you can jump in and start reading with any book. Dual POV, contemporary romance with strong historical elements. 


Read for FREE only on Kindle Unlimted!!


Copyright @ Ashley Hastings 2019 


Okay, enough. I was going after this woman. I would look at the house, make my recommendations, and then I would ask her out.
No harm in making it an actual date, right?
I would take her out for dinner, and we could share a good bottle of wine and even better conversation. I wanted to get to know her. I wanted to hear about her travels and why she had chosen such a vagabond existence.
So what that I was deviating from my usual routine. Yes, I trolled bars and looked for the easy hookup, no strings attached. Dinner never happened, and conversation was kept to a minimum.
But that was okay. Was there really a problem with becoming friends before we had sex? I would be clear on my expectations and expect the same from her.
No problem.
I took about two minutes to unpack, which consisted of throwing my folded clothes into the dresser and putting toiletries in the bathroom. I would worry about cleaning and uncovering the furniture later.
Right now, I had a woman to woo.
After stopping at my truck to grab my toolbox, I walked back to the main house and let myself in, making a note to get a copy of the key from Alice. I made my way back down to the basement, figuring that was as good a place to start as any.
I was surprised to see Alice on all fours at the entrance to the closet underneath the stairs. I took a moment to appreciate the view, because I’m still a man, before saying her name.
She jumped.
“Oh!” Alice got to her feet in a hurry. “You snuck up on me. I’m trying to get Sharpie to come out of hiding.”
“I forgot he was in here.” I crossed over to where she stood and peered into the closet. “I don’t see him.”
“He ran in here a minute ago, and I think he might actually be in the wall. See that little panel?” Alice pointed to an access panel I assumed hid some sort of plumbing or electrical system. It was ajar.
She leaned into me, trying to get a better look in the gloomy basement. My brain promptly short-circuited as I breathed in her natural scent. Like rainwater or newly fallen snow. Fresh and beautiful.
Shaking it off, I reached in the toolbox for my flashlight and switched it on. I illuminated the dark corner of the closet, and Alice stepped in front of me. Crouched down on the floor again, she called for Sharpie, and his shining eyes appeared.
Alice held out her hand, and Sharpie slowly advanced, finally giving in to head butt her outstretched hand. His purr filled the closet.
Alice rubbed his head. “Does that feel good, Little Sir?”
I bet it did.
“This is an odd place for an access panel. I mean, it’s so low to the ground.” I was mostly talking to myself, but Alice nodded.
“Yeah. And it’s kind of hidden. If it were closed, I don’t think I would even realize it was here.” She pulled the panel open wider so I could see inside.
I leaned in further and shone the flashlight deeper into the panel opening. Still seeing nothing of interest, I stepped back.
Alice stopped me with one dainty hand on my arm. “Wait! What was that?”
Alice fished her hand around, out of my view, and pulled out a small cloth bundle with a triumphant flourish.
We stepped out of the cramped closet, and Alice unwrapped her find. We stared at a small, leather book of some kind.
Alice opened the old book with care. Scrawled on the first page with a feminine hand were the words, “Diary of Willow Baxter, Started November 1918, Age 16.”
“Holy shit.” I scratched the stubble on my chin with one hand, still looking at the diary.
Alice did a little happy dance. “Willow must have lived in the house and hid her diary here. This is so freaking cool.”
Fuck, she was adorable.
We sat down on the stairs together, and Sharpie sat a few steps above us, spread his legs, and started cleaning his asshole with no shame whatsoever.
Fucking cats.
Alice turned the page with extreme care, and her eagerness to read the secret thoughts of a teenager from over a hundred years ago made me smile.
“So, let me guess. She’s going to ramble on and on about petticoats and ribbons or some shit.” I rolled my eyes, prepared to be bored.
Alice punched me in the arm. “Hush! Let me read.”
I was ready for any excuse to spend time with Alice, so I shut my mouth and listened.


Author Ashley Hastings: 


Ashley Hastings latest book is Sweet Talk. She writes new adult, romantic fiction with a dash of suspense and a liberal sprinkling of humor. A lifelong Southerner, Ashley creates quirky characters in a small-town setting. When she’s not busy plotting her next book, Ashley is collecting cats and planning a future as a crazy cat lady.


Ashley’s favorite quote is “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,” by Milton Berle. She intends to build all the doors.


This blogger event is brought to you by Forever Write PR. For more information, visit our Facebook page!


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Cradle To Grave by Rachel Amphlett


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Audiobookworm in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Cradle To Grave by Rachel Amphlett was an interesting book and it kept me listening until I was finished with the book.  I really enjoyed this narrator and she is someone that I will look up more books that she narrates. I also loved this author and the characters in this book.  This is a series of books but you don’t know need to read them in order if you don’t want to read the other books. This is the first book I have read in this series and I didn’t feel lost as I was listening to this book.  There were a few times where I wished that I knew the back story but that was only a few times and it was only because I wondered about the characters and some of the things that they went through before this book started. Like I said I really enjoyed the narrator’s voice and even though she is from the United Kingdom I could understand what she was saying.  I saw that because at times I struggle to understand what some people are saying when they have heavy accents. I loved that I wasn’t able to figure out how this book was going to end and who the killer was. If you love mystery books than I know you will enjoy this book as much as I did.

About The Book

Author: Rachel Amphlett

Narrator: Alison Campbell

Length: 7 hours 56 minutes

Publisher: Saxon Publishing⎮2019

Genre: Mystery, Police Procedural

Series: Detective Kay Hunter, Book 8

Release date: Oct. 15, 2019

When a faceless body is found floating in the river on a summer’s morning, Detective Kay Hunter and her team are tasked with finding out the man’s identity and where he came from.

The investigation takes a sinister turn when an abandoned boat is found, covered in blood stains and containing a child’s belongings.

Under mounting pressure from a distraught family and an unforgiving media, the police are in a race against time – but they have no leads and no motive for the events that have taken place.

Will Kay be able to find a ruthless killer and a missing child before it’s too late?

Cradle to Grave is the eighth book in the Detective Kay Hunter series by USA Today best-selling author Rachel Amphlett and perfect for listeners who love fast-paced murder mysteries.

About The Author

Before turning to writing, Rachel Amphlett played guitar in bands, worked as a TV and film extra, dabbled in radio as a presenter and freelance producer for the BBC, and worked in publishing as a sub-editor and editorial assistant.

She now wields a pen instead of a plectrum and writes crime fiction and spy novels, including the Dan Taylor espionage novels and the Detective Kay Hunter series.

Originally from the UK and currently based in Brisbane, Australia, Rachel cites her writing influences as Michael Connelly, Lee Child, and Robert Ludlum. She’s also a huge fan of Peter James, Val McDermid, Robert Crais, Stuart MacBride, and many more.

She’s a member of International Thriller Writers and the Crime Writers Association, with the Italian foreign rights for her debut novel, White Gold sold to Fanucci Editore’s TIMECrime imprint, and the first four books in the Dan Taylor espionage series contracted to Germany’s Luzifer Verlag.


About the Narrator: Allison Campbell

Alison Campbell is an actress based in Bristol, U.K. She has lent her voice to 50+ audiobooks, cartoons, documentaries and dramas. She can be found treading the boards across the country, in everything from Shakespeare to hip hop kids adventures. On screen she has appeared in dramas and science documentaries, her most recent co star was a CGI elephant. She can also be found performing the Natural Theatre Company’s award-winning surreal brand of interactive comedy around the globe.


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