I am not sure where this post is going to take us because I just have been feeling pissed off at this stupid disease and it makes us go through. I guess what I am really pissed off about is any invisible illness that makes our lives so hard. I have been dealing with this for years and for the most part I don’t let myself get upset about the disease but lately I am just pissed off.
I am so tired of not knowing what any day is going to bring and how I am going to feel any given day. It is hard to try and keep going every day when I have no idea what is going to happen that day. I know that no one knows what will happen any given day but when you never know if it will be a good day or a bad day because of the MS it gets hard.
It just pisses me off that I am having more bad days than good days anymore. I don’t know that there is anything that can be done so I just need to accept things as they are and stop being pissed off at the disease. I know this will come in time but right now I just want to be pissed off even though I know it won’t solve anything. I hope that this phase passes soon because it is no fun for me and it isn’t fun for the people who I snap at because I am so frustrated with everything right now. Anyway that is all I have for today.
How are you doing?