Deadly Assets by Wendy Tyson was an amazing book. I love books like this one and I wasn’t let down to say the least. From the day I started it I didn’t want to put the book down until I had finished reading it. I loved everything about this book. The author did a great job of keeping my attention and making me like all the characters in the book. The book also kept me wondering what was going to happen next which is always a good thing for me. There are some books that I know what is going to happen before it happens but this one wasn’t one of them! If you love mystery/suspense books than this one is for you!
About The Book
An eccentric Italian heiress from the Finger Lakes. An eighteen-year-old pop star from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Allison Campbell’s latest clients seem worlds apart in every respect, except one: Both women disappear on the same day. And Allison’s colleague Vaughn is the last to have seen each.
Allison’s search for a connection uncovers an intricate web of family secrets, corporate transgressions and an age-old rivalry that crosses continents. The closer Allison gets to the truth, the deadlier her quest becomes. All paths lead back to a sinister Finger Lakes estate and the suicide of a woman thirty years earlier. Allison soon realizes the lives of her clients and the safety of those closest to her aren’t the only things at stake.
About The Author
Wendy Tyson is a corporate lawyer and former therapist whose background has inspired her mysteries and thrillers. She’s the author of three crime novels. Her latest, DEADLY ASSETS, the second Allison Campbell mystery, was released on July 22. The first Campbell novel, KILLER IMAGE, was named by as one of the ten best mysteries for book clubs in 2014. She’s also written THE SEDUCTION OF MIRIAM CROSS. Wendy lives near Philadelphia with her husband, three sons and two muses, dogs Molly and Driggs.
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Killer Image
The hawk fell from the sky like a bomb, its body graceless in death. It plummeted through a canopy of oaks, their foliage laced with the vestiges of afternoon sun, and landed just feet from Allison’s bumper in a limp, twisted heap. Heart racing, Allison slammed on the brakes. She bolted out of the car in time to see a young woman emerge from the forest. The woman wore a rifle slung over one shoulder, a rucksack across the other. A wild mane of black hair flew behind her like a cape.
“That one’s mine,” the woman shouted. “Don’t touch it!”
Allison glanced down at the dead hawk with equal parts sympathy and disgust. She certainly had no intention of touching it.
“Bastard’s murdered a dozen chickens in two weeks. Damn thing had it coming.” The woman leaned down, grabbed the bird by the throat and shoved it into the canvas satchel. Finished, she looked up at Allison as though registering for the first time the presence of a stranger on her property. “Who are you?”
“Allison Campbell. The image consultant.” Allison started to hold out her hand, but with a second look at the rifle, opted instead for a friendly nod.
The woman harrumphed a hello, wiped her hands on her jeans, and gestured toward the house behind them. “I suppose you’re here for Francesca.”
“Is she ready for me?”
The woman shrugged. She was in her late twenties, lean and muscular, and now that she was closer, Allison could see the face beneath the hair. Beautiful features–dark almond-shaped eyes, a regal nose, full lips, and high, defined cheekbones–clashed with an almost savage indifference.
Allison tore her gaze from the woman with the gun and looked around at her surroundings, too startled by the bird to have taken in the Benini estate–the home of her potential client, Francesca Benini–before now. The house lay sprawled across a hilltop, fronted by woodland that sloped down to the angry edge of Cayuga Lake. A winding driveway meandered its way up the hill, ending in a semi-circle in front of the house. The town of Ithaca was visible in the distance, an urban island in a sea of forest and farmland.
The house itself stood as testament to Benini Enterprises’ dwindling finances. A dilapidated three-winged monstrosity with a triple gabled front, a look-out tower and multiple entries, its wood trim was in desperate need of paint. Small patches of stucco had disappeared off the fascia, leaving scars like pockmarks across the broad facade. The building’s height blocked out the sun and shadows slashed across a yard that was unkempt around the edges.
It was a warm August day. Storm clouds bruised the distant skies, and a sticky breeze offered no relief from the heat. Allison wiped the sweat beading along her brow. Her attention now back on the young woman, she asked, “And you are?”
But before the woman could respond, the front door flung open and a tall, athletic-looking man in his early forties came down the steps toward them. He was slim, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, and his movements were quick and elegant, especially for a man of his height. A day or two’s worth of stubble gave a rakish air to a strong nose, sharp cheekbones and smooth olive skin. And, most noticeable of all, were his cerulean-colored eyes, which pierced Allison’s own with a knife-like gaze.
He flashed Allison an apologetic smile. “Please ignore my sister, Maria. I’m Alessandro Benini. Most people call me Alex.” He held out his hand. “You must be here for my aunt. Let’s get you inside where it’s cool.” To Maria, he said, “Don’t just stand there gawking. Do something with that bird.”

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Thanks for hosting! This is such a great read.
Thank you for taking to time to read and to review DEADLY ASSETS. Wendy does a fantastic job of keeping the reader guessing until the end.
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