Saturday 9

Saturday 9 & Day 12 Something I Never Get Compliments On

Saturday 9: Superstition

1. What are you superstitious about?
I hate Friday the 13 but other than that I am okay.  I used to work in the medical field and full moons and Friday the 13ths where the worst days to be working because the craziest stuff would always happen those days.  You could pretty much plan on having a weird shift those days.
2. What’s the story behind one of your scars?
Most of my scars happened when I feel off my bike and the other ones I have are from cats beating me up because I love to bug them!
3. What are three things that you would rather be doing right now?
Anything lol
4. What do you do when you’re bored?
Watch Movies
Surf the Web
Read Blogs
Play The Sims 3
5. What’s your favorite thing to do? Why?
I don’t just have one thing that I love to do.  I love a lot of things and they are the same as the list above!
6. What do you do when you’re lonely?
Read blogs or watch TV
7. How do you measure the passing of time in life?
I am not sure-I mostly go on ages
8. What would constitute “the perfectly lived day” for you?
No drama and not feeling sick or not being tired for the MS.
9. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do in your final days?
I would do anything I could do.  I would want to try and experience as much as I could in the year that I had left.
I can’t really think of anything.  I have tried to fly below the radar and so that no one knows who I am.  I have done a good job of this so people haven’t noticed me very much at all.  I know that the people do notice don’t say much about my weight.

Saturday Nine & Day 6- Something I Hope I Never Have To Do

Saturday 9: Friends

1. How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now?
None of them.  I don’t like to put the work into them that needs to be done so I tend to not keep friends forever.  I would hope that Misti is still around.
2. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what’s the first thing you look at?
My hair
3. Who was the most recent person on your missed call list on your cell phone? What’s your relationship with the person?
Josh (not the husband)-Just friends
4. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
Okay cool thanks no sense in having them in the storage room to have to go and get them you know.  It was from Misti when I told her we got in the plates and forks at work and that I put them under the sink in the conference room.
5. How would you “label” yourself?
Shy, Fat, Scared Of People
6. What was your favorite age that you’ve been?
I don’t know. . .Probably 25 because I am finally becoming me!
7. What is your current desk top picture? What’s it significant?
A background from Leelou-Blogs.  I love the ones they make.  They change it every month and until I start making my own I will use theirs.
8. What was the last thing you said to someone that you‘d like to take back?
Nothing-I usually don’t take back things I say.  If I say it then I meant it when I said it.
9. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go back in time and fix all your mistakes which would you choose?
A million dollars.  All my mistakes have made me who I am today so I wouldn’t change it.
I hope that I never have to bury a child.  I couldn’t handle it and I don’t know how parents have to go through it manage it.  I also hope that I never have to be in a wheel chair.  The fear of a wheel chair is the only thing that is keeping on my current medication.  I would be so depressed if I ever have to be in a wheel chair.  I will lose everything that I enjoy about life if I have to be in a wheel chair not to mention my independence.

Bad Day

Saturday 9: Bad Day

1. Is there anything that you tend to do to cheer up when you are having a bad day?
Listen to music or watch movies.  It also depends on what caused the day to be bad.
2.What’s the last card game you played, and with whom did you play?
Probably Phase 10 with Misti and it was probably over a year ago that we played it.
3.What’s the last board game you played, and with whom did you play?
I can’t even remember because I don’t play board games.  I am too competitive and get mad if I lose so it is better if I just don’t even try and play one.
4.What’s the last computer game you played, and with whom did you play?
The last multi-player game I played was probably WOW( World Of Warcraft) and I played it with my brother.
5.Is there somewhere you’d like to visit but have not, and where is it?
There are tons of places I want to visit. I want to see the world and go anywhere and everywhere before I die.
6.Think of your favorite movie (or a movie you really like, if you can’t think of a favorite). Some people say that the reasons you love your favorite movie are related to what you value in romantic relationships. How is this true or untrue in your case?
My favorite movie is Liar Liar and that isn’t the most romantic movie out there but I am so not like them because I am never going to get back with my ex!
7.What physical attributes do you find the most attractive?
I don’t think I have a type of guy but grandma says that I like guys that have the Charlie Brown head.  Other than that I can’t really think of things that I am super attracted too.
8.How many people live in your house? Tell us about them.
There are 4 people and 3 cats.  There is my grandpa, grandma and my little brother.  I am only home at night and on the weekends but even when I am home I am almost always reading, messing around on the internet and/or watching TV.
9. Ever punch someone in the face?
No I haven’t but there have been time that I really want to punch people in the face.

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: The Sun Rising

1. When was the last time that you watched a sunrise? Who were you with?
I don’t know that I have ever watched one.  That is really sad know that I think about it.
2. If President Obama promised he’d do one thing you asked, what would you ask him to do?
To disappear and leave our country alone!  He has ruined enough know it is time for him to go away!
3. What is one experience that has strengthened your character the most so far?
Placing my daughter for adoption.
4. What is the first thing that you usually do after completing Saturday 9?
Schedule it to post in the morning.
5. Tell us about someone either in your life or in the blogosphere that you think is extremely funny.
There are lots of funny people and I refuse to pick just one so I won’t pick anybody!
6. Where was the last bed that you slept in that was not your own?
Probably a hotel bed while I was with my husband(soon to be ex) last year sometime
7. Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything?
Nope I never have and I hope that I am never that drunk either.
8. Have you ever licked something to clean it?
Ya when I like what I am eating and then I put whatever it is in the dishwasher!
9. Who, outside of family or a S/O, has influenced your life the most?
There isn’t just one person.  There are several people who have made me what I am today!

Final Day-Day 30-A Dream For The Future~ Saturday 9

This is a harder one to write for me because I try not to have dreams because I hate to be let down.  Now this doesn’t mean that I don’t dream but it does mean that saying them out loud to other makes them real and then I can’t help but be hurt if they don’t come true.  I am going to list a few of them and hope that they will come true at some point!

  • To be happy with me.  I don’t know that I have ever been truly happy with myself but I want to start being happy with me and not let everything bad in the world get to me and bring me down.  I need to realize that I will never be the super skinny girl and I will always have a little gut but that it is ok because if I am healthy then the number on the scale shouldn’t matter.
  • I would love to be able to find a man that will take care of me and isn’t scared of the MS and everything that goes along with it.

I guess the what I am saying is I want to be happy and healthy!!!!

Saturday 9: Go Your Own way

1. When was the last time you were told to go your own way?
This actually happened this week but it was more me deciding to go my own way because it was better for me this way.
2. What one experience has strengthened your character the most so far?
Placing my daughter for adoption or being diagnosed with MS.  Both of them have made me the person I am today.
3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Read a book or if the rain is warm I love to play in it.
4. How long can you go without your cell phone?
I went without a day without it and I totally loved it.  It is so relieving not having to worry about it and what not.
5. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
I wish I was anywhere but where I am.  I don’t know where I want to be right now but I know that I don’t want be here.
6. Of all the people you’ve ever known, who have you most feared?
A lot of people actually.  I get scared of people easily so it isn’t an easy question to answer.
7. Do people tell you that you look your age?
No they think I look younger than what I am hell I get ID’ed to buy rated R movies lol
8. Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?
I don’t answer and pretend like I am not home.  I have nothing to say to him and he has no reason to just drop by.  As far as I am concerned he is as good as dead to me.
9. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
No-  Some people do things that are so bad that they don’t deserve a second chance but I usually give everyone lots of chances.  In fact the only person I have ever written off is my birth mom because she doesn’t seem to care at all about me.

Day 23- A You Tube Video & Saturday 9

There are so many videos posted on You Tube that I don’t know I could pick just one.  I love all the ones that are made by soldiers while they are deployed!  I am going to post one of those because they either make me laugh or cry!


Saturday 9: Make Me Say It Again, Girl

1. Do you feel that you need to keep repeating yourself when talking to a particular person?
I had to do that with the ex and it drove me totally crazy!!!!  I hate repeating myself.  I started to tell him at the end that if he didn’t hear me the first time then it was his loss and I wasn’t going to repeat myself!  I know that because of the MS I may not say things clearly so I do repeat myself but if it always the same person asking it drives me totally crazy!
2. It’s July. Do you have anything special planned?
Hiding til after the 8th and then going on with life.
3. Who is your big celebrity crush?
I don’t really have one to be honest with everyone.  I am not big into having crushes on people.  Hell right now I am done with men!
4. Tell us about a local restaurant you are sure we’d love.
I love Village Inn.  It is like Denny’s or IHOP but so much better!  I could go there everyday of my life and be okay with it.
5. Tell us about the shyest person that you deal with regularly.
Myself-I am super shy and I think I am the only shy person in my life right now.  I tend to keep the outgoing people around me so that I don’t have to do anything but stick to myself.
6. What is your vision of heaven and hell?
Heaven will be a great place to live.  You won’t have any worries or wants.  Where as hell will be miserable and you will want to get out of there.
7. What is your neighborhood like?
It is starting to get old and run down looking.  You have people that take great care of their house’s and yards and then you have the people who could careless about taking care of things in their yards.  All in all it is starting to get run down.
8. What’s your favorite cook-out food?
Hot Dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. When was the last time that you saw fireworks?
I didn’t go last year so the year before that was probably the last time I watched them.