St Patrick's Day 2016

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to talk about what I will be doing today for St Patrick’s Day.  Not that I ever do anything special for it because since I don’t drink there really isn’t much to do.

One thing that I know, I will listen to one of my favorite musical groups Celtic Thunder. I found them a few years ago, and I have been hooked on watching and listening to their music for years. I also have gotten my grandparents and nephew into them.  On a side note, my nephew turned two this past November and one of the first things he said was Ireland, which always makes me laugh. Now whenever he hears their music or sees one of the DVD’s that I have he always says Ireland.

Since St Patrick’s day is during the week this year I am sure I won’t be doing anything other than working because most days it is all I  can do to get through work and I have no energy left to do anything after work.  If you are looking for something funny to watch you should watch this music video because it still makes me laugh.

I hope that you all have a great and safe St Patrick’s day this year!

Do you have any fun plans for St Patrick’s Day this year?


Here are all the prompts in case you want to join in.

  1. ThrowbackThursday: Choose a photo from a previous March and write a poem or a blog post.
    2. A time you were tricked.
    3. I wish I could…
    4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: Fishy.
    5. What is on your Spring Break “to do” list?
    6. Share how you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
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