MS Update-March 2016 N

I had my infusion, and I also saw my Multiple Sclerosis doctor on Monday, March 21st, so I figured that now was a good time to post a small update on how things are going and how I am feeling.

If I am going to be a one hundred percent honest with everyone I have to admit that I have been feeling pretty sick most days for the past couple of months.  Which has made my life harder but is part if the game when you have diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.  The last time I saw my doctor was back in December before I switched jobs and insurance companies.  I am sure the new job along with the stress of it is part of the problem.

I also have been feeling like I going to have a relapse soon because of some strange things that I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks.  I remember one morning a couple of weeks ago that as I stood up to turn off my alarm my legs gave out. After I had sat back down for a few minutes, I was able to walk, but my legs did feel weak. I also have also had times where out of nowhere I feel like my legs may give out on me.  They haven’t thanked God, but it is such a strange feeling to feel your legs get weak and then have it go away after a few minutes.

Nothing was changed at my doctor’s appointment which I guess is a good thing. The only thing that she did was to schedule my next MRI for the 2nd of April, so I have that to look forward too. So other than all that my life has been pretty stable which is always a good thing. I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to see you back here tomorrow for another book review.

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1 Comment on Multiple Sclerosis Update-March 2016

  1. hang in there honey I also have ms their are so many new drugs and therapies they will kick this in the butt I think within the next 5 years especially with stem cell replacement therapy and the myelin patch coming out soon plus their this one a pill that blocks the enyzme that keeps our myelin from repairing itself (sorry long comment I was headed toward an epidemiology degree before got sidetracked by ms)

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