Weekly Wrap-Up

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up post.  I only had two other post this week.  I just got busy at work and didn’t have the time to write the other posts that I had planned for this week so I am hoping to get to them in next couple of weeks.  One post that I had planned was an adoption thoughts post about how I feel guilty because of my genetics and a condition that I passed on to my daughter.  I also was going to do a post totally made up of pictures of my day because I thought that would be super fun but I didn’t get around to take pictures so that post will also be coming up in the next few weeks.

  • This weeks quote is by Ellen Glasgow and it is about growth and moving forward in life.  I really loved it so if you missed it you can click here to read it and let me know what you think of it.
  • The other post this week was an MS Tuesday post where I updated on what has been going on with me lately in regards to the MS and my eye site.  If you want to check that out you can click here and check out that update.

This week I saw this picture on Facebook and I loved it:


This is how I feel most days at work because the people I work with don’t understand MS and how it can affect me from day to day.  Next week I have 3 book reviews coming up and a few other posts.  I hope you all had a great week and I will see you back here next week.

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