I recently had an MRI and I also have something going on with my eyes that I wanted to document so that if I needed too I would be able to remember when it first started. First I am going to talk about what is going on with my sight and then I will talk about what the MRI showed along with my thoughts on it all.
So I started noticing that I am getting major headaches for the past 6 months or so when I do a ton of reading. At first I just thought that it was because I needed to start wearing my glasses again so I figured I would go to the eye doctor and get an updated prescription and that I would be back to normal after that. When I went and saw my eye doctor he basically told me he wasn’t sure what was going on because he couldn’t get my vision to correct which is a huge change from what it used to be like. I was referred to see an opthamologist and I still haven’t made an appointment because I am waiting to talk with my neurologist about it first.
If I am being honest I was hoping that the MRI would show that the disease was active or that it had been active because I was hoping that whatever is going on with my eyes could go back to normal. The MRI showed that the disease is stable and that it hasn’t been active in over 6 years which I know is a great thing but I am not happy about it. Since the MS hasn’t been active I now have to go see another doctor about my eyes because the headaches I have been getting need to go.
When I was diagnosed with MS I never thought that I could go blind. I have come accept that I might end up not being able to walk but I am struggling with the fact that I could go blind. For me going blind would be the worst possible thing that could happen to me because I can’t imagine not being able to read books anymore. I know there are audio books and things like that but I love reading actual books and not being able to do that anymore makes me truly depressed.
Anyway that is the update for now. I will have a follow up post about my eyes after I see my neurologist and make the appointment with the opthamologist.
How are things going with you guys?