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Alone at Midnight: Short Horror Collection by Scott Zavoda wasn’t something I would usually pick up to read.  I am not a huge fan of horror books but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and read this book.  That being said it wasn’t my favorite book but that had nothing to do with the authors writing or the stories themselves.  The author did a great job writing this book  and I hope he will keep writing because he does have a talent.  I am glad I got to read these stories but they just weren’t the right match for me.


About The Book

Scott Zavoda delivers with hellish vividness and aching emotion. 
These seven tales will claw at your soul. Already sold as singles, “Bobby” and “Beneath the Sand”, have garnered rave reviews. They’re included along with five more gripping stories.

  • Randy Bivins gets a shocking phone call two days before Christmas. The stranger says he stole his Christmas tree. What Randy discovers is maybe a tradition worth dying for. “Oh Christmas Tree”
  • A simple fishing trip turns deadly for Danny and his disabled brother,
    Bobby. A gut-wrenching tale of two young brothers who will do anything
    for a day away from their abusive father and the constant bullying at
    school. But a wheelchair with a history might change everything.
  • Now that surfing, dating, and every aspect of a California retirement are off limits, he paints and pretends the beach isn’t so close. But traces of sand are showing up again in this Vietnam Vet’s house and that can only mean one thing. “Beneath the Sand”
  • Trapped in a morbid, bloody, decaying land, the hot breath of his pursuer lathers his neck. Jimmy wants to believe he doesn’t know where he is, but he can’t. “Castle Point”
  • Henry Conroy pilots a Navajo across the stormy Midwest with a coffin in the back. He knows the faster he gets there, the sooner that scratching sound will stop. “Fright Flight”
  • Flowers for Mom and The Calling are two more stories with an evil twist.

These are more than just horror stories. They are filled with character, emotion, and have a way of sticking inside your heart for a long time to come.


About The Author

I was born in Cleveland Ohio, tried to move away twice but the city kept sucking me back in. So here I am, family of four, an unbelievably motivating wife, and two lovely girls.

I used to hide Dean Koontz and Stephen King books inside my school text books . . . nobody knew or stopped me or said a teenager shouldn’t read those things. I earned a D in English two consecutive years and nearly flunked a subject they used to teach called handwriting. And now I write. Can you believe it?

But people always loved my stories. In fourth grade they begged me to read one I’d written for a class assignment but I was too bashful to do it. I got The Young Authors Award in Elementary school for something I’d written, though I really didn’t’ care. I was just doing the stupid assignment.

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