This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is list 6 things you are going to miss about summer. I chose this one because I don’t usually like the summertime and I wanted to list reasons why I will miss it when fall & winter roll around.
Anyway let’s get on to the list of things that I will actually miss when this fall & winter come.
- I will miss the warmer weather. The only reason I list this is because when it is 5 degrees outside I will be wishing it was hot because no one likes to freeze their ass off all winter long.
- I will miss not having to worry about when I leave the house in the morning. I hate that I have to try and figure out how long it will take me to get to work because you never know what the roads will be like and how long it will take.
- I will miss everything looking alive and pretty because I get so tired of everything looking dead all winter long. During the fall things start to look dead as well because by then the heat has killed everything.
- I will miss all of the fresh fruits & vegetables that I pretty much live on during the summer. There is nothing like eating vegetables out of the garden every day.
- I will miss not having to worry about forgetting a jacket or layering because of the cold.
- I will miss being able to drive around with my sunroof open and the windows down listening to music on my way to and from work. I love having my sunroof & windows open and to be honest I am not 100% sure as to why but I do love it.
Those are 6 things I will miss what will you miss when the summer comes to an end?
If you want to join in this week here are the prompts:
1.) How do your kids remind you of your own siblings growing up?
2.) What grade is your child going to be in? Share a memory you have of yourself at that same age.
3.) List 6 things you are going to miss about summer.
4.) Write a blog post inspired by the words: whoops.
5.) Tell us about something somebody did that made you happy.

I’m going to miss all those things as well! I’m also going to miss having the kids around (school started today) and the long days (the sun out until 9!).
See I am glad it will get dark sooner because I have a super hard time sleeping during the summer lol
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…Reach For Your Light by Ces Creatively
Great list! One of my favorite things about summer is how warm it is at night and how light it stays until well after dinner time. The kids in our neighborhood all come out and play ball in the streets until 9pm. I think I’ll miss that most!
Kat recently posted…Writer’s Workshop: I Tackle You
I remember when I was kid loving how long it stayed light out at night. I have to say I love having the windows open at night and getting fresh air.
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…Reach For Your Light by Ces Creatively
I love Fall but I hate Winter. Winter is okay until New Year’s but then I want summer back. I want to be outside. I am dreading summer ending. I am dreading not having the sun and the option to be outside. I will be so sad when there is only an hour left of daylight after school and work- or less!
Christen recently posted…New #WorkatHome Job Listings
Ya in the winter I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark. It does make for depressing weeks.
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty
I’m going to miss absolutely everything about summer. Winter is one thing I can do without.
Allison recently posted…Cucumber Salsa
Ya I wish we only had one season in Utah lol
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty
Good list. I didn’t think about the driving, but then snow doesn’t happen where I live.
madamdreamweaver recently posted…Mama Kat Thursday: 6 Things I’ll Miss About Summer
I wish it didn’t happen here either lol
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty
Oh it’s definitely a plus not having to worry about forgetting a jacket or a sweater. I have 3 kids, imagine having to remember jackets for all of them too (plus me and the husband!).

Janice Trinh recently posted…Happy Love
I love that you have to remember it for you husband as well. Men sure can act like kids at times can’t they lol
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty
We will miss the same things! I am not a cold weather person at all! Below 70 I start to freeze.
Devon recently posted…How To Make A Buttercream Transfer
I hear ya.
Margaret Tidwell recently posted…The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty