2.) 10 ways to survive a power outage. (Inspired by Hurricane Sandy)

This week for the writers workshop I am going to list 10 things to help you survive when the power is out.

  1. Board Games
  2. Flash lights and/or candles
  3. Snack foods
  4. Books
  5. Card Games
  6. Family- I always am glad to have my brother around because he always makes me laugh
  7. Drinks
  8. Blankets
  9. Puzzles
  10. Cat treats/toys because it is always a good time in my house when we harass my cats.

Those are the things I would need to keep myself entertained.

What would you need to stay entertained if the the power was out?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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3 Comments on 10 Ways. . .

  1. I thought over this topic too. We live on the Gulf Coast so we put together a hurricane kit every August. In stark contrast to Sandy, most of our hurricanes happen when it is 100 degrees out. My dream hurricane preparedness list looked like this:

    1. generator (it’s a dream list. And most people on the gulf coast who can find one now have one)
    2. candles/lanterns/flashlights
    3. a battery powered radio
    4. a gas or charcoal grill (your best friend when stores are open but you still don’t have power. Also helpful to clean out a fridge or freezer)
    5. non perishable snacks
    6. all bathtubs full of water (to flush toilets and boil)
    7. a pool nearby
    8. wine
    9. cupcakes
    10. Good Neighbors
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