Mama’s Losin’ It

I haven’t done any thing for the writers workshop and since I haven’t had time to actually write in the past couple of weeks I figured that I would write about 2.) Are you on Pinterest? Share the last five items you pinned, choose one and let it inspire a blog post.  I have been signed up for months for Pinterest but I never used it until the past 2 weeks or so and I am hooked!  I am pinning all day long at work and when I am surfing the web.  There are a lot of fun things I couldn’t just pick one so I am going to post some of my favorites here today instead of writing a post about just one.

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4 Comments on Writers Workshop-Pinterest

    • Ya I love to see what others post on there and it has given me idea’s for clients designs because it can show what they really like so it is easier to figure out what they like.

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