Month: January 2012

10 Best Songs

10 songs I’ll listen to for the rest of my life

1- “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan

2-“Shut Up” by Simple Plan

3- “Everything To Me” By Mark Schultz

4-“Story Of Your Life” By Matthew West

5-“Rain Over Me” By Pitbull Ft Marc Anthony

6-“Look At Me Know” Cover By Karmin

7-“Havent Seen The Last Of Me” By Cher

8-“Im In A Hurry To Get Things Done” By Alabama

9-“Life After You” By Daughtry

10-“Over You” By Daughtry

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Pet Peeves

Today I am going to make a list of some of my pet peeves.  I am sure I will forget some of  them so this will be updated at some point.  I got this topic from Kludgy Mom’s Idea Bank.

  • Hearing people chew their food.  I have to get up and leave the room if someone is chewing loudly because it is like nails on a chalk board  to me.
  • People coming up to my desk and just staring at me and not saying anything at all.
  • People that keep stealing stuff even though they know I know!
  • When my brother and grandma start to argue in the middle of the night and wake me up when I have to get up and go to work in the morning.
  • Getting woken up by someone
  • Drivers that don’t speed up on the on ramp to the freeway so that it is harder to merge into traffic.
  • When people call at work and don’t know who they want and they expect me to be able to read their mind and know who they need
  • People eating my food.  If someone has a bite of my food I won’t eat the rest of it.
  • Bullying of any kind.
  • People who sneeze so loud that it sounds like they are yelling.
  • People who have office close to each other but instead of going to one of the offices they just yell back and forth to each other.
  • Drama

Those are all that I can think of right now but I am sure I will come up with more.  What are your pet peeves?

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Cattiness In Women

Women GossipingI have been looking for places to get topics to blog about and I recently found this site that has tons of different topics to write about.  I chose: Talk about cattiness in women.  I chose this one because I work in a building full of men and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Now don’t get me wrong the men I work with drive me crazy to say the least but the don’t have all the drama that women have.  The guys still have their days but for the most part they are 100 times better than women are to work with.

When I saw this topic the first thing that popped into my head was beauty salons.  Some of you may know that I get my nails done so that means I spend a lot of time in a salon.  Let me just saw that the lady I go to now doesn’t have hardly any drama but all the other people I have seen always have drama.  There is always someone talking about someone else.  I can’t figure out why women talk about each other.  I can’t stand listening to all the gossip that goes on at salons or with women in general.

Growing up I didn’t have hardly any girlfriends because I would get so tired of the drama and women will turn on people in a heart beat.  I also didn’t attend church once I got into high school because of all the drama that got carried over from school. I have never been the person to talk about others and I also have never understood why women are always talking about each other.  If I had to guess at a reason I would guess it was women are always so jealous of each other.  We are always seem to be judging each other.  I think women need to build each other up and not knock each other down.   I know if women stopped talking about each other that more women would be okay with themselves and not depressed.

I am sure this post rambled on but it is how the thoughts came to me!

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