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FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation for this review.  All opinions expressed in this review are mine.

Waking Amy by Julieann Dove was a book I was excited to read because I saw it all over the place and I had to know what all the hype was about.  That being said it was a good book, but I couldn’t figure out what all the hype was about.  It isn’t the best book I have read lately, but it was one that I will give four stars too.   For some reason, I just couldn’t get into the story and at times the book seemed to go super slow. I liked Amy because I could see a lot of myself in her, so I know how she was feeling.  I wasn’t a super big fan of Mark because he seemed to be the type of guy that just likes to play women and I don’t like that.  All in all, it was an okay book just not the right fit for me.  If you like chick lit then I would check this one out because I know most people who like chick lit would love this book.

Waking Amy by Julieann Dove

About The Book

Amy Whitfield is blindsided when she comes home and finds a note on the fridge from her husband, Wesley, stating that after four years of marriage, he’s leaving her. Amy was in the midst of trying to spice things up, to bring life back to their boring marriage. It seems now that she was too late.

As Amy sits with her head between her knees, trying to figure out what to do next, a call comes from Mercer General Hospital. The ER nurse is telling Amy’s answering machine that Wesley has been in a car accident.

When Amy arrives at the hospital, she finds her husband in a coma. The doctors say there is no sign of brain damage, and Wesley will eventually wake up. Relieved, Amy sees this as her second chance: the chance to get it right this time. To channel the girl Wesley won’t leave when he regains consciousness… She just needs some help to pull it off. After all, she was voted girl most likely to die a virgin in high school.

Amy would never figure on getting that help from Mark Reilly…Wesley’s doctor! He’s a non-committer, too-cute-for-his-own-good bachelor, and completely the guy Amy begins falling for. It’s a race against time to see who wakes up first—Amy or her husband.

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About The Author

Julieann lives in Virginia, yet longs to live everywhere else. It doesn’t come as a surprise that along with her gypsy soul, comes an active imagination. That’s why she loves to write and invent worlds and people, so that she can formulate their happily ever after. Hobbies include cooking new recipes, sewing, and spending time with her cute boyfriend/husband and five fabulous children. Vacations happen in Nantucket or the Carolina beaches—anywhere there is inspiration for her next book. One day she hopes to travel to Italy, drive one of those little cars around the countryside, and speak the language fluently!

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