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Visiting The Sins by Melanie Denman was an interesting book to read.  I am going to start by saying that if you are offended by some swearing than this book isn’t for you.  The only reason I say that is because it happens throughout this book.  It didn’t happen a ton and it wasn’t anything that bothered me but it may bother some other people.  I had a hard time reading this book at times because one of the last names of one of the characters is the same last name of someone I know so it was weird for me to read this book and not think of the person I know.

Anyway lets get back to the review of this book.  This book did make me smile while I was reading it quite often.  I have to say that my favorite character was Pokey and that is because she reminded me of people I used to work with when I worked at the nursing home as a CNA.   I wasn’t a huge fan of Rebanelle and I am not 100% sure why but she really did get on my nerves.  I loved reading this story and see things through the characters eyes.  I loved how different people narrated throughout the whole book so you were always getting different views and that is always a fun change from books where just one character narrates the story.  I really did enjoy this book and I can’t wait to read other  books by this author.

Visiting the Sins

About The Book

Set in the Bible Belt of Deep East Texas, Visiting the Sins is a darkly funny story about mothers and daughters, naked ambition, elusive redemption, and all the torment it’s possible to inflict in the name of family.

Down through the decades, the lofty social aspirations of the feisty but perennially dissatisfied Wheeler women — Pokey, the love-starved, pistol-packing matriarch; Rebanelle, the frosty former beauty queen turned church organist; and Curtis Jean, the backsliding gospel singer — are exceeded only by their unfortunate taste in men and a seemingly boundless capacity for holding grudges. A legacy of feuding and scandal lurches from one generation to the next with tragic consequences that threaten to destroy everything the Wheeler women have sacrificed their souls to build.

Melanie Denman

About The Author

Melanie Denman is a native of Nacogdoches, Texas and a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University. An eighth-generation Texan, and a former banker and cattle rancher, she currently lives with her family in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she is working on a second novel.

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