For the writers workshop this week I am going to write about 10 reasons you should be glad I didn’t blog in my 20’s. I am going to change the prompt slightly though because I am still in my late 20’s. I am going to write 10 reasons why you should be glad I didn’t blog while I was in college and in my early 20’s.
- All I would have had to write about was what I was doing in class and lets just say that would have been super boring. I never partied in college so I wouldn’t have any good stories.
- I would have written about my crazy roommates and the one who ended up over dosing the day before Thanksgiving my last semester up at Weber State.
- You would have had to read all the posts from when I was pregnant and pissed off at my daughters father.
- You would have had to listen to me complain about all the young girls that were keeping their children when I was 20 and placing mine for adoption. It really bugged me at the time and I have since got to the point where I just don’t care anymore. Everyone decides what is best for them and I don’t have the time to worry about it.
- Of course you would have had to read about all the high school drama that went out those years.
- I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to see pictures of me from that time because that would be super scary.
- God knows who I would have pissed off because I just learned how to control what I say or write. I didn’t have any filter back then.
- There would have been tons of god awful music and crazy music on here.
- I never would have gotten any school work done because I would have spent all the time blogging and reading blogs.
- This last one comes from my favorite roommate and she said she was glad I didn’t blog then because she didn’t want any incriminating information out there about her. I gotta love his roommate she is also the only person who ever gave me a nickname the stuck and she still calls it til this day.
So those are my ten things. What is one reason you are glad you didn’t blog then?