Queen Mary’s Daughter by Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Emily-Jane Hills Orford is an award-winning author of several books, including Gerlinda (CFA 2016) which received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards, To Be a Duke (CFA 2014) which was named Finalist and Silver Medalist in the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and received an Honorable Mention in the 2015 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards. She writes about the extra-ordinary in life and her books, short stories, and articles are receiving considerable attention. For more information on the author, check out her website at: http://emilyjanebooks.ca


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There are so many possibilities that affect the course of history. One change, one small item overlooked, can make a world of difference, not only in a person’s life, but in the history and well-being of an entire nation. And then there are those multiple scenarios of what if? 
What if King James VI of Scotland didn’t succeed in amalgamating Scotland with England? What if there had been another heir to the throne of Scotland? One who would secure its independence? Would Scotland have remained free and independent and a nation of its own well into the twenty-first century? And would Scotland, this independent version, make its own decision to join the European Union when its southern neighbor was choosing to pull away?


“Queen Mary’s Daughter” presents another plausible timeline, one that incorporates both historical fact and fiction with the endless possibilities of time travel.


Author Interview:
1.     What is your favorite book that is not yours?
a.     Hard question. I have so many favorite books. So here’s one of my many favorite books: Jude Morgan’s “Symphony”.
2.     Do you write in multiple genres?
a.     Yes. I write memoirs, creative nonfiction, historical fiction, fantasy, Middle Grade novels. Which genre is your favorite to write? Creative nonfiction.
3.     How young were you when you started writing?
a.     As soon as I could write my name, I was writing stories. Probably about 6. 
4.     If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
a.     Susan Vreeland – I love her passion for the visual arts and her ability to weave a painting and a painter’s life into a story.
5.     How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
a.     My first novel took ten years to write. A complete first draft usually takes about six months. That doesn’t include all the months of editing, which is an endless task.
6.     What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?
a.     Work in my garden and sit in my garden reading.


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Courage by Lauren H Salisbury



Lauren H Salisbury was an English teacher for sixteen years with an MA in Education. She is now a writer who dabbles with tutoring and lives with her husband and a room full of books in Yorkshire, England. 
She likes to spend winters abroad, following the sunshine and becoming the seasonal envy of her friends. When she’s not writing, she can be found spending time with family, reading, walking, crafting, or cooking. Courage is her debut novel.


Can one woman evade an alien empire to save her son’s life?
Gilla and Elias have the perfect life—or as perfect as life can be for slaves living deep in the Esarelian Empire. Elias wants freedom for his precious wife and daughter, and the rest of their people, and he is willing to fight to get it. Pregnant with her second child, Gilla only wants a happy, healthy family who share a strong faith in the God of Old Earth and to get through her workload each day. 

When the Esarelians decide to teach their rebellious slaves a lesson they will never forget, Gilla’s entire life is turned upside down. She must trust that God has a plan to protect her new-born son, and have the courage to follow it, choosing the strangest of allies in an effort to ensure his survival.

Courage is a science fiction retelling of the Biblical story of Moses’s birth. It has strong, quirky characters, strange alien worlds, and a gripping plot with a twist on the original.


The next book in this Series is available in September! Find out more about that book HERE!

Author Interview:
1.     What is your favourite book that is not yours?
a.     It’s so hard to choose just one. If pushed, I would have to say the Firebird trilogy by Kathy Tyers. It was the first Christian science fiction I’d ever read, and it opened my eyes to a whole new genre. It was also exactly what I needed at the time I read it and has had a larger impact on my life than I ever could have guessed back then.
2.     Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favourite to write?
a.     My debut series is a space opera. That said, each manuscript has its own flavour. The first is action based, the second more of a romance, the third involves political intrigue, and the fourth is a coming of age story. I wanted the freedom to write different types, if not genres, of books and found this series to be a good way to do that.
b.     My favourite to date was the romance, which surprised me, as I’ve never been particularly drawn to romantic plots in the past. I think it was the characters that made it such fun to write. They’re more complex than even I first realised until I started writing it. Conviction should release in September of this year.
3.     How young were you when you started writing?
a.     I’ve told stories for as long as I can remember—first to my teddies and then to other kids in church. I remember writing a whole series of short stories for the younger sister of a friend when I was about ten. They were a page long each, had illustrations that I’d drawn, and were tied with a ribbon.         
I went through a brief phase of writing poetry while at university but returned to prose fairly quickly. As a working adult, I wrote for years for two main reasons. First were the children’s stories for my local church, and second were the examples of creative writing for my English students in school. I wish I’d kept more of these, but the majority were wiped off the board at the end of the day for me to start again fresh each morning.
4.     If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
a.     I would love to meet someone like Shakespeare one day. What can I say? I’m an ex-English teacher. I’d be interested in finding out definitively whether one person wrote his entire collection or not, but also just to be able to fill in some of the gaping holes in our knowledge about him. I’d want to get the stories behind some of his characters, discuss the many plot holes in Romeo & Juliet, and ask whether he missed his kids.
I think he’d be surprised to discover how his work has been viewed through the years—canonised, reimagined, turned into films, and studied in schools. I’d also like to see his reaction to our technology and wonder how he’d use that if he could. Of course, we’d probably need a translator, so maybe I could invite another couple of writers to sneak in and bridge the gap.
5.     How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
a.     The idea for my debut series came to me all at once. I spent a few months, while looking after a friend with cancer, jotting down notes and ideas for the entire series as well as each individual book. All the world building was done up front, and a lot of the characters and plots for later stories were fleshed out before I began to think about writing the first.
Once I had all the planning done, it took one or two months to draft each manuscript and another three or four to edit them until I was happy. The fastest I’ve been able to write the first complete draft was just under four weeks for Conviction, book two and the next to be released. I worked for about five hours a day, five or six days a week on that one.
6.     What is your favourite thing to do in the summertime?
a.     I have an entire day mapped out in my head for this one. I love to drive out into the country with my music on, go for a walk, and stop for a picnic somewhere peaceful. Then I like to relax and either read or write for a while, preferably while enjoying a great view, before finishing the walk and driving home for a takeaway and film. Essentially, I like to be outside soaking up the sunshine, and it’s something I try to do as often as possible each year.



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Sons Of The Sphinx by Cheryl Carpinello


I’m a retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. 
Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. 
Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds.
 If they fail…


She could die over 3300 years from home!




Tackle the elements & evil of Ancient Egypt…
A history-changing battle & Time Travel Thriller…
Fifteen-year-old Rosa doesn’t see dead people…
She hears them & talks to them.

When she agrees to help King Tut’s ghost find his lost queen & clear his family’s name, she doesn’t count on falling for him.

She & Tut must also outwit an evil pharaoh determined to stop them…
Even if it means one of them must die.

Get it today and see who triumphs.

2015 IAN Book of the Year Finalist YA
2015 CAL Book Award Finalist YA Fiction
2014 Literary Classics Seal of Approval

2015 Readers’ Favorite Finalist YA
2014 Literary Classics Silver Medal for PreTeen/Tween
Author Interview:
1. What is your favorite book that is not yours?
The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye.  This was my first foray into historical fiction, that I bought in back in the 1980s. Dealing with the British occupation of India, it follows a young British soldier, Ash, through his tour of duty, his meeting with the Indian princess Juli, their forbidden love and the bindings of tradition and duty. At nearly 1200 pages, it was by far the biggest book I had read outside of my college classes. I’ve read it a few times and will read it again.
2. Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
I write Arthurian fiction and time travel historical adventures set in the ancient worlds. I love doing the Arthurian stories, but I find the time travel historicals my favorite. I love learning about the ancient countries in my writing and research, when I can, exploring these ancient worlds today.
3. How young were you when you started writing?
I remember writing a poem about the rodeo—I was horse crazy from an early age—in the 8th grade. I thought it was good. My 8th grade Language Arts teacher wanted to know if it was my own work. Not too encouraging.
4. If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
J.R.R, Tolkien. His extensive knowledge of classical and medieval literature; his use of mythology, particularly Norse; and his understanding of language spread throughout his stories is fascinating. I would love to sit down with him to discuss all that. Also, I would love to get his opinions on my next time travel series set in the ancient worlds.
5. How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
From the initial idea to printed book takes me about a year and a half. I haven’t written anything faster than that, however, it did take about 8 years to write the second book of my Guinevere trilogy. I never planned to do a book 2, but over the years young Cedwyn kept pestering me until I wrote his story!
6. What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?


I enjoy being in the water, be it a pool or the ocean, although I much prefer the ocean!


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First Look: How The Earl Entices by Anna Harrington

Here’s Your First Look at Anna Harrington’s HOW THE EARL ENTICES!

Here’s your FIRST LOOK Anna Harrington’s HOW THE EARL ENTICES, the fourth installment in her wildly popular, Capturing the Carlisles series! Join us as we get our first peek at this spicy yet humorous Regency romance! Plus, enter to win a charm bracelet, signed copies of the Carlisle series and more!

“MUST READ series from Anna Harrington…This Regency romance is progressive and beautifully penned, with powerful emotions. Not a Regency reader? Time to give it a try.” GraveTells Romance on the Capturing the Carlisles series

Title: How the Earl Entices

Author: Anna Harrington

Release Date: September 11, 2018

Publisher: Self-published

Series: Capturing the Carlisles #4

Genres: Regency Romance

Word Count: 95K

Format: print and digital


Ross Carlisle, Earl of Spalding, has dedicated his life to serving his country. When he discovers secrets that could endanger England, he’s forced into an impossible situation—commit treason and race to London to clear his name before the crown turns against him. He’s prepared to abandon everything he possesses in order to protect England, including his life…until he crosses paths with a woman who’s keeping her own secrets.


Ten years ago, Grace Alden fled London in order to protect her son, only to come face-to-face with that past when Ross collapses on her doorstep. They strike a deal—she’ll help him travel to London if he helps her reclaim her son’s inheritance. But as old deceptions turn into new desires, will they be willing to sacrifice everything they hold dear in order to protect the people they love?

Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2NoF2Zt

Find out more at: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo | GooglePlay


Copyright © 2018 Anna Harrington

“You are not a gentleman.” Her words were so soft that they were nearly lost beneath the rain pounding against the roof. “You are despicable.”

She held her breath and stood her ground, waiting for him to unleash his fury on her. It was what Vincent would have done. Just like her brother-in-law, would this stranger have enjoyed hurting her?

But instead of a harsh warning—or making good on his threat to tie her up—he forced a tight smile and turned back to mutter into the fire, “So much more than you know.”

He was quickly lost in his own thoughts, but Grace knew he was still aware of her and every move she made. If she attempted to run, he would pounce before she reached the door.

Entering her bedroom, she hesitated in the doorway. Part of her contemplated defying him and closing the door anyway. Would serve him right! But something in her gut told her not to press him. So far he’d kept true to his word and not attempted to hurt her, and the last thing she should do was provoke his anger. The night was half over now; by dawn the storm would be weakening, and then he’d be gone. She only had to wait him out.

Even knowing that, though, her fingers trembled as she shrugged out of the wet coat, then reached for her dress and undergarments in her dresser. The room was dark, and the shadows hid her from view, yet she took repeated glances over her shoulder to make certain he still kept his distance, still standing at the fireplace with his eyes focused on the flames.

After she’d changed into her dress and wrapped a shawl securely around her shoulders, she blew out a deep, silent breath of relief. Both at finally being properly dressed and that the stranger hadn’t moved from where she’d left him.

Her hands fumbled with putting up her damp hair as she emerged from the bedroom, with two hairpins between her lips. Grudgingly, she mumbled around them, “Thank you for not—”

He glanced up from the fire as she stepped from the shadows, his face fully visible in the firelight.

She halted in mid-step, her breath catching in her throat at the intensity of his stare as it trailed slowly over her. Not lasciviously, not predaciously—she’d expected that. Instead, he gazed at her in an assessing manner, a look filled with such deliberate aloofness that she couldn’t help but see the arrogant reserve beneath, the cool detachment…

At that moment, a long-forgotten memory rushed over her like a tidal wave. She placed him in her mind, as clearly as the moment she first saw him over ten years earlier at that crowded ball in London, and she shuddered.

Ross Carlisle, Viscount Mooreland, heir to the Earl of Spalding…

Dear God—so much worse than a stranger!

Enter to win!!

A grand prize winner will receive a charm bracelet from the 2017 Historical Romance Retreat. A second-place winner will receive a signed set of books 1-3 of the Capturing the Carlisles series.  A third-place winner will receive an autographed copy of AS THE  DEVIL DARES.

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About Anna Harrington:

I fell in love with historical romances—and all those dashing Regency heroes!—while living in London, where I studied literature and theatre. I love to travel, fly airplanes, and hike, and when I’m not busy writing, I can usually be found in my garden, tending to my roses. I love to hear from readers and can be reached at anna@annaharringtonbooks.com or follow me on all my social media. And be sure to sign up for my newsletter to be the first to receive exciting news, enter contests, access exclusive content, and more!

Follow:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter | Amazon | BookBub

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First Look: Hard Trigger by S.L. Hannah

Get a First Look at HARD TRIGGER by S.L. Hannah!

Here’s your FIRST LOOK S.L. Hannah’s upcoming romantic suspense novella, HARD TRIGGER! Join us as we get our first peek at this dark and sexy enemy to lovers tale where loyalty is in the eye of the beholder. Plus, enter to win one of five paperback ARCs of HARD TRIGGER!

Title:  Hard Trigger

Author: S.L. Hannah

Release Date: August 28, 2018

Publisher: AOH Publishing

Genres: Romantic suspense

Word Count: 30K

Format: Print and digital

“Your mother’s opiates are coming from Jose Herrera’s distribution network.” My pulse races as my stepfather speaks these words. Because taking on the Herreras also means taking on Diego.

Reckless, and hardened by a volatile past, Victoria does not see a future with Diego Herrera as a realistic option. As their childhood friendship ignites, they find themselves on opposite sides of a bloody feud between the two most powerful families in Mexico City. And she’s a Moreno now—brought up to be the secret weapon nobody suspected.

But Victoria can’t deny the attraction. Diego’s commanding muscles, the coarse, dark hair of his solid chest, that rugged scar above his sensuous lips…

Loyalty is in the eye of the beholder.


Add to Goodreads http://bit.ly/2M6NzzQ

Pre-Order Now: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Enter to win one of five paperback ARCs of HARD TRIGGER!
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Copyright © 2018 S.L. Hannah

I take a long sip of my drink, the flavor of olives and alcohol saturating my mouth. “How’d you do in there?”

“Not even close to as impressively as you.” He shakes his head, as if we’ve just finished a friendly one-on-one game on my balcony.

The bartender slides a tumbler brimming with brown juice towards him. I press Max Bet, and hold two Queens. “You know what they say about losing propositions.” I land a full house, and suck on my cigarette. Diego notices. “Get out before you get killed.” I tilt my chin up to exhale away from his broad torso, moving in closer as he leans an elbow on the bar. The current between us surges.

He swirls the ice in his glass before downing most of the whiskey. “Unless the risk is worth the reward,” he says placing his near-empty glass on the bar. “Like winning a $150,000 pot…on a bluff.” He stares at the cut over my brow. “Jujitsu?”

I nod, gulping down more alcohol, watching his jaw flex from youth and an overabundance of testosterone. “Are you looking for pointers?”

“I want to apologize.” One of his large, well-manicured hands takes the cigarette from between my fingers. He inhales deeply, glancing briefly at my empty ring finger.

He’d accused my step-father of purposely calling me to break up our trip, and worse, that my working for him was the reason that my mother had ended up in the hospital.

I finish my drink and push it out of my way. It’s the only thing I can do to calm my nerves. I stand, and in my heels, we’re nearly at eye level. “My mother is out of the hospital. Thank you.” I place a fifty on the bar and press the Cash Out button. “But it doesn’t change anything between us.” I slip the paper worth a couple hundred extra now into my clutch, sidling up next to him, “So fucking hot, aren’t you?” My bare shoulder brushes against his jacket, and my cheek gets flush the closer it inches towards his. “But let me be clear.” My lips brush his ear. “I’m not interested.”

I let that sink in before pouting like I’m about to blow him a kiss and strutting away, even though I know his eyes are still on me.

“Hey,” he calls out, but I don’t bother turning around. Diego and I…we’re better at being friends. I shouldn’t have given him false hope.

But he’s keeping pace. “Hey,” he says, firmly grabbing my arm.

My fist whips up. Reflex. I nearly clock him. And he let’s go, putting some distance between us. “I know you like to play rough, Victoria. But I also know you’re trying to kill my uncle.”

I grind to a halt. My heart thumps loudly in my chest.

“Interested now?” Diego places his hand back on my arm and walks me towards a set of elevators.


About S.L. Hannah:

S.L. Hannah was born in Poland, grew up in Canada, and moved to Southern California to pursue her love of single-engine airplanes. Her latest rogue romance, Hard Trigger, will be published on August 28th, 2018. Visit her online at http://www.slhannah.com to learn about her other books, to get updates about her new release, and to connect through social media. S.L. Hannah lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband and garden of succulents. When she’s not writing fiction, she continues to solve the aviation problems of the world.

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A Taste of Pleasure by Chloe Blake

In A TASTE OF PLEASURE by Chloe Blake, chef Danica Nillson finds the perfect recipe for love. Set in Italy, Danica’s plan to keep romance out of her kitchen goes up in flames after one look at sexy single dad Antonio Dante Lorenzetti. Fans of BEST LAID PLANS by Brenda Jackson and A PRINCESS THEORY by Alyssa Cole will love this sensual but humorous opposite attract romance.

Title: A Taste Of Pleasure

Author: Chloe Blake

Release Date: July 1, 2018

Publisher: Harlequin Kimani

Series: Deliciously Dechamps #2

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Page Count: 244

Italy is the perfect place for new career beginnings—at least that’s what chef Danica Nillson hopes. But one look at sexy single dad Antonio Dante Lorenzetti, and her plan to keep romance out of her kitchen goes up in flames. The millionaire restaurateur wants stability. Not unbridled passion that makes him lose his senses. Is this beautiful, talented and headstrong chef the one he’s been waiting for?

Add to Goodreads http://bit.ly/2J4Rcrk

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Copyright © 2018 Harlequin Kimani

Dani picked her jaw up from the floor and froze. She couldn’t believe that Toni was standing in front of her, and that his first image of her since the wedding was like this—frazzled and sweating.

“Buona sera, Chef. It’s good to see you.”

His voice washed over her and for a second she’d forgotten that they weren’t the only two people in the room, until one of the line cooks jolted her out of her head.

“Chef? The mazzancolle?” The young man slid a plate in front of her and scurried away. She looked down at the bright orange prawns, then back to Toni.

“What…how…what are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same.”

Liam clapped his hands and steepled them as if in prayer. “But we have no time for reunions. Sir, please, my table.”

Toni’s curt nod was followed by a look Dani interpreted, as “we’re not done.” And by the aggressive way her blood was pumping through her veins, they weren’t done. Not by a long shot.

Dani turned back to her dish, but her mind was on the man that was opening the wine locker. How did he have keys to Marcello’s wine locker? More images of the two of them in Brazil had her sending out the dish with the server, then calling it back when she forgot the sprig of parsley. She needed to get it together. On a deep inhale she focused on the spices in the air again. Oregano, red pepper, sultry musk…huh?

Dani whipped around and there was Toni leaning against the stainless steel counter, his arms and ankles lightly crossed, smiling. He looked gorgeous, maybe a little leaner than she saw him last, but his facial hair was perfectly trimmed, his navy suit over the white T-shirt was impeccable, and his sandy-blond hair was just the right kind of messy.

Liam was shouting a thank-you to the heavens and waving around bottles of Lafite.

She wanted to go to the bathroom and freshen up. She wanted to kiss that smile right off his face.

“How is this possible?” he said, his gaze roaming down her front, then behind her to the entrées at her back.

“You tell me. How do you have keys to Marcello’s locker?”

“We own this restaurant. How are you standing here cooking for my guests?”

“I came to visit Marcello. What do you mean we own? This is Marcello’s.”

“And his family’s. I am his nephew. How do you know him?”

“I used to be his sous-chef.”

Toni jumped up. “Here? When?”

“It’s been eight years now.”

“I was in London at school then.” Toni’s eyes narrowed. “How did this never come up at the wedding?”

Dani’s eyes darted around the room before she spoke.

“We didn’t do much talking.”

His wicked smile took Dani’s breath away. “No, I guess we didn’t.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe you are the one saving our asses.”


Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card Plus Five-Runner Ups will win a paperback copy of A TASTE OF PLEASURE!

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About Chloe Blake:

Chloe Blake can be found dreaming up stories while she is traveling the world, or just sitting on her couch in Brooklyn, NY. When she is not writing sexy novels, she is at the newest wine bar, taking random online classes, binge watching Netflix, or searching for her next adventure. Chloe has published two erotic novels under the pseudonym Chloe Blaque. Readers can find out more about Chloe and her books from her website at http://www.chloeblakebooks.com.

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