A Review

This is my first review and let me just tell you I am so glad that I get to write this.  If you haven’t noticed I got a blog makeover and  I am in love with everything that has to do with it!  This is who did it:

Let me just tell you that this girl is great at what she does.  She sends you e-mails with what she is working on.  She was super patient with me even though I have a super hard time make up my mind and change it all the time.  Here is the list of things she did for me: 

blinky button
sidebar titles
navigation bar
post divider/ signature combo
changed your favicon (the little icon on your web page URL)
deleted blogger navigation bar
twitter/ email icons
twitter background
and organized it

Her prices are super affordable and she is now excepting orders!  You all need to drop by her page and check her out.  If you know of anyone who is looking to get a makeover you need to send them her way for sure!

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: The Sun Rising

1. When was the last time that you watched a sunrise? Who were you with?
I don’t know that I have ever watched one.  That is really sad know that I think about it.
2. If President Obama promised he’d do one thing you asked, what would you ask him to do?
To disappear and leave our country alone!  He has ruined enough know it is time for him to go away!
3. What is one experience that has strengthened your character the most so far?
Placing my daughter for adoption.
4. What is the first thing that you usually do after completing Saturday 9?
Schedule it to post in the morning.
5. Tell us about someone either in your life or in the blogosphere that you think is extremely funny.
There are lots of funny people and I refuse to pick just one so I won’t pick anybody!
6. Where was the last bed that you slept in that was not your own?
Probably a hotel bed while I was with my husband(soon to be ex) last year sometime
7. Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything?
Nope I never have and I hope that I am never that drunk either.
8. Have you ever licked something to clean it?
Ya when I like what I am eating and then I put whatever it is in the dishwasher!
9. Who, outside of family or a S/O, has influenced your life the most?
There isn’t just one person.  There are several people who have made me what I am today!

Chronic Pain

I found this letter on a blog of a lady that has Lyme’s Disease.  I really liked it because I too have chronic pain and it had really good points.  She didn’t write it and we aren’t sure who did but it is still a great letter!
Having chronic pain means many changes and a lot of them are invisible. Unlike having
cancer or being hurt in an accident, most people do not understand even a little about

chronic pain and its effects, and of those that think they know, many are actually misinformed.

In the spirit of informing those who wish to understand …

… These are the things that I would like you to understand about me before you judge me…

Please understand that being sick doesnt mean Im not still a human being. I have to

spend most of my day in considerable pain and exhaustion, and if you visit, sometimes

I probably dont seem like much fun to be with, but Im still me stuck inside this body.

I still worry about school, my family, my friends, and most of the time – Id still like

to hear you talk about yours, too.

Please understand the difference between happy and healthy. When youve got the flu, you

probably feel miserable with it, but Ive been sick for years. I cant be miserable all the

time. In fact, I work hard at not being miserable. So, if youre talking to me and I sound

happy, it means Im happy. Thats all. It doesnt mean that Im not in a lot of pain,

or extremely tired, or that Im getting better, or any of those things. Please dont say,

oh, youre sounding better! Or “But you look so healthy! ¨ I am merely coping. I am sounding

happy and trying to look normal. If you want to comment on that, youre welcome.

Please understand that being able to stand up for ten minutes doesnt necessarily mean that

I can stand up for twenty minutes, or an hour. Just because I managed to stand up for thirty

minutes yesterday doesnt mean that I can do the same today. With a lot of diseases youre

either paralyzed, or you can move. With this one, it gets more confusing everyday. It can be

like a yo-yo. I never know from day to day, how I am going to feel when I wake up. In most

cases, I never know from minute to minute. That is one of the hardest and most frustrating

components of chronic pain.

(Please repeat the above paragraph substituting, sitting, walking, thinking, concentrating,

being sociable and so on … it applies to everything. Thats what chronic pain does to you.)

Please understand that chronic pain is variable. Its quite possible (for many, its common)

that one day I am able to walk to the park and back, while the next day Ill have trouble

getting to the next room. Please dont attack me when Im ill by saying, but you did it before!

Or Oh, come on, I know you can do this! ¨ if you want me to do something, then ask if I can.

In a similar vein, I may need to cancel a previous commitment at the last minute. If this

happens, please do not take it personally. If you are able, please try to always remember

how very lucky you are to be physically able to do all of the things that you can do.

Please understand that getting out and doing things does not make me feel better, and

can often make me seriously worse.

You dont know what I go through or how I suffer in my own private time.

Telling me that I need to exercise, or do some things to get my mind off of it¨ may

frustrate me to tears, and is not correct if I was capable of doing some things any or

all of the time, dont you know that I would?

I am working with my doctor and I am doing what I am supposed to do. Another statement

that hurts is, You just need to push yourself more, try harder… Obviously, chronic pain

can deal with the whole body, or be localized to specific areas. Sometimes participating

in a single activity for a short or a long period of time can cause more damage and physical

pain than you could ever imagine. Not to mention the recovery time, which can be intense. You

cant always read it on my face or in my body language. Also, chronic pain may cause

secondary depression (wouldnt you get depressed and down if you were hurting constantly

for months or years?), but it is not created by depression.

Please understand that if I say I have to sit down/lie down/stay in bed/or take these

pills now, that probably means that I do have to do it right now – it cant be put off

or forgotten just because Im somewhere, or am right in the middle of doing something.

Chronic pain does not forgive, nor does it wait for anyone.

If you want to suggest a cure to me, please dont. Its not because I dont appreciate

the thought, and its not because I dont want to get well. Lord knows that isnt true.

In all likelihood, if you’ve heard of it or tried it, so have I. In some cases, I have been

made sicker, not better. This can involve side effects or allergic reactions. It also

includes failure, which in and of itself can make me feel even lower. If there were something

that cured, or even helped people with my form of chronic pain, then wed know about it.

There is worldwide networking (both on and off the Internet) between people with chronic

pain. If something worked, we would KNOW. Its definitely not for lack of trying. If, after

reading this, you still feel the need to suggest a cure, then so be it. I may take what you

said and discuss it with my doctor.

If I seem touchy, it is probably because I am. Its not how I try to be. As a matter

of fact, I try very hard to be normal. I hope you will try to understand. I have been,

and am still, going through a lot. Chronic pain is hard for you to understand unless you

have had it. It wreaks havoc on the body and the mind. It is exhausting and exasperating.

Almost all the time, I know that I am doing my best to cope with this, and live my life to

the best of my ability. I ask you to bear with me, and accept me as I am. I know that you

cannot literally understand my situation unless you have been in my shoes, but as much as

is possible, I am asking you to try to be understanding in general.

In many ways I depend on you – people who are not sick. I need you to visit me when I

am too sick to go out… Sometimes I need you help me with the shopping, cooking or cleaning.

I may need you to take me to the doctor, or to the store. You are my link to the normalcy

of life. You can help me to keep in touch with the parts of life that I miss and fully

intend to undertake again, just as soon as I am able.

I know that I asked a lot from you, and I do thank you for listening. It really does

mean a lot.



Starting A Business With Jacqui

 It is Tuesday and that means it is time for Jacqui.  This week she wrote about her new blog business she is starting.  She is the one that did this layout and the layout on my other blog.  I would highly recommend her to anyone and she does really great work.  She is also super easy to work with!!!!

Starting a new business…

It’s really hard to start your own business. Especially out in the blog/internet world since there is SO much many out there. In the end of august I will be launching my blog design business called Wacky Jacqui’s Designs. I am both excited and nervous since I don’t know if people will actually want to pay me to design there blogs. I am scared that all this work will have been for nothing and a waste of time. I really want to succeed in this; I have put my heart and soul into it. So I have been trying to find ways to get my work out in the blog world. It is really hard. So lately I have been doing a lot of free designs so I can get reviews and also get a little more practice under my belt before my launch date. Yesterday I completed my first design for review and I am pretty impressed with the work I did. I didn’t know I had it in me at all. This girls blog was a total eye sore (well to me at least) all she wanted was sidebar titles made up and kept bedding her to let me re-do the whole thing and finally she gave in. I learned a lot of things during this design that I will keep with me forever. I really hope she enjoys her new look.

This is what she had before (this is not her blog but you get the idea)

And this is what it is now.

Click picture to go to her blog.
I just love the way it looks, I can’t keep my eyes off of it.



I took these few pictures of Sylvia and I wanted to post them because I don’t post many pictures of her because I tend to spend more time with Elinore.  So here a few of her and a couple of both of them.



Kerri gave me this award!!!  She is a great blogger and I truly love reading her blog because she has a chronic illness like I do.  We may have different illnesses but I totally relate to what she posts.  Here are the rules that go along with the award.
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason.

Now on to the 7 things about me:

  1. I had a daughter that I place for adoption when I was 20
  2. I was diagnosed with MS when I was 15.
  3. I am going through a divorce because my husband always wanted to control me and refused to help pay the bills
  4. I have to cats that I refer to as “the cubs” or “the girls”.  I treat them like they are my kids.
  5. I live at home because my soon to be ex didn’t care if I had a place to live and now I am stuck!
  6. I was raised by my grandparents who adopted me and my brother when I was 16.
  7. I can’t eat gluten because it makes me sick and makes the MS worse for me!

Now for people I want to pass this on too!  I am kind of lazy so I am just going to pick everyone that wants to except this award!!!!
